How to Be Happy and Live in Abundance by Jiri Majkus - HTML preview

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Let’s Talk About Your Results

Looking at your present results will help determine if you are on the right track, because many people never stop to “take stock” of their results. They simply go through their life and never ask themselves the tough question that will really bring fulfillment and success their way. When you see your present results you can ask yourself a question: Is this what I want or I do I want to change something?

It is critically important to evaluate your results, because you can go a long time getting unwanted results while being very comfortable. Comfort will not bring you happiness, progress will bring you happiness. The nature of this world is that there is only progress or regress. Nothing like steadiness exists. The way to get progress is by first looking at where you are in your life.

Looking at your present results causes reflection and you reflect upon things, you learn a great deal. Reflecting is hard work, however, and not many people do it. But the ones, that do get great results. And when results comes, the inspiration reveals, from inspiration comes positive thought and only positive thoughts can create a better, opulent chapter of your life.

Wisdom comes from reflection. Everyone has experiences, but the ones who reflect upon the experience can get the realization how things works and from that point you can take control of your life.

Identifying where your results are can be very difficult, but it is very valuable, because to change your present results and get yourself where you want to be, you must first know where you are today.

What Do You Value in Life?

To me, values are the things, people, places and events that are most important to me in life. Every person has a different values and I have to at first find out what the values are for me, because values bring me the most fulfillment and joy. When I am not in harmony with my values, I am not happy and I feel like I am dying. The more in harmony my behavior is with my values, the more fulfilled and happy I am. This is a simple formula and it works for everyone.

Values are important, because when I know what is primary to me in my life I can set up my life in harmony with them, which brings me fulfillment. The important thing is to know what my values are, what these values mean to me and how they affect my life. Because the more I prioritize what I value, the more my life is filled with joy and gratitude. I will be talking about gratitude later, but it is the one of the best and powerful feelings you can experience.

When you are out of harmony with your values you will be unhappy and dissatisfied, because your priorities are not correct. You live how you do not want to live. You act contrary to your desire. You will always feel like you are missing something. You will always be chasing after something and never will be able to find it. This way of thinking can delay your happiness for quite a while.

When you do not live with your values you will regret and have to live with that regret your entire life. Now is time to set up your values. You cannot come back for a second try. Do not wait for success. The last thing I do not want to do is regret what I didn´t do that I should have done. If you are reading this and having regrets, remember this – IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU COULD HAVE BEEN!

Identifying your values brings you great joy, because if you have not identified your true values, how do you know for sure exactly what you value? When you do not live in harmony with your values, you live according to values of others and this cannot bring you happiness. This may seem like a hard question to answer and it can be hard for you, however, you cannot ask a question without already having the answer. This is designed to get you thinking.

You will have no regrets in life if you just answer this question at any point of decision: “What Would Love DO?” The answer to that question is always in alignment with your highest values. As long as you are answering that, you can do no wrong when you are in rapport with love. Operating in alignment with your highest values brings you the highest feelings of love imaginable. Love is the ultimate guiding emotion and love truly is the ultimate experience of all beings. Love never fails, love knows no boundaries and love is not the destination – love is the way.

You will be your best self at all times while in harmony with your values.

You identify your values by simply asking yourself what is important to you. How many people do you know take time out of their day to ask that simple, yet profound question? Not many I would assume, unless you hang around with successful people who are incredibly happy on a daily basis because it is those people who take time out of their day and ask themselves these questions. This is thinking. This is thinking about what is important to you and prioritizing your day accordingly.

What do you admire in others, those point out your values, because as you recognize what you admire in another personality, you are becoming aware of what you value most in life.  If you admire someone, because they are very organized and that inspires you – then get to organizing your life in a hurry, because you value that quality. If you admire someone, because of the amount of time they spend with their family, then start making more time with your family, because you value that probably more than you are aware of.  As you do this, you will find yourself truly happy. You will not be chasing your happiness around like the rest of the world, you will open your mind, heart and soul and embrace it within, because it has always been there waiting for you to just open the door!

What are your dreams, what is your desire, what do you want to do in life? These questions are the most important, because if you do not know what you want, you will never find out your values. And if you do not know what you want and what your values are, your life will be a big mess with no meaning, and no purpose. What do you really want? Ask yourself on a daily basis.

Open your mind and imagine how truly you want to live. Do you know that life is a movie and you are the director? It is you who choose the people, places and circumstances. It is you who choose the chapters and you choose what happens. Don’t be an extra in your own movie. You can create your destiny, or your destiny will be assigned to you by external circumstances, other people, other desires and other values. The beauty is that we have a great gift and this gift is nothing else than freewill. You can control your results to an enormous extent. But nothing can become real to you unless you are aware that it is real. Use your ultimate power – power of choice.

Everyone starts with one step and the first step is usually the hardest for most people, but also the first step is the most important. When you take action the things start moving toward to you. You never figure out the best way to achieve your goal. In fact this is not your business. Your business is do things, hold your vision in mind with faith that you will get what you desire and let the universe take the rest. You will be amazed how things are arranged towards your goal. Remember that you have the vision and God arranges things toward you. When you realize this, you will be very grateful because you know that universe is friendly to you and you can have whatever you desire.

