Keyword Case Study #1 - Adsense Arbitrage by Brad Callen - HTML preview

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“ Learn How Michael Plante Made $4,515 In Adsense Commission In Just Over 1 Month – With Absolutely No Success In The Past!”

Keyword Elite Case Study #1 Keyword Elite User:Michael Plante Earnings Method:Adsense Arbitrage

Disclaimer: No portion of this report can be edited and/or sold as an individual product.You may only brand this report and/or give it away for free or as a bonus along side one of your own products.

To the best of my knowlege, the information contained in this report is true and accurate and was gathered from personal experiences. In no way is Brad Callen, Bryxen Software, Inc, or Michael Plante liable for any results of

using the information contained in this report.


And here’s a screenshot of the small Adwords expenses that were incurred to earn the $4,515.21 shown above:

00002.jpgI don’t know about you, but I’ll gladly trade $1,150.17 for $4,515.21 any day of the week!

I don’t want to waste any time with “filler”, but before I can dive into the meat of this special Case Study, I need to lay a bit of foundation for you, so that you’ll understand the rest of the guide.

Ok, first thing’s first… Michael Plante made close to $5,000 from Google Adsense. I’m going to assume that you know what Google Adsense is. If not, go here to read about how you can earn money via their system:

It’s basically Google’s way of displaying their “Adwords Ads” on other websites (your websites) across the internet. Below is someone’s website that is displaying Google Adsense ads.When a visitor clicks on one of those ads, the owner of the website gets paid a small percentage of the cost that the advertiser is paying Google for each click. See below:

KEYWORD ELITE CASE STUDY #1 Adsense Arbitrage - Still Alive And Well...





Michael sent traffic to his website via Google Adwords(shown below).These are the ads on the right hand side of Google that you pay per click to receive traffic. See below:





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So, essentially, Michael set up an article on his website that displayed high paying Adsense ads. He then sent visitors to that page via Google Adwords for less money than he was earning from Google Adsense.

This method of generating Adsense income is called “Google Arbitrage”. So there’s your solid foundation. Let’s get to the meat already…

Recently, a forum post popped up in the Keyword Elitemember’s forum. A user stated they were testing out a method of making money with Google Adsense, in conjunction with Google Adwords.

The post sounded very intriguing to me.While I had heard and dabbled a bit with the technique mentioned in the post, it intrigued me because the post was basically a well structured test.The word I want you to note is “test”. I’m quite a testing fanatic, so when I hear that someone is running an actual test and is planning on sharing their results; I’m all ears… every time, and you should be as well.

Anyway, several days went by and I noticed that the user was posting his progress very regularly in the forum and was achieving incredible results. So, this is the basis for the special report/case study that you’re about to read.

Pay close attention because the strategies in this report are real… NOT theory.This is a real test, ran by a real person, who has gotten and is still getting fantastic, realresults.There’s nothing better than this folks.

This report will be a bit different than any other report you’ve read in the past. I have simply copied and pasted Michael’s entire strategy into this report.These are his exact words that came directly from the Keyword Elitemember’s forum, and not my paraphrasing, to ensure that you’re getting everything you need to start profiting using this method.

I have included my comments throughout the report. My comments will appear within blue tables and within summary boxes at the end of each of Michael's forum posts.

Let’s get started…




00006.jpgKEYWORD ELITE CASE STUDY #1 Adsense Arbitrage - Still Alive And Well...




00007.jpgPost #1 (October 19)
Forum Username: mikeronet


Hi to all:


My first post here in the forum - thought I would wait and see what I could do first before I came out and said anything...

So - without further delay, let me tell you a little about what I am attempting with KE. I am working an Adsense “arbitrage” methodology of a sort - probably not the most scientific of methods, but pretty basic and simple. I will say that,prior to performing this test; I was making basically ZEROon Adsense ads on my websites.

Over the last couple of years, I have found Adsense to be a lot like war - long periods of no activity punctuated by moments of sheer terror. Now - I think I have been able to put the terror in perspective - and make something happen... and not in the way that I had expected, nor that you might think... read on...

4 days ago, on October 16, I started looking for a particular niche to work. For obvious reasons, I will not share the exact niche, but, I will say that it exists in the world of software.

I used KE to develop some keyword listings for this niche, using project 1, and then ran them thru project # 2 to get some basic information down about searches, CPC, and number of Google Adwords campaigns.

Without going through the obvious details - I developed a list of about 10-15 high paying keywordsin this niche, and from that point - used an article generating software I own to produce a keyword specific article for some of these high paying keywords. My keyword densityin this article is somewhere in the neighborhood of6%.

