Anxiety & Panic Attacks by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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Other Forms Of Anxiety Attacks/Disorders




Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)


Generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, deals with people that are constant worriers and are always tense.  The thing about this is that there really isn't a cause for this, nor is anyone or anything at fault to provoke it.  They look for the worst and are always extremely worried about work, family health and money.  They even feel anxiety in the course of their normal day.


If this pattern is consistent for at least six months, a person can be considered as suffering from GAD.  They feel that they cannot stop worrying even though the concern is not as great as they make it out to be.


It's difficult for them to relax, they are easily startled by people or noises and they have a hard time focusing.  Sometimes they cannot sleep at night or wake up in the morning on their own.  Here are some other symptoms that contribute to generalized anxiety



Feeling tired Aching muscles Irritable Nauseated Sweaty Lightheaded

Shortness of breath


Frequent trips to the bathroom


Shaking or trembling


Hot flashes