Other World by Patrick A. Walston - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Kevin and John walked ahead of me and Jessica, I guess they figured they would be safer leading the way to camp in case anything big decided to attack us from behind. Jessica asked if I knew how much time the people of Earth had and I told her that information was so classified that even as a captain I didn't have a clue. She shrugged and kept walking. From the bushes beside us we heard a strange hissing sound that stopped us dead in our tracks.

The bushes started moving We gasped in surprise and horror until the dinosaur showed itself. Standing at only four feet tall the tiny dinosaur tilted it's head and looked at us as if saying what are you strange beasts it gave a chirp and stepped closer to us bobbing it's head up and down like a chicken as it walked. I couldn't help but to smile at the odd looking animal.

It made it's way behind me and as I went to turn around I must have spooked it because it raised it's leg and kicked me in the backside and I fell to the ground.

“Hey you stupid thing, what was that for” I yelled in anger. Just then it came in and attacked me a second time. The second time was more painful than the first! It sank it's razor sharp teeth into my arm and shook it's head violently from side to side. The stupid little dinosaur ripped a  chunk of meat from my arm and consumed it.

“Jeeesus!” I screamed as I looked down at my arm and then I looked up at Kevin and John who seemed to be smiling at the whole thing. Jessica just jumped back away from me. I got to my feet and kicked the dinosaur in the chest. It fell over on it's side but a few seconds later it was back up again trying to attack me.

I was angry by now and I wasn't willing to lose more flesh to this damn creature. As soon as it lunged forward to bite me I swung my fist as hard as I could down unto it's skull, dropping it right in the middle of it's attack.

“Is it dead” Jessica asked.

“I think I killed it with that blow” I said extremely proud of myself.

Kevin and John were talking amongst themselves about the bite mark on my arm and by now I could tell that those two really didn't like me. It's OK I didn't really like them either, they kind of gave me the creeps. Like those twins from the Shining.

“Lets take it with us” I said.

“Why do you want to carry a dead dinosaur around” asked Jessica.

“I explained that it might come in handy and then she agreed and all four of us carried the dead dinosaur back to base.

We set up the lab equipment and started to study the eggs. We had several different kinds, there were several different sizes and colors. Some were smooth while others were bumpy. I wasn't sure what kind of information we could gather from the eggs but it wasn't my job to study the stupid things. Kevin was the scientist, he was the one who would make the discoveries.

John being the Dr. was having a closer look at my arm. He was not being gentile by any stretch of the imagination. First he had to clean the wound he did so using alcohol while scrubbing it viciously this was about the second time I had ever seen him smile. Then he had to stitch me up. It took a fair amount of stitches to close the wound on my forearm. I had underestimated the tiny dinosaur, I sure wouldn't let that happen again.

The bird like dinosaur lay motionless on a slab in the middle of our base camp for farther study. I didn't know what all we could learn from this dead dinosaur but Kevin got to work drawing blood and taking other samples. As far as I was concerned our mission was over. We did come to see if the planet could sustain life and it already held life.

We would be in danger if we moved the humans to second earth. I would report that life existed on the planet and it was hostile. I didn't want to put an end to the dinosaurs by bringing humans to their world. As soon as Kevin was finished studying the animal and eggs we would head back home to earth and report our finding.

Jessica and I walked back to the ship while Kevin and John stayed at the base. We had made a rule no one goes anywhere alone. I thought it was a good rule even though I still hated splitting up the group. When we arrived to the space ship we discovered that it had been completely destroyed. The radio equipment was out. There were large holes in the electrical systems. It looked like we were not going to be leaving the planet any time soon.

Jessica and I gathered any supplies we thought might be useful to our survival in this strange new world.

“How long until you think help will come?” Jessica asked

“There will be no help.” I said calmly.

“So there wont be any rescue?”  she asked

“Nope, mission control will say there was an accident and they will leave it at that.” I said coldly.

We stayed quite and hurried to the base we set up where Keven and John were still studying the eggs and dead dinosaur.

“We have a major problem” I said and I told them about the ship being useless to us. In the distance we could hear trumpeting and other calls from these strange creatures.