I posted this article on a domain I already own, under a subdirectory named after the high paying keyword. I did this for the purpose of seeing how it would play with people who see the Adwords ads I set up for this particular experimental niche.

I set up2 – 336 x 280 boxesacross the top of the fold, under the title and author lines, and side by side, blended into the background. I






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have another 728 x 90 banner across the bottom of the article, for those who need something to do after they read the entire thing... (if you get that far... lol). I optimized the page for this particular group of high paying keywords... and I was ready to go on the Adsense end.

Now for Adwords: I created 3 separate lists of 1,000 keywords each - from variations of the main keyword, to populate my keywords in Adwords. I set the price on these keywords at 0.05 per click... Of course, most of them came up wanting more of a minimum bid to activate. But for the time being - I had enough keywords active to start the experiment.

The first thing I wanted to see was - how much was Adsense going to pay me for those clicks on the ads on my page. Based on the expected results in KE, I had anticipated a payout of approx. 60 cents
- $2.00 per click.What I have found in reality is that Adsense is paying me consistently at 20 cents per click, more or less...

Now - I don’t know if this is the exception or the rule, but - I have always read that using the content ads in Adwords was not really a good idea... but - I started to use them anyway in order to keep my cost per click down to around 3 cents - 4 cents a click.

So - to make a long story longer, here are the results of the last 4 days:
Day 1
- 15 impressions - 4 clicks....33 cents total (I started late in the evening on


Day 2- 95 impressions - 37 clicks....$4.34 total (1st full day in operation)


Day 3- 128 impressions - 52 clicks....$7.32 total

Today - 485 impressions - 202 clicks - $32.01 total (with approx. 8 hours left to go in Google’s day before change over to Friday totals I am expecting this to clear $37.00 by the end of the day)

The conversion rates on all days have been middle double digits…

Now with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 clicks on day 1 - every single click and impression I got came from content ads in Google absolutely none of them are coming from search ads.




When I look at the Adwords side of things, I am seeing that approx. 50 percent of my clicks on Adwords are converting into the clicks on Adsense. I guess I am trying to get a sense of whether this is good, great - or should be improved upon.... please advise.

I was running 2 ads- both getting approximately50 percentof clicks. I removed the one getting the lesser of the 2 totals, and am now only running 1 ad. Since making this move, the clicks have greatly improved on the Adsense side. I did this earlier today and will stay in this mode for a minute.

My question on this is - Given the monthly searches for this niche, and the various keywords associated with it, should I expect to see this level out at some point - and settle down to a somewhat consistent dollar amount each day that I can count on?

Also - has anyone tried doubling their ads in Adsense to get a bigger share of the overall AdWords clicks, and double your gain more profits from this one niche in Adsense?

Brad’s comments:

Notice how Michael is asking questions to the other forum members? At this point, he’s just beginning his tests and you can tell that he is clearly not very experienced with the whole Arbitrage method. A real testament, and solid proof, that even a beginner can make the arbitrage method work. I’ve purposely left in ALL of Michael’s comments, as I didn’t want to only give you part of the “story”.

Any comments or questions - greatly appreciated. And Brad - You have truly hit a homerun with this software.The truly funny part about this is - I still have not quite figured out the part about parsing out good Adwords keywords at 5-10 cents per click. Anyone who can help me on that would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks Michael


Post Summary:

- He used Keyword Eliteto create a keyword list for his specific niche. Then he ran them through project 2 of Keyword Eliteto get basic Pay Per Click information to know how many clicks he could expect, as well as roughly how much he would earn per Adsense click.

- He created a list of about 10 to 15 high paying Adsense keywords in the niche he found.

- He then used an article generating software to produce a keyword specific article revolving around those high paying keywords. He tried to get a keyword density, with his main keyword, of about 6% for the article.

- He set up 2 – 336 x 280 boxes across the top of the fold, under the title and author lines, and side by side, blended into the background. And added another 728 x 90 banner across the bottom of the article.

- He uploaded the article to a sub domain he already owned, under a sub directory named after the high paying keyword. He did this to help ensure that Google displayed related Adsense ads on his page.

- He created 3 separate lists of 1,000 keywords each - from variations of the main keyword, to add to his Adwords account, in order to drive traffic to his Adsense article page. He set the price on those keywords to 0.05 per click

- The 4 day results of his initial test are as follows:
Day 1 - 15 impressions - 4 clicks... 33 cents total
Day 2 - 95 impressions - 37 clicks... $4.34 total

Day 3 - 128 impressions - 52 clicks... $7.32 total
Today - 485 impressions - 202 clicks - $32.01 total (with approx. 8 hours left to go in Google’s day before change over to Friday totals – and he’s expecting this to clear $37.00 by the end of the day)

- The conversion rates on all days hover around middle double digits.

