How to Start the Life of Your Dreams! by Deni Griffiths - HTML preview

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Money isn’t good, nor is it evil.
It’s money. What you do with it, is what may be good or evil. You will find that when your mindset starts rolling in a forward fashion, positive, like minded people will be attracted to you, and you will be attracted to positive people.

Also, this will happen with your personal wealth. This will happen because you will start reading and doing positive things, and taking action.

For now though, I want you to know that it doesn’t matter how much money that you earn, the single starting key to your wealth is to stop spending. Ever notice how some people are making heaps more money than you but still proclaim to not have any money? This piece of advice is excellent and I got it from Steve Knight’s book, 0 – 130 Properties in 3.5 Years.

Think about how hard you have to work for every single dollar. Now it’s easy to put into prospective. So every time you go to spend $10, stop and think, will it matter or can I get by if I don’t spend this $10?

Revise your budget.
Work out everything that you need, not want, to spend money on. Also work out the money that you receive in the hand or in the bank. Hopefully, your spending will be less than your income. Revise your budget every three months, or as required. This helps you be more disciplined with spending impulses. Remember that every $10 quickly adds up.

If you need to financially get on track, putting your money on paper in front of you should really help you to see where you need to cut back on your expenses, and unnecessary spending. Some people benefit a lot from writing down every little cent that they have spent, as they learn from their spending mistakes, and resist temptations with their spending.

Useful facts for budgets.
You must work on budgeting what you receive, after tax. For example, if you know that your taxable income is $30,000 per year; don’t divide $30,000 by 52 (weeks) as this amount is not accurate, due to tax. If you work out that you receive $450 per week in the hand, this will be much more effective.

Use a calculator to break down amounts on your page into weekly amounts, both for income, and for expenses.


Don’t forget anything. If you know that you need to spend $200 in January or June etc for school expenses, then include that in your budget.


Divide any bill, by the amount of weeks that you see it.

Electronic banking.
Hopefully, the majority of your income is electronically banked for you. This is going to be really helpful for your budget.

Check with your bank with regard to costs and terms and conditions first. Some banks do not charge more than $5 per month flat fee for bill payments and online / phone payments.


Once you have worked out your budget, you can start organizing automatic payment of your bills on a weekly basis, eliminating surprises, and unnecessary spending.


By using the electronic information on the front or back of the bill, you can set up weekly deductions, either directly from your bank account where you are in control, or by direct debit.

People use this for all types of bills, however, you may want to just start doing this for expenses that you know that you can’t live without. As my mother in law once said, you always need somewhere to live, so make your first regular payment, your rent or mortgage. Other ideas may include electricity, rates and loans.

Like anything of this nature, check your institution’s terms and conditions, account numbers and ensure that you have the funds in your bank account to cover the deductions.

Good debt and bad debt.
Something that a lot of us are very good at is getting into debt. Jamie McIntyre is a self-made multi, multi millionaire and wrote one of the most amazing books that I have ever read. “What I Didn’t Learn At School But Wish I Had.” (For a free copy of the book, follow the CHANGE MY LIFE link on my website)

In this book, amongst many brilliant things, he explains how there is good debt and bad debt. Good debt will make you money with capital appreciation, such as property.


Most of us are quite familiar with bad debt, which depreciates, such as cars, furniture and loans for holidays.

I guess what I’m saying here, besides go out and read Jamie’s book,(Available free through my website, by clicking on CHANGE MY LIFE) is now you need to start eliminating that bad types of debt in your life.

Put every extra cent you’ve got into paying off the shortest term debt quicker, whilst you continue to pay your other debts.

When you have finished paying out this debt, say you were spending $300 per month on paying it out, start putting the $300 per month onto the next shortest debt and so on. You will see a big snowball effect, and find your self landing on your feet a lot quicker.

By focusing on paying off one debt at a time with your extra money, you will feel rewarded for your budgeting efforts, compared to spreading out your money over multiple debts, which could seem like you aren’t winning.

Of course, it doesn’t help if you just put yourself back into bad debt again, or keep spending the money. Your next step is to put your $300 or more, per month into an investment, and start increasing your wealth.

Plan your meals.
By planning your meals, you will be less inclined to spend extra money on spur of the moment shopping. Prepare your week or fortnight’s meals, write your needs in a shopping list, and stick to it. Include your meal plans in your notes.

