Ogatu by J Barrett - HTML preview

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“There are many other things I have observed these past several days, my Lord” the stable master continued, “she does things our way without realizing it; things that only an Ogatu would know to do.”

Tarak was almost relieved that someone else had finally seen and guessed what he had seen and questioned.

Master Seatac smiled and bowed his old head to Lord Tarak, “My Lord, if I were younger I would go after her myself. You cannot deny that she would make a powerful mate for your house.”

“Old man you go too far!” shouted Tarak in a deep voice. The old man held his ground and smiled back at Tarak, who finally laughed. “You are the only one I would allow to speak to me in this manner old man. But you are right; she would be a jewel to any Hold.

And yes, I have eyes to see too; but there is no way to prove any of it.”

Master Seatac had known Tarak since he was a baby and had served his father and now him. The old man knew he was stepping out of bounds, but still he persisted; he had seen the look of longing on Tarak’s face when he was with her.

“You well know there is one way; talk to Denair. He could spell out the truth and put an end to our speculation.” Tarak turned away at the mention of the old seer’s name. Seatac took a deep breath and blurted out, “The Tarak I knew would move heaven and hell to get the woman he wanted; I‘ve seen him do it!”

Memories of Serena came flooding into Tarak’s mind, he sighed deeply and replied,

“You’re right old man, and I know it.”

“Why don’t you seek council of Denair on this; he helped you when you went after Serena.

Besides, if any one knows the truth of all this it would be him. I saw the look on his face when he saw her for the first time; that’s what got me to thinking. You go speak to the old seer; he’ll set you straight.”

“You know old man; sometimes you have too much wisdom for your own good.” Lord Tarak frowned and huffed, “I will consider going to see Denair; now good night!”

Tarak left the walled area and made his way back to the main house; he wanted to be in his study before she returned for dinner.

The less contact the better for all right now.

Rayne had spent days coaxing the Paint closer and closer with each meeting. She finally had the animal at ease enough that it allowed her to brush him. Master Seatac said that the Hausa loved to be brushed. And he had suggested that she calm the animal by brushing it as it ate the treats she brought for it. She also sang to him, and talked in an even, soft tone. And now tonight, it had come down and met her as she began to climb the hill. She was sure the animal had finally accepted her.

She looked up towards the Hold and could make out Master Seatac and Lord Tarak watching her. They appeared to be arguing about something. She hoped she hadn’t gotten the old stable master into trouble with Tarak. She had tried her best to stay out of Tarak’s way these past few days. She doubted he noticed, as he seemed to be preoccupied with something.

Since that night she had almost lost control she had made a point of not being alone with him. She didn’t want to chance something. She knew if the opportunity happened again, she would be sorely tempted. Staying away seemed the wisest thing to do.

Two days later as Rayne left the Hold the Paint was waiting for her just outside the gate.

He neighed and pawed the air as she emerged. She slid off of Patton and ran up to the animal offering it a large juicy apple. It took the apple and pranced about in a circle; then to Rayne’s surprise, it folded its front leg, as it had seen Patton do, and lowered its self down.

“Offering me a ride are you?” asked Rayne as she approached and gently climbed on the animal’s back. He stood immediately, turned and began a slow trot to their hill as Rayne began humming an old Eloi tune.

From the Hold-wall Master Seatac was collecting on several bets.

Ha! I knew she could do it; she has the touch all right! 

Tarak watched the same scene from his study window. There was a longing filling his mind that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. He watched for a moment more and then turned and left the study making his way down the backstairs and out to the quiet streets of the garden district.

Maybe old Master Surtac was right; maybe Denair has the answer.