- Nearly every click and impression he got to his Adsense article came from content ads in Google, which means the traffic is all coming from other people’s websites that are displaying Adsense ads on their websites. None of his traffic is coming from directly.

- Roughly 50% of his Adwords clicks are converting to Adsense clicks, which is very high.


Forum Username: mikeronet

I forgot to mention - for the purpose of information - that my Adwords cost have maintained at50 percent of the amount made in Adsense.Approx. 1 - 1.5 dollars in profit after each dollar of Adwords expense is paid.

What’s the saying- spend a dollar to make a dollar? Hmmmmmm…


Not bad in my book....


Post Summary:


He has earned roughly 1 to 1 and a half times what he’s spending.


Forum Username: mikeronet

I had said I expected to end up around $37 for the day - I am currently at $40.82 with 3 hours left to go before Google end of day... Cost associated with Adwords is at $21.00.

Adding another update 1 hour later - now up to $43.50 and still rising with 2.5 hours left in the Google day...




Post Summary:


He estimated $37.00 in earnings on day 1, but actually ended up earning $40.82, with a cost of only $21.00


Forum Username: mikeronet
Brad’s Comments:

A forum member had asked what article creation software Michael used to create his article.While it’s not really that important what program you use to create the article, you basically just need to be able to create an article that revolves entirely around the high paying Adsense keyword that you choose.This might not make sense right now, but keep reading and you’ll understand by the end of this report.

Tip: Keyword Eliteactually has a built in article miner program that can search article directories for related articles, based on a keyword search.



I am using Article Miner... Database of over 250k in articles, so, never short on good subject matter.


I guess I am asking these questions because - while the numbers seem to be impressive -my question is - will they sustain?


Brad’s Comments:


Notice more questions being asked to the other forum members…

Oh the day ended at $50.13.Today started out3 times higher at 6:30am than it was at 6:30am yesterday in terms of Adsense amount.Conversions are upas well from 0.83 to 1.44 today in Adwords clicks, and up approx. 5 percent in Adsense from yesterday.

If the trend continues, I am expecting that I might clear $100 $125 today. It is 11:30am here and I am already up to $15... Yesterday, I was at $13.00 at 3pm my time... so - looks like it might be another good day...
I also decided to try another experiment with this particular niche, a variation of one I saw in the Project X Affiliate eBook, where he talks about having duplicate ads competing against one another to further increase his sales.

I figured the same theory could apply to competing Adsense sites as well. So - In the original campaign, I was running2 distinct ads yesterday - each one consistently getting48-50 percentof the views (even with ad optimization turned on), with strong conversions on both.

Today - I decided to duplicate the one page article to another domain, and duplicate the ad campaign with the 2nd of the two ads, so that both ads will now get100 percent exposure instead of 50 percent.

Now the interesting note about this particular ad - I set it up late last night - and through this morning, before I split the two ad campaigns out - this particular ad was still getting as many clicks as the other ad, but fromHALFthe impressions.

So - make note to self - must be doing something right with the ad copy. From what I have been reading on the Google site, to get conversions in content ads this high means the copy is hitting a real nerve with the reader somewhere along the line, because most content ads are not that highly targeted.

So - I am pitting one against the other with slight variations in the amount paid for each click, so that they are not competing in the exact same positions, but rather one right behind the other.

Other than that, the campaign keywords, and configuration are identical.Next phase will be to duplicate the page again, but this time with a totally different set of keywords. I will probably tackle that sometime over the weekend, or 1st of next week, after this set has had a few days to test out and run.

I am thinking this might have some potentially interesting outcome. Any advice?

Michael Oh yeah - I wanted to add this little note of personal satisfaction: I am sure a lot of folks out here, like myself, have been stabbing at Adsense for a while now, with little or no success. My wife has watched me come up with the next “brilliant plan” for a couple of years now - and - well, you know the rest.

Well - I finally got up the nerve to show her this new “brilliant idea” last night - she did not know about it during the first few days - I wanted to confirm the numbers before I showed her.

When I explained it, and then showed her what I was doing - and the resultant numbers, both for cost and profit - she was shocked.Totally shocked.When I started breaking down monthly potential, and then added in theformula of “rinse and repeat” to the equation she almost hit the floorat the potential of what I could potentially achieve doing this.

