Ogatu by J Barrett - HTML preview

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“Thank you Captain Sonia,” Rayne replied. “I am beginning to think that this monster needs to be put down quickly before any other lives are lost. If he cares so little for his own men; he will care nothing for the people of Aura.”

Rayne watched Sonia as she rose far above and was out of sight. She turned and entered her bedroom to find two guards holding their swords to her throat. Recognizing her they immediately lowered their weapons.

“Oh, Lady Rayne, please pardon us; we didn’t know it was you. First Kai sent us here to watch over Lord Tarak’s safety.”

“I understand Surinam,” she answered recognizing him, “I feel safer knowing that you and Branton will be watching over him. I know I can rely on your courage and strength to protect him.”

Encouraged by her words both men vowed to give their lives to protect Lord Tarak.

Rayne checked on Tarak and spoke to the Hold physician. Reassured, she then went down to the study where Kai was waiting for her.

“And so…?” he asked.

“There will be no information returning to Miner’s Hold.” Rayne pored herself a glass of water. “The doctor says Tar will be fine; he sedated him so he could heal overnight. He will be back to normal tomorrow and we both know he will want to strike against Matai and Boras.”

Turning she looked up at Kai and for the first time he could see how deeply she had been affected by the attack. Bending her head she said in a whisper, “They almost took him from me Kai.”

Touched, Kai placed his hand on her shoulder, “but they didn’t succeed, Lady Rayne.”

“Maybe we can fool them into thinking that they did. Keep Tar inside and out of sight for the next day. Have the entire household act as if something grave has happened. Make the assailants handlers think they have succeeded. Would the household staff go along with the ruse?”

“Lady Rayne, these people have been in Lord Tarak’s service all their lives. The household staff will do whatever we ask; especially if we tell them we are setting a trap for his attackers.”

“Yes, yes, and I want business to go on as usual, no changes in our routine. Just a somber household concerned for their Lord Holder.” She muttered.

Kai was immediately curious; he knew Rayne was planning something else.

“You are planning to do something, aren’t you?”

“Do you think I will sit still while this animal attacks those I love?” Rayne sat down and looked at Kai, “I have something subtle in mind. I want three of your best warriors in the trees; I will need their help for what I have in mind.”

 “Not unless you tell me what you are planning,” answered Kai.

“I am going to leave a warning for Matai; one that he will understand. He will not know whom it came from; only that death was very near. It will generate a fear of uncertainty.”

“My brother would not approve such action Lady Rayne. Look, I know you are angered by what happened, but we have different ways of dealing with this kind of thing,” Kai was trying to explain their ways to her. “He will be dealt with and executed for his crimes.”

Slamming her fist down Rayne raised her voice, “It is you who does not understand Kai!”

Startled at her forcefulness Kai placed his hand on his sword hilt.

Seeing this, Rayne realized she couldn’t push him much more. So in a softer voice she explained.

“I am sorry I raised my voice to you, Kai, but I know what I speak of. Lord Boras needs to remove Tarak; as long as he is alive Boras doesn’t stand a chance and he knows it.”

Kai was stunned, “How could you possibly know these things?”

“I have visited his hold twice now; Tar wanted to know if he was really after Naria and the throne. I told him what I am about to tell you. Lord Boras is mad, insane with ambition.

He truly feels that he is the rightful ruler of Aura, by right of bloodline. He plans to take the throne by force. He knows he cannot accomplish this alone; but with Matai’s help, he could. Remember he knows Matai very well; he has molded him from the time he was a young child. I have dealt with evil men before Kai; the race and language may differ, but they are all basically the same. Boras is an egomaniac; he probably recognized the amoral character of Matai early on and has molded and used him over the years. In this case the stakes are big, bigger than anything he has attempted before. So in order to get his help, he promised Matai the one thing he knows he wants more than anything – the Lordship of the Mines. Once he takes the throne he will place Matai in charge of Miners Hold.”

“Listen well; if Matai thinks Sera’s death will sideline you, he will kill her without a second thought.” Rayne’s voice took on a new tone, “He is totally without conscience Kai, he cares not who gets hurt as long as he gets what he wants. So I am going to speak to him in the only language he understands...fear. He will not know it was I; he will only know that someone is on to him. I am doing this with or without your help.”

