22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace, & Inspiration by Evolution Ezine Readers - HTML preview

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Part 3: America's Top 10 Fears/Phobias

1. Snakes " 51%

2. Speaking in public " 40%

3. Heights " 36%

4. Being closed in a small space " 34%

5. Spiders and insects " 27%

6. Needles and getting shots " 21%

7. Mice " 20%

8. Flying on a plane " 18%

9. Dogs " 11%

9. Thunder and lightning " 11%

9. Crowds " 11%

10. Going to the doctor " 9%

source * Gallup Poll, February 18"21, 2001 (1,016 respondents; + or " 3%)