Don’t stress about the house work, it will still be there later.
Remember though, when you take pride in your surroundings, it feeds your positive cycle, as it makes you feel great. So if house work isn’t your thing, stay on top of the basics. List what you’d like to achieve in your daily list. You could also look at house work differently. Think of sweeping, mopping etc as exercise. Play party and rock music while you get stuck into it.

Those of you with children probably already involve your kids in chores around your house, and that is great. They are members of the household, and as such, they need to chip in and help. Feed the kids positive praise for every little thing they do that’s good.

Hold a family meeting within the next couple of days.
Tell them that things are going to change for the better. Kids love hope. Tell them little bits about what you want to achieve with changes in your life, why, and how it will benefit them. They will appreciate that you make them feel important with the discussion.

Discuss your family budget in light detail and show the kids why and how the budget is important. Mention one or two positive things that the family needs to achieve within that week, and tell them that you will hold the meeting again in a week’s time.

Ask your kids what they would like to achieve. Choose the achievable, realistic ideas from each of them and tell them that you will ask about it at the next meeting. Start and finish the meeting on positive comments. Tell them what you are happy with and why as an example. Include these meeting notes in your journal.

Hold the meeting every week. If they don’t take the meeting seriously, it’s okay, because it is new to them. Your kids will start seeing that what is said is being done. Encourage the kids during the week about their short term goals. You are teaching your kids how to live with a positive mindset. You will see a difference. The kids will believe.

Have dinner together at the table at least twice a week, without the TV on. You probably should be aiming for that every night, however, can be unrealistic when parents are working full time. Ask the kids about school, friends, sport, girlfriends/boyfriends etc and their immediate and long term goals and aspirations. How do they think they can achieve these? Use the approach that I’m giving you, on them. Lead by example.

I generally start by each member talking about their day, around the table. Your kids will look forward to a great meal, and conversation. They will most likely feel like they can open up to you as well.

Put aside a quiet time once a week or so, and get the kids to read. Let them come with you to the library and choose a book each. (Use it as a reward) Boys struggle with music, TV, talking and reading. They seem to be able to focus on one thing at a time, so if they are doing homework, it usually needs to be quiet, and no TV.

Sit down with the kids, and you all do your homework together if you can. You can be working on your letters, lists, budgets or ideas. Make it a habit.

Naughty Kids.
With the yelling and negative stuff, try positive reinforcement and encouragement first. If they need to be disciplined, make sure it’s realistic, and that you will follow up on it. For e.g.: If you say grounded for a month, make sure that you are able to follow through on it. Most parents would go stir crazy if their kids were grounded for a month. Try, taking away the game consoles, TV or computer access for 24 hours.

With the naughty things that kids do, or actually with anything bad, I ask the following question to myself. “Is it worth worrying about?” The answer will either be yes, or no.


If it’s no, for now, let it go. I’m not saying that you can let terrible stuff go on. It’s just do you want to be nagging them about things all the time?

Again, with the chores, it’s lead by example. If the kids don’t see you doing any chores, they won’t feel like it either. Except for the times that you just want to get in and do it, leave some of your chores to do, for when they are around, so they can see that you all do chores, because you are all members of this household.

Be positive in all of your comments and talk.
This will ultimately determine your outcomes. For example, if you don’t have anything nice to say…don’t say anything at all. This is true for jokes, a bit of fun at you and other people, as well as the serious stuff. Don’t put yourself down at all. Not even to be funny.

Your subconscious picks up on key words and doesn’t know right or wrong. It reprograms the positive or the negative.


Instead of saying “I hate not having a car”, learn to say, “I would love to have my own car”.


Now the sentence basically means exactly the same thing, and ordinarily would mean the same result, but that’s not true.

One sentence reaffirms negative programming, and the other reaffirms positive programming. So you are either teaching your brain “hate car” or “love car”. Your brain works in amazing ways. Put this into practice before you think or say your thoughts aloud.

“Hate being late” or “Love being early” “Hate being broke” or “Love having money”


Teach your brain, and your brain will obey both the negative and positive.

Bite Your Tongue.
Oh boy, this was one of the best lessons, that I had learnt as a fifteen year old teenager, who always had to have a dig. Gees, I was always in trouble!!

Anyway, the guy who lived next door, who happened to be really smart, fabulous and good looking to boot, gave me the advice of learn to bite your tongue. Know inside that what you were about to say was really clever, witty or even hurtful, but just bite your tongue. You will see…

So, as I had a huge crush on him, and listened to what he had to say, I started to bite my tongue.