“Since I can’t stop you, I will agree, but we will keep this between us for now,” he sighed deeply, “But hear me well; if this causes Matai to react badly and my Sera is harmed,” Kai glared at Rayne, “I will hold you personally responsible Lady Rayne.”

“Bail would die before he would allow any harm to come to her, Kai.” Rayne put her hand on Kai’s arm, “I will speak with him about what has occurred; he will be ready for anything Matai might try. Remember, he knows Matai better than anyone and he has a score to settle with him.”

Kai called a warrior over and spoke to him for a moment and then the young warrior headed to the barracks. Five minutes later two strapping warriors marched into the study and reported to Kai. Turning to Rayne, Kai introduced them.

“Lady Rayne, may I present Torf and Renai. They are very skilled in the trees and have even been praised by Sonia herself several times. I believe they can assist you with your plans. I shall leave you to your business.” Kai left the study and climbed the stairs to check on Tarak.

Rayne rose and grabbed each warrior by the forearm in acceptance. They understood the gesture immediately.

“Lady Rayne, we assume you will be planning a visit to our Lord Tarak’s assailants,” they said bowing. “We are honored that you have selected us to assist you.”

“Gentlemen,” Rayne said entwining her arms with theirs, “let me fill you in on what I have in mind…”

Matai returned to Miners Hold and assured Lord Boras that everything was in order. His plan had worked and Tarak had been felled. Word was he was gravely injured; would probably die during the night. Boras almost jumped with glee at the prospect. He pumped Matai for every detail of the assault for over an hour.

Matai left Lord Boras in disgust and went to his own rooms. He felt dirty, as tho’ he had touched something unclean. He quickly disrobed and went into his dressing room; a long hot shower would make him feel better; yes, he needed to get the stench of death off him.

He lingered a bit longer than usual, but the hot water felt good and seemed to refresh him.

He dried himself off and wrapped the towel about him. Looking in the mirror he brushed his hair back, cleaned his teeth, and checked out his reflection.

“Good, good; much better,” he muttered as he admired his reflection.

He left the dressing room and stopped in his tracks.

There was a bump in the middle of his bed; someone was in his bed!

Ah, one of the women, perhaps that saucy new maid in the kitchen. But then again, one can’t be too cautious.

He reached over his dresser and pulled out a knife from the scabbard on his belt hanging nearby and slowly approached the bed.

Grabbing a handful of covers he wrenched them back.

Lying in the middle of his bed was the assassin he sent to strike down Tarak.

Matai spun around expecting an attack.

All was silent, no movement anywhere.

The curtain at the balcony window rippled silently with the evening breeze.

How could anyone enter my room without being seen? For that matter how could anyone breach Miners Hold security?

Visibly shaken, Matai backed up to the wall and pressed himself against it.

He scanned the room slowly and found nothing out of order.

This is impossible,  he thought to himself wild-eyed. Someone is toying with me. 

He reached over the dresser and grabbed his belt buckle and all but ran for the door.

Once in the hall he began to attach the large buckle to his belt when a piece of paper slipped to the floor. Matai stared at it for almost a full minute before he picked it up with trembling hands.

Written in bold letters was a warning; I AM WATCHING YOU.

A single bead of perspiration traced its way down the side of Matai’s face. His hand instinctively went for the dagger on his belt. He looked about again, but this time there was fear in his eyes. He crushed the paper and shoved it into his pocket as he ran down the hall.



Tarak awoke with the morning sun, stiff and sore, but otherwise in good spirits. As he turned over he saw that Rayne had curled herself about him in a protective mode and slept with K’nada in her hand. He was touched by the gesture. Also the thought crossed his mind as to what action she had taken after he went down. He gently rubbed his large hands over her body until she stirred awake.

“Tar,” she smiled sleepily, “you’re all right?”

“Yes, yes, of course I am. The fools just caught me off balance, and a little besotted.” He winked at Rayne and leaned in to kiss her, “It was but a mere flesh wound my love.”

