Discover the Incredible you by Sal Parkes - HTML preview

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Section 3: Masters of Our Reality

“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still”.

- Lao-tzu

A Quick Recap...

So far in the journey towards discovering the Incredible You we have explored the system of control which has been designed in such a way as to create a population that conforms to a self limiting consensual reality, in order that the system survives. We have also broken out of the consensual programming to look at a far more expansive reality as discovered by leading edge science. It is a version of reality that is far more empowering and has profound implications for our ability to lead an incredible life as dictated by our deepest desires.

The world and its human population have reached a point of transition, an evolutionary challenge at both the personal and ultimately collective level. I refer to this point of transition as the Global Shift; a phenomenon which is providing the opportunity, for those who dare, to discover their full potential and dream a new world into being. We already have an understanding that at our most fundamental level we are entangled and connected to one another and the world at large through a universal field of energetic information - the Unified Field. Any change that occurs throughout the physical world and even cosmos, affects us at some level as individual beings. If you are curious to know why the world is currently undergoing a period of transition and why at some level you are being affected, I have included details in the appendix under The Global Shift.

We are aware that both our collective and personal evolutionary challenge is dependent on our ability to reclaim the power we lost to the various systems of social control; at the same time to bring to awareness our subconscious programming so that we can reclaim and attain sovereignty over these hidden parts of our identity. To summarise we are being presented with the challenge to break free from perceived limitations so that we can master ourselves on a more expansive level. It is allowing us to realise that we are not victims of external events beyond our control but instead powerful creators of our reality. The system of control continues to do everything in its power to prevent the human population from awakening to this realisation. Their arrogance leads them to believe they can contend with the evolutionary forces of the universe by manipulating our perception of reality so that we remain ignorant of who we are and therefore submit to fear and servitude. The days of this paradigm built on fear, control and manufactured ignorance are numbered. We forget that we are a part of nature in this increasingly technological world. Yet if we look back over history, time and again it has shown us that it is not the strongest or necessarily most intelligent species that survives; rather it is the species most responsive to change. So there is no logic for us to cling to a dying paradigm when we are being presented with the opportunity to change, adapt and evolve.

Are You Ready For Change?

To change and evolve we have to want to change and evolve. We then have to find effective ways to change our beliefs because as we have discussed it is our beliefs that either limit or expand our ability to fully realise our potential. Our beliefs exist in our subconscious n so in order to change our beliefs we have to take steps to align our conscious and subconscious selves. Typically, developmental theories divide human consciousness into four levels. An example of this can be seen in Bill Tobet’s model for the development of human consciousness which can be seen below. Each of the four stages has its own fundamental belief structure that guides the people within that level in terms of how they feel, think and act. Generally a person who has reached the later stages of development can understand the earlier world views, because they would have evolved beyond the earlier stages. On the other hand, the person at the earlier stages of development will have difficulty in understanding the later stages for which they have no frame of reference. We can see from the table that approximately 80% of people in modern society function at the conventional levels and only 10%-20% demonstrate post-conventional world views; however the numbers of people are growing as a result of the global shift. At this time, very few people have reached the transpersonal stage of consciousness.


As you’re still with me at this stage of our journey, I will assume that you are in a position where you are ready to create change in your life so you can break free from consensual programming and begin to express your full potential in the world! So we are now going to explore how we can master ourselves in the 4 areas that determine our physical experience: Our beliefs, feelings, thoughts and actions...

The Power Of Belief

Definition: Our beliefs are a collection of thoughts that determine our perceptions of the world and how we interact with it. They dictate the choices we make, the relationships we have, the creations we manifest, the behaviours and actions we demonstrate. Ultimately our beleifs determine the quality of life we experience!!

We are aware that our beliefs are stored in our subconcsious mind and that throughout our lives we are subject to a systemic form of programming that on the whole is very disempowering. The world shows itself to us according to what we consciously and subconcsiously believe. Our beliefs have many biases which can easily distort reality. Expectation is a big one – what we assume as a certainty, but also, as social psychologist Robert Caldini showed, we tend to believe what is told to us by those we respect and trust as figures of authority. Such as those in key positions within our social structures or any expert within their field. We take their word at face value and rarely do people check or research the facts given to them. Dr Andrew Newberg of the University of Pensyvania identified 27 ways in which reality is distorted to fit our biases. I have incuded five of the key ones below for contemplation:

1. Perceptual Bias: We automatically assumes that our perceptions and beliefs reflect objective truths about ourselves and the world.