Post Summary: He is using Article Miner software, which has a database of over 250k in articles, so, never short on good subject matter.


His previousday ended up making $50.13 in Adsense.


The following day started out3 times higherat 6:30am than it was at 6:30am yesterday in terms of Adsense amount.

Conversion rate is up from .83% to 1.44% in Adwords clicks, and up 5% in Adsense conversions, so the split testing must have worked.

He tried a tip outlined in a very good eBook called Project X Affiliate eBook

Shared his idea/results with his wife and she also became very excited about the scalability of Google Arbitrage using Keyword Elite.

Post #5 (October 24)
Forum Username: mikeronet


Hi again everyone - Several days ago, I posted the preliminary results of my first real experiment with KE - doing Adsense Arbitrage...

Anyway - the niche I am working is very VERYrich. And even though I have been mining this for a week now - I am still tapping it like it was brand new...

Anyway - with just ONEPage so far set up with this method in Adsense, and running some ads in Adwords, my results have been as follows: (first few days are approx. dollar totals, as I don’t have them in front of me at the time of writing this)

Day 1- started the campaign - made approx. 33 cents.


Day 2- First full day - approx. $4.00


Day 3- approx. $9.00


Day 4- approx. $35.00


Day 5- approx. $50.00


Day 6- approx. $39.00 (So far, my only fall-back day, but still a good one!)


Day 7- approx. $62.00


Day 8- approx. $102.00


Day 9- (yesterday) - $113.00


Today is Day 10. I am already at$65and it is only noon EST where I am.


Brad’s Comments:

Really take note of how each day shows a big increase in earnings.
The real reason I am posting this today, besides the obvious reason of showing just how powerful KE can be on just ONE project, I am also here to tell you that, for the most part, in the first 9 days as described above, even though this money looks good I have been running a very sloppy campaign on the Adwords side.A real rookie effort.

I spent the money this morning to get the Perry Marshall bookthat Brad has talked about - “The Definitive Guide to Adwords“. I bought the basic level, $49.00.

I did this because I am not new to Adwords at all, just have never mastered it. Folks - if you are doing anything with Adwords - GET THIS PACKAGE.

If you don’t, I am here to tell you - you are flushing money down the toilet!

Since getting this package early this morning - I have made a few tweaks to the campaign that has demonstrated a significant CTR rate on the Adwords side. Once this takes full effect today I full expect that this one niche will deliver no less than $200.00 per day EVERYDAY, for quite some time, barring variables that I can tell you are not related to the niche.

This niche is very strong, long-lasting, and I have absolutely no doubt that the necessity for this niche will be around for a long long time. So - the only factors I have to really worry about aremaintaining my good standing with Adwords and Adsense, so that my accounts stay open and profitable.

Oh yeah - for those of you who may have followed my last post:You may remember that I said that I was getting100 percent of my traffic from the content sideof Adwords - absolutely no search returns from the search network side. As of today - that is still the case.

Brad’s Comments:

The “Content Side” Michael is referring to is simply the Google “content network” which are basically other webmasters displaying Google Adsense on their websites, like the Adsense example I showed you on page 3 of this report.

Google also displays their Adwords ads on their website ( AND the “search network”, which consist of other PPC search engines like:

American Online (AOL) AT&T Worldnet
Netscape Netcenter

This is due to a number of factors, chief among them is the pricing to activate the keywords. However; what I am discovering today is, because of my optimization efforts of the Adwords campaign, the relevancy of the ads, the landing page, and the keywords is starting to have the secondary effect of ad impressions from the search network, something I have had none of since I started.

When I saw this a couple of hours ago - I almost dropped out of my chair, because I have stuck hard and fast to my pricing models, to ensure my profit.

So not onlyam I getting this fantastic and seemingly never ending supply of traffic from the content network, now I am seeing that there is a possibility of the search network kicking in, which will only add to the total number of clicks I am getting, and the cost per click will not go up 1 cent.

Anyway - the last part of this update is: Since day 2, my CTR on the Adsense side of this experiment has remained [consistent] throughout.

My costs are roughly1 dollar spent on Adwords for every 2-4 dollars madein Adsense profit.


KEYWORD ELITE CASE STUDY #1 Adsense Arbitrage - Still Alive And Well...




00009.jpgI think this might just be working.

I don’t think I mentioned this in the last post - but - back on August 18, 2006, I was laid off my job - in the corporate IT world, after a career in this field for 24 years.With this effort I am currently performing, I project that I wi

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