Rayne sat up, the smile suddenly gone.

“No it wasn’t Tar; a centimeter to the right and I would be planning your funeral pyre.”

She took his hand in hers, lowered her head and took a deep breath; squeezing his hand tightly to her breast she whispered thru clenched teeth,

“You were almost taken from me last night!”

Seeing her reaction Tarak took her in his arms and held her to his chest.

“Rayne, my little warrior, I am so sorry, I had no idea you would be so affected.”

“I was affected Tar," she said with tears in her eyes, "much more than you know. I went a little crazy last night, Tar." Looking a bit sheepishly she admitted, "I believe I owe Kai a deep apology; I placed him in a precarious position because of my anger.”

Sifting thru her words, Tarak understood what Rayne was telling him.

Oh lords – she did something, he thought to himself.

“What did you do Rayne? Knives and shallas - you didn’t kill Boras did you?”

“Tar, no, of course not! We, Kai and Sonia and I killed some assassins. Then, I sent a message to their master, Matai. Let me explain…”

Rayne explained what happened after Tarak was felled, what she and Kai and Sonia found at the house. What they did to the group that came to kill the assassins, and the message she left for Matai in his bed. Then she apologized for her rashness.

Tarak laughed and held her close to him.

“My mate, you were a lot more restrained than I would have been. I would have rode into Miner’s Hold and called out Matai and gutted him in front of Boras.”

He kissed her head and laughed again. “I am honored that you cared so much and yet still held yourself in restraint, it must have taken a lot of self control.”

“My love for you is total Tar,” she looked at him and continued in a soft voice, “It guided my actions and stayed my hand last night. But I will not deny that I thought about it.”

“Ah Rayne,” he kissed her and held her to him, “I love you woman.”

They lay in bed, holding on to each for a while longer. Tarak began to realize just how much Rayne cared for him and felt guilty allowing himself to become such an inviting target. He should have been on his guard.

“I am weary of this cat and mouse game we play with Boras. Tonight is the Gathering Ball; it should be a time of great celebration and kinsmanship. I do not want to see it forever remembered as a war between a madman and the Queen.”

“Tar, why can’t we take matters into our own hands? You and I will be the only ones who will know the truth. Remove Matai and Boras at the same time.” Rayne looked into Tarak’s eyes for the reaction she wanted, and did not find it there.

“We cannot; our world is built on a system of laws, Rayne. These laws are for all, not just a few. We cannot step outside the law to remove a cancer from our society. We must remove it from within, using the law.” He took her hand, “Otherwise Rayne, we are no better than the madman; thinking ourselves better to judge and condemn him.”

“My mind knows the truth of your reasoning Tar, but my emotions want to see their blood spreading on the ground under their dead bodies.”

“Easy Rayne,” Tarak squeezed her to him, “if I know Naria as well as I think, she has something special planned for the both of them. Now, enough of this; my stomach growls and I am hungry enough to eat a Hausa.”

At the Queen’s Hold, Naria woke in Duncan's arms. For a brief moment she remembered the evening before and smiled. How surprised she was at the sexual prowess of this strange earth man, who brought her to heights she thought she could no longer reach. Ah yes, he was one for the ages; she would prefer to keep him around for a bit longer.

Duncan awoke to the sight of Naria smiling at him in a strange way. When asked she simply replied that she was enjoying the memory of the delights of the night before.

Duncan countered with a wry smile that she need not remember; and reached for her.

Needless to say, Naria was late for her morning briefing; a first for her.

Altera had just finished briefing Naria on the events that took place during the night when word came by courier that Lord Tarak was fine and would recover. Naria listened saying nothing, but it was plain that she was not pleased. After long thoughtful consideration she turned and pressed a button on her desk.

“Forgive me Altera, but I must ask a question for the record.”

A knock on her door and Minister Gordon entered with a slight bow, “My Queen?”

She nodded to him; “I need an official witness Gordon.” She turned around and faced Altera. “First Altera,” Naria began in an official voice, “are you fully able to take down First Matai?

“Without much effort,” she answered with distain, “he fights dirty, which makes him an easy target.”

