A Book of Infinite Possibilities by Melody Bass - HTML preview

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The Art of Living in the Question






Live life in the question and the Universe


will start to re-arrange itself to make it happen for you.




By living the question, we are asking the universe, and honouring the universe to supplying your request. You are surrendering to the Universe, becoming total trust.



The opposite of living the question: For example: Is having to have the answer, the solution to everything. When we assert our point of view, we are really saying that we don't trust any other possibilities.



Or have you ever noticed how some people bombard you with questions? Have you ever noticed how drained you feel and wish they would just leave you alone or go home?


Often such behaviour is the opposite of trust and an attempt to prove the other person wrong.  Underneath this tactic is fear.








By living life in the questions and handing them over to the universe, we are relinquishing all fear and doubt and trusting the process of life. Living in the question requires trust. Often we cannot acquire trust at the start. Some of your requests, from all practical reasoning, may seem positively unattainable; never-the- less, write them down on your list in their proper place of importance to you. The infinite power within you is total trust.



There is no need to analyse the question or to sort out how this infinite power within you is going to answer your question. Such a procedure is as unnecessary, as trying to figure out how a seed can be planted in the soil and before you know it has transformed into a beautiful flower, often containing hundreds of seeds, each capable of doing what the one seed did. This transformation can be beyond our reasoning.



If you follow the three simple steps, the journey of accomplishment will unfold as mysteriously as the seed of the plant, and in most cases, much sooner than you expect.