Every great goal first started out as impossible, but this might be just our point of view. In fact such a goal is exactly the way it should be. Most people are looking at their present results and they live according to what they think that they can do. But successful people first set up their goals, what they want in life, and after that they take action to achieve their goals. In the other words, you can live according to your present results or you live according to the results that you want to have.

Take the first step. That is all that is required and as you read through this book the first step that you must take will be revealed, keep reading.

You can make money doing anything you are passionate about and if every act you do is efficient. Every act is, in itself, either efficient or inefficient. To make each act efficient you have only to put power into it. And every act can be made strong and efficient by holding your vision while you are doing it, and putting the whole power of your faith and purpose into it. Do not forget that money is the materialization of a big, beautiful, service oriented idea.  Money is ideas on paper – GREEN PAPER NOTHING MORE!!!

I will talk more about this in the Money chapter later on in this book.

Three Powerful Questions

Who am I, what do I want, what is my purpose? If you would ask people for the answer to these questions almost nobody gives you a clear answer, nobody knows what to say. Often the answers are similar to this: I am Jack, I am this body, I am I, I want to enjoy, purpose does not exist, and life is just a chance.

No one can tell you what you want and what your purpose is. Only you can find answers. And if you find them you will live a wonderful life.

Ask yourself who you are in order to learn about yourself, because when you deeply study this question, you discover that you are not this body. You are not bones, flash, blood and skin. Everyone says that this is my hand, not I am this hand. In fact you are spiritual living being, eternal energy with infinite power. With this understanding you cannot be ever dissatisfied.

Learning about yourself is extremely important, because everything in your life starts with you. You are the most important person in your life. You can be your own best friend. When you find the power and beauty inside you all this power and beauty will be expressed in your “outside” life. If you are not operating on this higher level, you cannot give anyone else the best.

As I have stated earlier, you must ask yourself what you really want to do with your life. You are the director of your life and if you do not take this control, someone else will. Other people, other circumstances will assign your destiny, either you or someone else. It is up to you, it is your choice what life you will live. If you have a clear vision and if you have this vision fixed in your mind, nothing can turn you away from your way to achieve your goals. I would recommend you again ask yourself what you really want on a daily basis. The more you ask the better you understand – the better you understand the more efficiently you do – the more efficiently you do the more you will have. Be, do and have – work on the being and the rest will take care of itself.

To find what you want in life, you must know what you are looking for. If you do not know what you are looking for, how you could know that you have found it? Most people run through life as fast as they can looking for “something”. They really don’t even know what, but they know whatever it is they don’t have it and they must get it. It is only until it is too late to realize that what they were looking for was all around them.

I will be talking about purpose later, but your purpose is unique to you and only you can fulfill it.  You have talents, skills and passions that no man or woman has ever taught you.  Have you ever wondered why you are just naturally good at some things?  These are all clues into your true life purpose – follow the synchronicity.

Only you can fulfill your purpose and your purpose is not something you “have to do”.  Meaning this – many people think it is their “slot” to live a life they don’t like. They think their place in life has been setup for them and they need to suffer through it – this is not the case.  Your purpose will be the most beautiful thing in your eyes. Your purpose is your why and you do it with love.  It will bring out more passion and energy than you ever thought you could experience.

It is just for you – your own unique present delivered from the universe right to YOU.

Your purpose is your why – it is your reason for being.  Without a purpose people literally slowly disintegrate to death.  Have you ever noticed when people retire they are filled with disease or even die shortly after – this happens to many people – why? Because without growth, comes disintegration.

Anyone Can Change Their Results?

Absolutely YES! The sure way to fail is to not even try.  This is not about taking a chance as much as it is GIVING you a chance.  When you begin, you have already won the biggest battle in life – the battle between you and the fear of failure. When you can defeat that giant, you are well on your way. A major part of success is just showing up.

If one person did it, anyone can do it. Every single person has the same potential as anyone else. There is no more life in a mouse, than in a lion. There is no more potential in a person living in poverty, than a person living in abundance. Both have the same potential, both have the same gifts – one has simply opened them up and is PLAYING with them.

You begin by taking the first step, SEND ME AN EMAIL NOW! If you want to improve your life, I want to help you and I know I can help you. My email is and if you write me while you are reading this book I will give you a special gift for doing so.

The Choice Is Yours

Everyone fails; let the dead bury the dead. Never let yesterdays failures mar your vision of tomorrow. I have failed countless times, life has beaten me up time and time again but one thing I have mastered is getting back up. I never give up I will never surrender and I will never be outworked by anyone anywhere.  If you put me and another person on a treadmill, I will win or die trying.  If I can, you can too and I can show you the way.

You failed because you tried; trying is failure with a nicer name. There is no trying – only doing.  There is no failing – only learning.  There is no taking – only creating when you work with me.

Contact Me Today To Get Started. Jiri Majkus

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