“Excellent, I think we have waited long enough; it is time to stop this madness. Please kneel First Altera.”

Naria took out her sword and holding it before her began to recite the Death Order.

“I, Naria, Queen of Aura, do hereby invoke the right of protectorate and declare that the beings known as Lord Boras and First Matai are a detriment to the citizens of Aura.

Evidence is clear that they have taken lives in an insane pursuit of power. Evidence shows they have deliberately sought the death of Lord Tarak.”

She stepped forward and took Altera’s hand and placed it on the hilt of her sword.

“As my First, I hereby place an order for the execution of Matai in your hands, Altera. His swift removal is called for... So let it be done!”

Minister Gordon stepped to Naria’s side, “I so witness this order being given,” he said somberly.

First Altera stood and gripped Naria’s sword tightly in her hand.

“It shall be done before the Gathering Ball tonight, my Queen.”

A smile played across Altera’s face as she turned, left the Queen’s office and headed towards her quarters. She had been waiting a long time for this day. She quickly dispatched a messenger to the treetops in search of Sonia.

Altera's hatred of Matai was deeply personal, and had festered for many years. Returning to her quarters Altera sat at her desk for a moment; lowering her head into her hands, she sighed as she remembered. She brought to mind her dear friend Romain. An innocent young woman with a gentle heart, sent into the pit of horrors known as Miners Hold, like a lamb to the slaughter so to speak, thru a marriage of convenience.

She had known and loved that bright young woman as a sister. The friendship of the Queen’s First and the dainty Lady Romain of the House of Skymar was known by all.

Quite a strange couple for a friendship; yet they suited each other well. Lady Romain loved the wild abandon and fierceness of Altera; secretly wishing she could be more like her. And Altera envied the dainty beauty and positive attitude of the lovely young woman.

Lady Ro is what she called her, and thru their friendship Lady Romain showed Altera that she too could be soft and gentle, and yet stay strong. She was the daughter of a well-respected head of the University, a professional teacher of the young of Aura. Altera was always surprised at her positive approach to everything.

When she heard of the arrangement Ro's father made for a marriage to Lord Boras Altera had ranted and raged for an hour. She tried to convince Ro that she should refuse her father’s request, but she would not. She decided to look at it as a positive thing. Altera continued to correspond with her after her marriage. Over the course of the next year she had watched her close friend change from a bright, positive ray of hope into a frightened little mouse. Her last letter had spoken of a night of untold horror. It also spoke of her despair and her decision to end the madness; Altera thought she meant she would leave Boras. It was a day later that Altera learned of the death of Boras’ third wife. Altera nearly went mad with grief.

She would now have the pleasure of avenging the death of a dear friend.

When the members of the Light Brigade saw her return to her quarters with the Queen’s sword they knew that the order had finally been given. Altera was soon inundated with requests to be part of the detail she would take with her; the Queen’s Light Brigade did not care for the inhabitants of Miner’s Hold, especially Matai. An hour later Altera left the Queen’s Hold and began to make her way towards Miner’s Hold.

Within minutes word reached Matai that Altera was on her way with a detail of warriors and the Queen’s sword in her hand. He knew what that meant and had plans in place, just in case. Lord Boras had already planned to be out touch all day; there was no way for Matai to warn him of these changes; but then, Matai was looking out for himself. As far as he was concerned Boras could fend for himself. Matai left word with his people that he was headed for the Ohmu Inn; he knew Altera would wring the information out of them and follow swiftly. A trap would be waiting for her and her warriors, and he would finally have the pleasure of killing her.

Unbeknownst to Matai, his every move had been watched from above by someone who hated him more even more than Altera; someone who had a burning desire to run a sword thru his heart. She immediately went to work altering Matai’s plans, and setting him up for Altera.

Many years ago a young girl of fifteen had burst into Altera’s study and begged for justice.

The young girl had accused Lord Boras and Matai of killing her beloved older sister; but without proof nothing could be done. After consulting with the Queen, Altera received a judgment that the girl be trained so she could be part of the justice she craved when it was dealt out. The girl had taken to the training very well and was soon a favorite of Altera’s.

That young girl had been Sonia.