There is no such thing as an objective observer!!

QUESTION: Do you sometimes automatically assume that what you see is the only truth?

2. Uncertainty Bias: We don’t like uncertainty and ambiguity; we prefer to believe or disbelieve, rather than remain uncertain.

Being comfortable with uncertainty is essential if we want to create change in our lives. QUESTIONS: Do you sometimes prefer not to be uncertain? How do you try to manage your uncertainty?

3 Bandwagon Bias: This reflects our tendency to go along with the belief systems of whatever group we are involved with. The more people we are surrounded by, the more likely we’ll be to modify our beliefs to fit theirs.

Cultural indoctrination, religious doctrine, family teachings, group think and other belief systems we are exposed to often determine what we believe.

QUESTIONS: Do you sometimes go along with your group’s belief system? How do you justify a contrary position?

4 Self-Serving Bias: A tendency for people to evaluate ambiguous information in a way beneficial to their own interests.

The tendency to acquire and maintain beliefs that benefit our own interest and goals is widespread. It belongs to the dying paradigm and doesn’t promote achieving an open and inclusive worldview ...unless that is our self-interest and goal!

QUESTIONS: Do you sometimes interpret information to fit your own interests? How do you try to avoid self-deception?

5 Publication Bias: A tendancy to believe information that is published or reported in the mainstream media or by other seemingly reliable source without asking too many questions.

Think back to Section 1 and the conflicts of interest that may be involved between the general public and those operating within systemic hierarchies solely motivated by profit, power and control.

QUESTION: Have you ever stopped to question the integrity of the information that is published and widely accepted as factual?

If at first you think that you are insusceptible to these kinds of belief biases then think again! We are all affected by them to a certain degree. In today’s busy world we need them to prevent us from being bombarded and overloaded with information. They serve as a filtering system whereby we subconsciously only register information which we perceive as relevant and which are supportive of our core beliefs. Filtering the external world, allows us to take necessary actions in our lives in order to function in an increasingly hectic world. However, what is helpful is if we can consciously explore which of our filtering systems are hindering our growth and ultimate fulfilment and which ones are serving us.

Our beliefs lead us to make huge generalisations in life. We have a tendency to make generalisations based on past experience, what we have been taught and on news and information that we have been repeatedly exposed to. In effect our mass generalisations become prejudices. Rarely do we stop to question our prejudices and assumption, let alone our belief systems. But it’s an incredibly liberating process to do so. When we begin to question a lot of the generalisations and opinions we hold, we actually find that we didn’t choose them with our intellect, rationale or even free. We were programmed to hold them!! Below are some examples where we commonly generalise according to our belief filters, finish the statements and you’ll see how commonly we filter the information around us...

  • Most Politicians are...
  • Most Africans are...
  • Most Americans are
  • Most Successful people are...
  • Most Women/Men are...
  • Most Muslims are...
  • Most Celebrities are...
  • Most Students are...
  • Most Elderly people are...

Updating Our Beliefs: Out With The Old & In With The New


We take our childhood belief systems into adulthood without ever questioning or exploring them along the way. We already know that our subconscious program dictates the choices and actions we make today; the problem comes when the choices and actions of the past make us unhappy today. Essentially we engage with our present using the outdated beliefs of the past. You are different, your circumstances are different and the world is different to when you were a child. People and the world are continually changing and we need to allow for our beliefs to also change if we are to move forward rather than spin our wheel in frustration. If our lives aren’t currently working for us then it is because we are running outdated beliefs. Let me share a personal example:

As a child my Mum was overly protective of me; being her first child. She was always on the lookout for danger and ways that I could potentially come to harm. For example I always had to hold her hand when we went out to the town, I was always told not to talk to strangers and that there were bad people around that I had to be careful of, if I had any problems in school she was straight down there to sort the issue out with my teachers. Her over-protectiveness carried on into my teenage years and as you can probably imagine we had some explosive arguments as I tried to assert my independence as a hormonal teenager! I love my mother dearly and we get on great today. I also recognise that her fear for my safety and wellbeing was because she cared and loved me so much that she didn’t want anything bad to happen to me. In fact, her over-protection probably served me well at the time considering I was pretty hyperactive as a kid! However as I became more self aware in my mid twenties, I recognised how I had inherited my Mum’s belief that I had to be overly cautious in order to remain safe. So the result was I found it very challenging to venture out of my comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Subconsciously I was worried about my ability to remain safe and look after myself; I was running an outdated belief system. Of course being overly cautious was never going to serve me as an adult or an entrepreneur. Once I recognised where this outdated belief had come from I worked on updating it to “I can handle myself in any situation”. Every so often I get echoes of my Mother’s voice saying “Be careful!” But on the whole I now believe I can trust life and handle the things it brings my way.

For us to create an internal life that supports what we want our external life to look like, we need to increase our awareness of our core belief system to see whether it is helping or hindering us. You can start by reflecting on the 4 questions below:

1. What beliefs and ways of being have you inherited from your parents and childhood upbringing?

2. What areas of your life are currently not as you would like them to be?

3. What behaviours do you have a tendency to adopt in those areas?

4. What must be the beliefs that are driving those behaviours?


To understand how susceptible we are to programming during our earlier years, it is helpful for us to understand how our brain functions, this will also help you to understand the powerful belief changing technique I will share with you shortly. The image on the next page shows you four brainwave patterns which are associated with varying levels of consciousness. We spend most of our waking lives in the Beta brainwave state, it is our active consciousness. It has a high electronic frequency (14-30Hz) and is associated with our ability to concentrate. Unfortunately, it is also linked with some undesirable qualities such as stress, anxiety and dis-ease in the body. Alpha is a lower frequency brainwave (8-13.9Hz) and is associated with a more relaxed state of being and our ability to learn. It is the first of the 3 programmable states of mind; at this level we begin to access the unconscious mind. Theta brainwaves are a slower frequency again (4-7.9Hz) taking us deeper into relaxation and opening us up further to suggestion. Delta is even slower and goes deeper still. We become increasingly more programmable as we step down into Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwave states.

Age 0-2 years: We are predominantly in Delta brainwave states. Although this is sleep for adults, very young children produce Delta brainwaves when they are conscious. They are downloading massive amounts of environmental and emotional data from their surroundings and storing it in the subconscious for later use

Age 2-6 years: Around this age we switch to predominantly Theta brainwave states which represent increased creativity and integration. Here children tend to develop imaginary worlds and mix up their external and external worlds

Age 6+ years: From the age of 6 we exist mainly in the Alpha brain wave range up until the age of 12 when beta brainwaves become the predominant state. At the age of 12 we enter secondary school where reason and logic become the primary means of learning.

So up until the age of 6 we are very impressionable and highly programmable. Scientists have found this to be the Super Learning state, which is why children learn and retain information so well. This is why it is so easy for a bi-lingual parent to teach their children a second language if it’s spoken to them around this age. Our early years are when we download the core information and opinions that form the essence of our feelings of self worth as well as our innate gifts and abilities.



So if we’re going to update our beliefs, it’s not enough to impose our will over our thoughts, this rarely lasts – just think about how many New Year resolutions get broken within the first month! We have to access our subconscious mind which can be done through the body via the living matrix which we will look at in the next sub-section. Another way I have found very effective is to re-create the programmable brainwave states. Here we can re-program our beliefs when we are in a state that is very receptive to suggestion and learning.

Access Your Subconscious In A Matter of Minutes

It’s widely known that meditation has a whole range of benefits to our wellbeing. Primarily because it helps to reduce our Beta brainwave activity and access the deeper levels which promote relaxation and internal balance. The results being enhanced mental and emotional wellbeing. However to get to these states requires practice, time and discipline which is not always easy to commit to in this busy world. I was introduced to a meditation tool by a mentor of mine which actually takes the effort out of disciplining an active mind to achieve deep relaxation. I have been using it for quite some time now and have to say that it is by far the most effective and powerful meditation tool I have come across – I have tried several of them out there.

I am going to recommend that you purchase one of the meditation products from ECO Institute (I have no affiliation with the company). I have bought the complete set for $79.95 which is incredibly reasonable compared to some of the programs out there. In fact, I would go as far as to say its technology is actually better than the more expensive alternatives. You can get a single program for I believe $29.95 (at the time of writing this). They also have a 20% off coupon for all new customer purchases as well as 60 day 110% money back guarantee which makes your purchase a no-brainer. If you want to test it before committing to purchase, they also have a free 8 minute trial available for download on their site.