This amazing thing started to happen in my home life. I wasn’t getting into trouble, or fighting with my sisters. In fact, I was being offered more rewards, and it all just started to evolve and take place. This also meant, I got to do more as I wasn’t grounded all of the time either.

Eliminate mean comments, sarcasm and gossip.
Mean comments and gossip are forms of bullying and sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. You want to become someone that others look up to.

Don’t talk for the sake of it.
Too much talk turns people away. Before you say anything, ask yourself, “Does this person really need or WANT to hear or know, what I’m about to say, including every little detail, and what someone else said etc?” Chances are, the answer would be no!

Watch your speech habits.
Common problem areas may include throat clearing, umm, ahh, errr or terms such as “I know” “like” “you know?” “What do ya call it”, and one that I am guilty of, swearing!!

Be aware, and eliminate any of the habits that you have, while speaking, and your conversation may be much more engaging, and enjoyable for the listener/s.


As you may not be aware of your habits, ask someone that you trust, if you are guilty of speech habits, like the ones listed.

Learn to really listen.
One of the most important skills in relationships, whether it is personal or work related, is the ability to listen. That does not mean, waiting for your turn to talk!

For a week, try listening more and talking less with everyone that you interact with, including family, and friends. The most interesting thing to someone is themselves. So unfortunately, when you talk about yourself, your family, or one of your friends, repeatedly in detail, people will switch off.

Say No.
There are such things as kindness and generosity, of course, and I am not asking you to stop being kind, or generous. Take into consideration your needs as well, and recognize if you are being taken for granted, or if people are considering your needs, too. People will stop wearing you down, if you start saying no. Everyone may be surprised at what other options are available.

Ask for help.
Those of you who are single parents, or unemployed, our governments are most helpful, especially compared to most other countries in the world. In fact, I would have to say, that we have the most opportunity and freedom, out of everyone in the world.

Use information, and systems to your advantage. Enquire about training, and various courses you can do to get your life back on track.

Talking allows you to sort through your thoughts aloud and can make a big difference. If you’re not close to family and friends, or believe they may be too bossy or judgmental, look up support groups in your local phonebook or on the internet.

Entrench society’s values.
As you know, there are so many. As an example, most governments and organisations, have summed up the expectations of people in their framework to instill: Honesty, integrity, initiative, courage and loyalty, are amongst their requirements.

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
When enquiring about anything, speak confidently, and in a friendly manner. Use your manners. You may be really amazed at how much easier it is getting the information and help that you need.

Remember that you are dealing with human beings who are mostly concerned about themselves. When you make their job of serving you enjoyable, you will usually get much better service.

Ask yourself if you were the other person, would you want to be approached in the same way that you are approaching them? Don’t forget to use please and thank you. When saying please, I have found that please isn’t heard often, unless it’s used at the end of your sentence.

Eg: “Can you show me were the adventure section is please?” is easier to pick up on, then “Can you please show me were the adventure section is?”

Avoid placing blame.
Using terms such as always and never is usually an exaggeration, and immediately puts the other person on the defensive. Using this sort of terminology rarely resolves conflict, nor does it help you get the outcome that you desire, which is more important.

When dealing with a company, unless it is the fault of the person that you are dealing with, advice who you are talking to that you realise the problem you want resolved isn't there fault, and could they please help.

Let it go.
It's quite likely that you have been hurt deeply in the past by a friend, loved one or family member. Learning to accept that it's happened, is a big step to resolving your feelings about the event.

Focus your energy on how you are going to fix your life today and tomorrow.

Recognise your habits.
We all have them. Some are worse than others, and some are better than others. Habits are usually some type of sub-conscious behaviour, that you have repeated often.

It could be something as simple as twirling of your hair or scratching of your head when talking to someone.

How we think about ourselves, and our planned achievements becomes a habit. We are easily conditioned or influenced by factors such as magazines, television, partners, friends, peers, work colleagues and novels, including romance novels.

Remember your power of belief? This is a strong energy, which will help guide your thoughts and actions into becoming positive habits. We wouldn’t do anything in life, unless we believed that we could do it.. So by believing that you will achieve the life that you dream about, will help you to readjust your good and bad habits.

Here is a list of habits, and addictions, which we should try and eliminate. Place a red asterisk, or use a high lighter, beside your bad habits. Add to the list any of yours which aren’t listed.