No one but the Queen knew that she and Altera had hatched a plan to keep Sonia out of Lord Boras’ clutches. For Aura law dictated that upon the death of a spouse, the husband could invoke the next sister in line to take her place. And Sonia had seen him eyeing her at her sister’s funeral. Fear that he would invoke the law forced Sonia to confide in her sister’s best friend, Altera. Altera would never allow Boras, or Matai, to get their hands on Sonia. It didn’t take long for Altera to come up with a reason to keep Sonia from Boras’ clutches. When Lord Boras made a small inquiry of her father, he was told that she was unavailable for she was in the service of the Queen. Needless to say, he was not happy about it.

Sonia had made it her personal duty those many years ago to keep tabs on Matai and Lord Boras. There was nowhere they could go without Sonia knowing their movements. It was only recently that Matai had become almost paranoid in keeping his movements secret. It was to no avail as far as Sonia was concerned; and now it was about to payoff. Finally she would be witness to Matai receiving his just due.

As Altera entered the forest in hot pursuit of Matai, Sonia and her squad slid down some vines and awaited her.

“He is on the run First Altera, he set a trap for you up ahead, but we removed its fangs. He is skirting the Ohmu Inn and running directly for Miner’s Hold.”

“Can you get ahead of him from above, my sister and cut him off?” Altera asked.

Already knowing what she had in mind, Sonia answered; “No problem, stop him we will.”

Sonia and her squad returned to the trees and were gone in seconds. It took them eight minutes to catch up with Matai and his men. Sonia had her squad mark and take out each Hausa the men were riding. Carefully aimed darts hit the animals just below the calf and sent a paralyzing potion thru their bodies bringing them to the ground.

Matai leapt off his falling Hausa with his sword drawn, looking around wildly. He knew Altera couldn’t be far behind. He was still at least ten miles from Miners Hold; he would have to fight his way to safety.

"Face me as a warrior Altera,” he brazenly shouted, "or do you not have the courage?"

He fanned out his men in a horseshoe shape and waited for Altera to attack; he didn’t have long to wait. Altera and fifteen of her Light Brigade came riding up to the edge of the tree line. Matai stood there, sword in hand, defiantly glaring at her.

A look of disgust on her face, Altera turned to Sonia and signaled by hand. Immediately, Sonia and her group let loose with a barrage of darts. Matai’s men went down one at a time. Matai fought the effects of the drug, but he too finally went down with a thud. He was paralyzed; he couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, he just lay there waiting for the blow.

Altera dismounted and walked over to his prone body. Looking down at him she spat out:

“I would love to gut you now, slowly… but you don’t deserve the honor of being slain by my hand. You deserve to be put down like the mad dega you are.”

“Nooo…” Matai fought to get the word out. “Let…me…die…fighting!”

It took all his strength to force these small words out.

Altera raised the Queens Sword and held it before her ignoring him.

“As First to Queen Naria, I hereby read the charges: For those countless boys that you corrupted; for the many innocents that you stole from, raped, and murdered; for following a man you knew to be mad and doing his bidding; for attempting to kill Lord Tarak; for plotting to murder the Queen and aiding Lord Boras in taking the throne, you are hereby sentenced to death.”

Sighing she continued thru clenched teeth, “But most of all, you miserable piece of dirt, for raping and murdering the Lady Romain, my dearest friend.”

Matai’s eyes took on a strange look.

Altera stepped back as Sonia lowered herself from the tree limb and jumped to the ground.

She circled Matai studying his face; she too recognized the mounting fear in his eyes.

“Look closely at my face animal, does it not look familiar?”

She bent over him.

“Here, if I pull back my hair like so,”

There was sudden recognition in Matai’s eyes.

“Ah, now you see the resemblance.”

Matai tried to show anger – she ignored him.

“Lady Romain was my sister; we were very close.” Her tone now changed, “so close in fact, that I felt what she felt, I experienced what she experienced.”

Altera looked at Sonia in surprise, this she didn’t know. She had heard of the closeness of sisters before, but this was the first time she knew someone. No wonder Sonia was out of her mind with rage when she burst into her office so many years ago.

