Goat. And the Terror Birds by PJ Gilbers - HTML preview

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Dylan, Mac’s father, stood on the deck of the colossal, crowded, cargo ship, watching a storm rolling in from the west.

“We will be ashore soon, my friend,” said Alex, a short Egyptian man. “Are you sure you want to go into those jungles and look for this mythical bird?”

“I have heard about it for years. Larger than an ostrich. The Terror Bird. It’s a raptor, meat eater, supposed to be ten feet tall. Can you imagine?”

“Then why haven’t they found one yet? It is a legend, that’s all. Like the Big Feet creature. You risk your life going into the jungle.”

“I’ve been in jungles before, and deserts, and mountains, and oceans. They say it’s ex-tinct but villagers keep reporting they’ve seen it, even been attacked by it. I’ve got to go. I just have to. And I need the money. If I can discover one, document it, I can make enough money to go home to my son. He and his mom need money. Even though we’re divorced… I can’t wait to get back to my son. And besides, I feel like this is what I’m supposed to do. My destiny!”

Alex laughed. “Well, if I did not have flat feet, am allergic to bee stings, and have poor night vision, I would surely go with you…”