Getting What you Want Now! (Transforming Inner Resistance) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 1 - The Dynamics of Human Resistance

The first question you may be asking is the following, “What is human resistance?”

Human resistance can be thought of in three ways, that is;

1 physical, 2 biological, and 3 non-physical resistance.

Physical resistance could be likened to that of pushing a rock uphill. As gravity pulls, resistance is felt in pushing.

Biological resistance could be thought of in situations such as alcohol. When intuition say’s no more drink, but the brain says yes, biological resistance is at work.

Then there is non-physical, that is “emotional and mental resistance” whereby and more often than not, this resistance goes unnoticed.

Though it is not often given a great deal of thought, the very nature of resistance can mean that likes, dislikes, want’s, and don’t wants, all come up against a natural opposing response. Though, most of all, what humans tend to resist is “change”. In almost every aspect, whether physical, biological, or non-physical, where there is change, there is resistance.

Though resistance and change will be discussed later, often resistance is thought of as just negative. The reality is that, resistance is neither negative, nor positive. In fact, it appears to be a “natural human dynamic” that can be used for good, or bad, positive or negative, for a forward action, or a backward action, there really is a choice. In it’s birthing and resting place, “resistance”, is a neutral energy of E=MC2. In layman’s terms, this really means that it is universal energy, there is NO POLARITY, and it is human suggestion that has swung it this way, or that way. How it is learned, perceived, viewed, and then used deters the association, but this is not the actual energy itself.

Nevertheless, as there has already been a great deal of Social and Psychological study about resistance, this supplement will not aim at the obvious. On the contrary, our target is to embellish you with a fresh approach as to the very natural aspect, but more importantly, how the human dynamic of “resistance” can be turned around, and used productively.

In our opinion, resistance is 100% natural, It is extremely useful and it can be highly productive instead of destructive. We have proven “resistance” can be transformed from one dynamic to the other. That is from operating against, to working for. Our own studies have shown that when the dynamic of resistance is thought of, and believed to be negative, then negative outcomes ensue. However, when transformed into a state of balance, and thought of as “neutral”, then it can be applied positively. On both a personal and professional level, results showed that when resistance is perceived from a state of balance, there is an overwhelming increase in productivity.

Though, for a moment, let us now explore the basic dynamics of resistance. However, as this supplement is aimed at “mastering human dynamics”, resistance will be described mainly from the “non-physical” perspective. That is, we will be detailing emotional and mental resistance, which then goes onto influence biological and physical resistance.

Personally and professionally, conscious or not, resistance is consistently grinding away. On a somewhat daily basis, individuals, staff, and whole groups are subject to this human dynamic. As already mentioned, and In a general sense, most resistance is thought of as “negative”. Though as will be uncovered later, there is also good resistance.

More often than not, resistance rises when and individual or group faces an undesired, disliked target, or a difficult to reach goal. Yet, paradoxically, resistance also rises with likes, desires, and moving towards the very things trying to be achieved. Confused? Please do not be, for all will become clearer as we move through this supplement.

Remember, the primary role for resistance is to do just that? RESIST!

Nevertheless, there is a very simple truth. That is, resistance does not care which side it works for. Good, bad, positive or negative, for or against, resistance will never discriminate. Although the majority of resistance appears to operate from the negative, when trained and guided, it will happily switch sides to actually work for you. That is, it still performs the role of resistance, yet instead of maintaining distance from dislikes, etc, resistance moves to the winning team. How can this be, how can that happen? Well, later we will uncover this natural human dynamic, and get it working for you.

In the meantime, let us continue with the resistance we know best. That is, the resistance from staff who say “I cant do it, it’s too difficult, I’ll do it later”, etc. etc. Resistance from family and partners that say, “let’s do this instead, I don’t want to do that, can we do it another way”, etc. etc. Resistance from our own self chatter, “I don't want to, I don't like to, I want to do something else, no I wont do it, I want to but cant”, etc. etc.

The above are all common forms of everyday “conscious” resistance, though what about “sub-unconscious” resistance? That is, when personal and professional targets and goals fall by the wayside with no real awareness of why.

Do you know someone that started off with the greatest intentions, then for whatever reason, “it never transpired”?

As examples only, Jane starts a diet, yet weeks later, it begins to fall apart. John sets about the gym, yet weeks later, he’s struggling to keep up. Carl’s going to stop drinking, yet that day never quite arrived, and Jack set off to attain his professional goals, only to succumb to de-motivation. Why is this so, and why does this happen? In short, the individual or group should not be blamed; because the reality is that their resistance is operating from their sub-unconscious, which is harder at work than they are. In other words, their natural dynamic of resistance is working against them, yet because they are unconscious of this action. This is perhaps the reason why 95% of all personal and professional targets and goals are missed.