“So you see, dega, that night when you dragged her out of her room, stripped her in front of your men, I was there.” She continued in a dead voice that chilled Matai to the bone.

“When you dragged her to his chambers, threw her down and raped her in front of the little monster… I was there.

“When you held her down while he did unspeakable things to her… I was there."

Sonia's voice choked for a moment and then she continued with tears in her eyes. "And when she begged you for mercy, begged you to end the torture… I was there.”

Sonia smiled wickedly, eyes glazed over, “and now…" Sonia bent and lightly caressed the side of Matai's face, "I shall extend that same measure of mercy to you.”

Matai was now filled with terror.

Sonia took a few steps to the right of the tree and pulled back a large tarp covering a pit; almost immediately there was a particular humming sound that was unmistakable. The pit was filled with a couple of hundred Dentil beetles. The humming was deafening.

Dentil beetles consumed their prey alive! 

Matai’s eyes reflected the terror he felt, a gurgling sound of protest erupted from the back of his throat. He twisted and turned, trying to escape, but to no avail. Tears began to form in Matai’s pleading eyes; his body betrayed him and he suddenly wet his pants, the dark stain spreading.


Sonia bent down, and smiling sweetly, began to roll him over to the pit.

“It should take them two to three days to eat you entirely,” she said coldly.

“They are slow, and methodical, but very thorough,” she emphasized smiling.

Then the smile was gone and her face was like marble.

“I give to you the same mercy you gave to my sister.”

She rolled him into the pit, turned around and walked away.

Matai fell with a thud and the beetles began to swarm over his body immediately.

An inhuman cry of anguish erupted from the pit.

Sonia went to Altera’s side.

“Thank you for allowing me to avenge my sister’s death; it feels like a weight has lifted from my shoulders, and from my heart.” She took Altera’s hand, tears streaming down her face, “You are my dearest friend, my new sister; I shall forever be at your service.”

On a signal Sonia and her fierce warriors took to the trees and were gone.

Altera ordered the rest of the men slaughtered. If they served Matai, they were as guilty as he, and needed to be eliminated. Her troops gladly complied with the order. When finished, they mounted their Hausa amid gurgling sounds from the pit.

Altera walked over and looked below, tears filling her eyes. Matai was twisting and turning, scrambling to keep the beetles from his head. He had a wild look on his face, like a man trying to keep a step ahead of the devil. She almost felt sorry for him - almost.

She turned and walked away in disgust.

“May you rest in peace now my sweet dear Ro, my friend,” she whispered softly, “this was for you, and so many others.”

Altera returned to the Queen’s Hold and reported directly to Naria.

“It is done my Queen,” she said in a dead voice.

Naria could see the pain on Altera’s face and took her into her arms. Altera broke down and began to sob, her body shaking with the emotion she felt. The action was so uncharacteristic of Altera; Naria knew she was in pain.

“It is over Altera, my friend. Lady Romain’s death has been avenged at last.” She held her at arms length, “you have fulfilled your vow to her. She can now rest in peace.”

“I know this in my head my Queen, but my heart is still so saddened at the death of such an innocent.” She looked at Naria with tears in her eyes, “Why do the innocent always have to suffer at the hands of such monsters?”

“I wish I had an answer for you my friend, but I don’t.”

Gripping both of Altera’s shoulders Naria shook her gently and continued, “Now you must pull yourself together, this is far from over.”

Altera straightened herself and took a deep breath, “Yes my Queen, there is still one more piece of garbage to dispose of.”



“Commander, after we pass the Anterian Moon please bring the cloaking device up.” The voice had an air of authority about it, superiority one might say, held only by the Elders.

“I want to be rid of our trackers and able to move about without their prying eyes on us.”

“Sir, yes sir, Admiral!” was the crisp answer.

“We are almost at the culmination of all our plans,” the admiral continued. “I will not risk failure at this late date. From the data we have been able to accumulate, and the unexpected Intel about gliders and landing sites on the planet, we should be able to rid ourselves of this problem once and for all.”

“The men have trained long and hard sir, they are ready,” assured the commander. “Six months of intensive training, and brainwashing, have given us perfect soldiers. When we turn