I am not going to explain how it works as they explain everything on their site . All I am going to say is that by simply listening to the mediation tracks through your personal stereo headphones, the technology effortlessly creates an Alpha, Theta or Delta brainwave state (depending on the track you purchase) within only a few minutes. This tool really does do what it says on the tin!


Once your brain is in a receptive brainwave state (Alpha/Theta/Delta) which is achieved through using the ECO Institute technology, the second part of process is to update our subconscious mind through the use of belief statements.

Belief Statements

You integrate your new beliefs by repeating a belief statement to yourself whilst you are in a programmable state of mind; it’s similar to using a meditation mantra. The mediation tracks from the ECO Institute are about 30 minutes in length and during this time you will intuitively feel when a belief has been integrated into your sub-conscious. You may have a sense of knowing, feel an emotional change or experience a deep sense of self acceptance when you repeat the statement. I would suggest only integrate a maximum of 2 belief statements per 30 minute session for maximum effectiveness. If you can commit to at least one 30 minute session a day for the next 30 days I guarantee you will start to notice the benefits of your new belief. Your external world will begin to harmonise with the positive inner changes taking place as your beliefs, feelings, thoughts and actions become aligned. This method of updating our core beliefs is something I practice on a daily basis and really does work!!

Examples of Belief Statements:

Belief statements are like affirmations; in that you affirm what you do want rather than what you don’t want e.g. My heart is open to myself and others vs. I don’t want to fear getting hurt by another relationship. You can create a belief statement on anything you wish to experience more of in life. For example

  • My fears give me lessons that lead me to wisdom and power
  • I can easily access a field of universal intelligence
  • I deserve to be happy
  • It’s easy for me to receive love from ________
  • I trust the decisions I make
  • I see beauty in all parts of my body
  • I am richly rewarded for doing the work I love now
  • The universal spirit provides me with all I need and desire

You are only really limited by your creativity and desires when creating statements to use during this belief changing technique.

We’ve looked at how we can update our belief systems by essentially re-programming our subconscious mind through accessing deeper brainwave patterns. However the brain is not the only intelligent organ in the body which we can change in order to express more of what we want in life. Our heart and e-motions play just as important a role when it comes to updating our beliefs.

The Power of E-motions

In the first section of this eBook we briefly touched on the fact that emotions are an innate power and that we have been taught to ignore and negate them. In the second section we expanded on this idea and looked at how our e-motions are just energy in motion. We also explored how they serve as a feedback mechanism and let us know how proficiently we are creating and manifesting our thoughts into things according to the law of cause and effect. Yes, our emotions are indeed powerful and what we say and think largely is determined by how we feel which again is determined by we believe about ourselves and the world. As you can see, mastering ourselves in order to create the life we truly desire is a dynamic process but that doesn’t mean it’s complicated. Just to remind you we, only have to master ourselves in 4 key areas: Our beliefs, feelings, thoughts and actions. If we approach change in the order of belief first, followed by our feelings, thoughts and actions, then the achievement of our desired goals becomes easy and cohesive rather than a struggle stemming from internal conflict.

In section 2 we established that there is a lot more to us than what exists between the top of our head and the tip of our toes. We have 2 communication systems: A chemical-signalling system which we know as the Nervous System and an electromagnetic signalling system known as The Living Matrix. On a very basic level, our nervous system represents the physical part of us and the living matrix represents the energetic. We have looked at how to update our beliefs from the physical perspective by reprogramming our subconscious mind through accessing lower levels of brainwave states. However the brain (responsible for what we believe) and the heart (responsible for what we feel) have to be in sync in order for us to express our complete potential in the physical world. Generally speaking if our beliefs, thoughts and actions are in alignment with our goals and desires we will feel good. If there is conflict between any of them, we will experience feelings of uneasiness and not feel so good. It’s a fail proof way to tell if we are in sync with where we want to go.

Heart Intelligence


McCarthy, from the Heartmath institute, discovered that the heart can perceive the emotional future of things in a precognitive capacity i.e. before we actually experience an event. The heart seems to sense intuitively and in turn sends information to the brain to prepare for a response. This discovery really is paradigm shifting so let’s have a look at the sorts of experiments that allowed this scientific conclusion to be reached.

