Other World by Patrick A. Walston - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Kevin and I decided to go out hunting while John and Jessica were to stay behind and look after the base. As we made our way into the thick jungle I had the feeling that we were already being hunted.  My eyes shifting back and fourth across the thick jungle but seeing nothing to alarm me of any danger.

We walked a good twenty minutes before we heard the first cry it came somewhere from our right side. Something was out there. Watching and following our every movement. Kevin and I had never been hunted before so we didn't know exactly what to do. All we could do was make ourselves as big as possible and keep our weapons ready to fire. There was an answering call to our left.

Whatever it was that was stalking us must have been a pack hunter of some kind. Kevin and I continued walking for some time. The hunters now the hunted. I felt a little sick to my stomach thinking of the dinosaur movies I had watched growing up. I thought about a terrifying dinosaur leaping out of the think bushes and aiming for my throat!

Kevin was shaking, he was sweating profusely my guess is he was having thoughts similar to mine. We made it to the other side of the jungle without getting killed, much to my relief.

The dinosaurs that had been stalking us didn't follow us to the open field. I started to wonder what kind of dinosaurs roamed these new territories. It didn't take long to find out. As we crouched down low in the tall grass a herd of herbivores came to graze in the open field.

The dinosaurs were a lot larger than any dinosaur we had seen so far. They were like the stegosaurus that used to live on Earth millions of years ago. They had huge bodies with a tiny head and plates that ran the length of their backs and spikes on the ends of their tails.

They were a brilliant color of blue and green. One of the large plant eaters was heading our way when it stopped and snorted loudly. The other dinosaurs looked up in alarm and froze where they were. At first I thought that the dinosaurs had spotted us but after a couple of seconds they continued to eat the tall grass.

Kevin and I remained motionless and let the large animals feed until they moved on down the field. I didn't want to take my chances with the large beasts. I knew that they were plant eaters but I wouldn't put it past them to smash anything that they might see as a threat.

We slowly got up from our crouched positions and silently started walking up a hill the opposite direction from the heard of stegosaurus. The sun was hot beaming down upon us. I wished that we had packed some extra fluids along for the hunt.

As we were walking I asked Kevin if he thought dinosaur meat would even be safe to eat. He didn't know for sure either. None of us had ever tried it but we guessed if it was OK to eat alligator then dinosaur would be alright. I couldn't help but wonder how things were going back at the camp.

When we reached the top of the hill we took in the view and it was amazing. As a child I always wanted to see dinosaurs but I couldn't they had all died off millions of years before I was even thought of. Now I realized I was in serious trouble stranded on a planet with these amazing beasts that might kill me but for the moment I was living my childhood dream.

The hill overlooked a large body of water where dinosaurs were bathing and drinking. There were dinosaurs of all ages from full adults to juveniles.  There were a few species that I could identify but many remained a mystery to me. The dinosaurs were splashing in the water. Calling to one another. I couldn't believe my eyes. There were dinosaurs the most brilliant colors I had ever seen, I thought dinosaurs came in forest colors so they could blend in. These dinosaurs were very bright and very beautiful to look upon. They moved so gracefully. Kevin and I just sat amazed that all these different dinosaurs shared the same territory. Everything looked so peaceful until a familiar roar filled the air.