Smoking Regular recreational drug use Gossiping Butting in Junk food
Attention seeking Sniffing/snorting Eating snacks Speech patterns Belching
Pencil chewing Name dropping ………………….. ……………………………………….. …………………..………………. Twirling / sucking your hair Throat clearing
Not listening, waiting to talk Watching TV Coffee / Tea Arguing
Swearing Bragging Soft drink Spitting

Monopolising the conversation Flatulence Masturbating Clipping nails in public
Talking in movies
Tapping pencils / drumming fingers Biting nails Littering Popping gum Tail-gating

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Some of the habits listed above are not bad, if done in moderation. It’s up to you to realise if, for example, you are addicted to or are in a habit of drinking coffee, or whether you are choosing to have a coffee. The same would be said for junk food, watching TV, frozen dinners and masturbating.

What would be good habits to get into? .
Using manners Neatness
Healthy eating Drinking water Exercise Behaviour Daily hygiene practices Schedules Routines Careful use of your words Tone of voice Caring

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Develop your emotional intelligence.


What is emotional intelligence? It’s more or less about your emotional awareness.

Being self aware, and your awareness of other people. Consider your emotions and your responses to situations. Work out what you want, how you are going to go about getting what you want. Think about other people’s feelings and their possible reactions to circumstances. Mentally assess body language and tone of voice.

An example of using emotional intelligence may be if you are in a rocky relationship, and you are trying to repair it. Using emotional intelligence would help, as you would be aware that by dredging up and rehashing past hurts, will not help strengthen your relationship. By being aware of this, you are more likely to have a positive reconciliation.

You can only change you.
As you rediscover yourself and the positives, don’t feel hurt if others don’t share your new focus and enthusiasm.

In fact, you may even begin to notice how negative some people really are and it will dawn on you that earlier you were none the wiser. If you find that people are bringing you down, you need to decide if you should be spending as much time with these sorts of people, and think about how you aren’t going to be dragged down by their negativity.

Don’t ever listen if you are being told that you are wasting your time. You have this life and so much more yet, that you want out of it.


Remember to have fun, and enjoy the journey of life. Action = Results.

Make your FUNdaMENTAL wall!
I have got on one section of my wall covered with photographs, letters & cards from people, pictures of goals that I want to achieve, and posters of rock bands and cute guys. And yes, I'm happily married, and at the time of writing, was 33 years old.

Go ahead and start yours. If you aren’t allowed to put posters etc on your wall directly, pin boards are cheap, or get creative, and but some coloured material and cover a large sheet of cardboard or wood of some description, and hang it up.

Some ideas would be to include a few favourite photographs and photo’s of the house and the lifestyle you want. Write and decorate a positive statement. Something as simple as “Action = Results” will do fine, or choose a quote from the journal.
Work regularly in your Life’s FUNdaMENTAL Journal.
When you have time, get yourself some colours for inside. This is your own book, and for you only. Keep it by your bed with your pencil case.

For now, use an exercise book. I have created templates, which will be available from my website shortly, that you can download and print, although, it would be recommended to print them double-sided and with a laser printer.

Write lists. Writing, and reading what you've written reaffirms your goals and dreams. First list, use dates to be definitive:

2 week goal
6 week goal
3 month goal
6 month goal
1 year goal
2 year goal
5 year goal

Be realistic. Do this every few months.

Daily in your book, write a list of six things that you must do on the following day, and do them, every single day. This can be little chores and big chores. Ideas such as making enquiries, paying bills, folding the washing etc. Be specific.

Create and stick to a regular schedule. Include this in your diary. Make time for housework, kids, your partner and yourself.


Write down ideas, feelings, business opportunities and budgets.

I urge you to read up on books about creating wealth. Not only because you will be able to reward yourself with wonderful things, but these books lead you onto self development as one of the main criteria for wealth.

After you have read a chapter in books about investing, making money and improving yourself, skim back through with a highlighter(if they are your books) the bits that make great statements.


Rewrite these highlighted paragraphs in your Life’s FUNdaMENTAL Journal, under Highlighted Statements from Valued Reading.

Before you go to bed, you should enjoy reading your journal, and getting a buzz from the new life you are creating within your mindset. Relive how you felt, what you have achieved, and believe in your goals.

Action = Results! Date …………………….

What has changed in the last three months? List factors which have created changes, such as within yourself, your family and outside sources. Changes may be emotional, physical, intellectual and / or financial. Some may be good, some may be bad.