In one experiment participants were sat in front of a computer and shown a series of images that fell into two categories: those with non-emotional content (a basket of fruit or landscape) and those that were emotionally stimulating (erotic, car crashes, an autopsy). They were all hooked up to equipment which measured their heartbeat, skin conductivity, brainwaves and other responses of the nervous system and organ function. Participants were shown images which were randomly selected by the computer and displayed at 6 second intervals. After the session was over, the researchers had a record of which pictures were shown and in which order as well as the participants’ physiological responses during the session. What they discovered was completely unexpected.

The participants’ heart and other internal responses responded as expected – they were aroused by the emotionally stimulating images and remained calm, at their baseline measures, for the neutral ones. What was eye-opening was that the heart was the first part of the internal physiology to respond to the stimulus, seconds before the brain did! The heart responded and then sent information to the brain which goes against the belief of mainstream biology which says the brain is the command centre of the body. What was stranger still was that the heart responded even before the picture displayed on the screen – it seemed to have a pre-cognitive ability and be able to sense the future and then send information to the brain to respond accordingly. So if one of the car crash images was going to be displayed the heart seemed to sense it coming and sent a warning signal to the brain to prepare the body. This pre-cognitive ability would register on the monitoring equipment up to 6 seconds before the image was displayed to the participant. I think that you’ll agree that this is a pretty amazing finding. It really drives home the fact that we respond subconsciously before we do consciously and our heart plays a big role in our emotional lives.

It Gets Stranger...

Another incredible finding that I am excited to share with you shows us the innate intelligence of our heart as a thinking organ in its own right complete with its own set of memories. This discovery has been documented by Dr Paul Pearsall who has written about some fascinating stories concerning heart transplant patients in his book The Heart’s Code. Dr Pearsall tells us of one such example concerning and 8 year old girl. This 8 year old girl received a heart transplant from a 10 year old girl who had been murdered. After the transplant the 8 year old girl started to have nightmares of the man who had killed her donor. Her mother became concerned and took her to see a psychiatrist who after a couple of sessions thought that her nightmares may not be just a stress response to her life changing operation. The psychiatrist could not deny what was being told by the child and her mother too started to suspect that the information may be helpful to the police. It took a while before her mother felt comfortable with involving the authorities, who eventually came and started to ask the girl questions. Miraculously with the description of the man, the murder weapon and the circumstances of the crime, the police were able to track down the murderer and he was eventually convicted for his crime!

There are many such stories which Dr Pearsall has recounted on heart transplant recipients. He came to the conclusion that the heart somehow stores memories and when placed into another person’s body


of who we are to a whole new level of potential in terms of thinking who we are, what influences us and how we interact with the world. Knowing that our heart is a sensory and memory organ we have the ability to use it as a tool that is equally as powerful as our brain. We have the potential to experience greater insights, accomplishments, peace, creativity and generally speaking fully express our ‘greatness’. Through the heart we are able to harmonise our inner and outer worlds.

The heart is our main electrical power centre and produces 40-60 times more power than our brains. It is the hub of our Living Matrix (our energy communication system), we can feel our pulse in pretty much any area of our body and the reason is the electrical field it produces permeates every cell in our body.

We looked at the Living Matrix in Section 2 which explains how our thoughts and feelings are communicated to every cell in our body via this electrical/energy communication network. The information carried through this network in terms of our thoughts and feelings radiates outside of our body in a 360 degree field which extends up to 15 feet beyond our body as shown in the previous image. This is why we are able to sense emotional atmospheres when we walk into a room for example, after 2 people have just finished a heated argument. There is no 5 sense information that informs us of they have just had a blazing argument but when you walk in you sense the tension in the air and probably respond by feeling a little uncomfortable.

When our hearts and brains are in sync, we have coherence between our inner world and outer world which is a powerful combination for moving forward in a desired direction. We already know that what we believe determines what and how we feel, our emotions and what we think. To create greater coherence between our hearts and brains we have to make it our priority to adopt beliefs that support where we want to go in life and at the same time allow ourselves to feel good and keep feeling better. How we feel is a strong indicator of whether or not our core beliefs are supportive of th