Re-Engineering Yourself with Dynamic Affirmations by Chrisanthia Pierre - HTML preview

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Make a list of all the things that you want to have, and do as well as the things you want to be. Go ahead and do so now. It only takes a minute, do a few just to complete this step. As you list each one pay attention to your feelings? How do you feel? Write your feelings directly next to each thing on the list. This is an important step. You will notice that for each thing your feelings will be different; however your predominant feelings will be feelings of lack. That feeling of not having can be worry, fear, anger, doubt etc. All those feelings have a frequency which only attracts to you more of those circumstances of NOT HAVING.

Now for a moment, just pretend that there are absolutely no obstacles what so ever in your life. Absolutely nothing can prevent you from attaining your desire. Everything in your life works smoothly in helping you accomplish your desire with ease. Begin to see and feel that everything has worked and you NOW HAVE what you want. What then does that feel like? Go through your list again and make a note of your feelings about each goal. In a world where all things are absolutely possible and everything has already worked for you, how do you now feel?

What I want How I feel I want a soul Lonely,
mate hopeless I want money Poor, hopeless Now that I have My soul mate How I feel Excited, connected

Abundant wealth Confident, carefree, successful etc.

Use this as a guide to help you in creating your affirmations from now on.

Whatever you are feeling when you mentally experience what it is to already have what it is you want this is the feeling you need to capture and use to write out your affirmations. If your feeling is excitement, then write it out. I feel so excited now that I haveā€¦