Long ago Tarak had blamed the ancient seer for Serena’s death; he had said things, accusatory and hurtful. He was out of his mind with grief at the time, lashing out at everyone. He had almost lost total control of his senses before Naria stepped in and brought him back from the brink of madness. It was a particularly ugly moment in his life that he didn’t enjoy remembering. Time had taught him that Serena would have found out about the Scathers attack anyway; she would have acted on her own quickly before informing him or anyone. The realization of this finally sunk-in and he released his blame of the little seer; but he still avoided any contact with him because his presence brought back too many memories of Serena.

Now however, time and circumstances had changed, he had put those memories behind him. He needed to confirm what he suspected about Rayne before he made a move. All his instincts were clamoring for action; but he held back, unsure if she were feeling the same.

Denair could put an end to the guessing. He went down a side street and found the seer’s small house amid a grove of fragrant Lucama trees. He took a deep breath and rapped once on his door.

A small thin female opened the door almost instantly, “Lord Tarak, Master Denair is expecting you,” she said in a soft voice as she glided across the floor, “please follow me.”

He followed as she led him thru the house to a sitting room in the back facing a large garden.

“Lord Tarak, welcome to my home,” said Denair in a velvet voice barely above a whisper.

The ancient little man sat in a large chair, his diminutive frame almost hidden among brightly colored pillows and blankets. The study was small and cozy, one wall had shelves from ceiling to floor and each was filled with books of all sizes. Tarak noticed a faint outline on the wall; a large picture had been recently removed.

Serena had loved this little man; consulting with him on many things. He was a constant fixture at the main house while she was alive. It was he who had ‘seen’ the Scather’s coming attack; and several visions later he had the actual landing area. An ominous feeling of death accompanied the vision and he made the mistake of telling her, (an error he regretted ever since). Serena had assumed it was Tarak and the knowledge forced her to take matters into her own hands, which resulted in her death.

“I know how hard it was for you to come here, my Lord,” Denair said in a faint whisper, “what may I do for you?”

“I have a question about a guest staying at my house. Because of things I have observed, I have come to believe she may be one of us. I was wondering if you had picked up anything about her.”

Tarak was uncomfortable; can he see my feelings, my desire for her?

I know of her, my Lord,” he said softly and then took a deep breath. “From the first day I set eyes on her I have known.”

Denair remembered going thru the market place and sensing a strong life force about him, strangely familiar somehow. He had looked about and there in the distance he had seen Rayne and Mistress Sera in deep conversation. He had brought forth his ability and almost fainted when he truly ‘saw’ her; her aura was glowing with the same intense light that Serena had possessed. Had it not been for the old Stable Master being close by, he would have fallen in a dead faint.

“What are you saying Denair?” asked Tarak.

“She is Ogatu, my Lord.” With a wave of his hand the little man requested assistance from his aide to lean forward. He caressed an oblong-shaped crystal and continued, “A newer, smaller version yes, but nonetheless, pure Ogatu. The Ogatu we were meant to be.”

Tarak watched the little man intently and quickly turned away not wanting him to see the disappointment he felt.

“We both know the Scathers created many designs of Ogatu. Back almost 22 years ago; during the time just before their laboratory was destroyed, they had been experimenting with a newer and more deadly version of Ogatu. I had ‘seen’ what they were attempting to do, and I believe she was the first to come to full term. In the chaos of the mysterious attack an escape pod managed to get away. It was thrown off course and crash landed on Elo - you know the rest.”

Tarak sat back in the seat and left out a long slow breath. No! Denair had just confirmed what he had only half-guessed, but he also gave him devastating news. Shaking his head in denial he asked, “So she’s nothing more than a weapon of the Scathers; a weapon that will activate when the signal is given.”

“No no, not at all, my lord,” Denair emphatically declared, Tarak sat up in surprise.

“She may have been designed for that, but her program was never completed. She was a mere baby when the lab was destroyed.”

“Explain…” Tarak demanded.

“She was left with a blank conditioning program. Her being raised by the Eloi was the best thing that could have happened; they gave balance to what was lacking in her makeup.

And from what I have read, the discipline of the Earther ‘Samurai’ training allowed her to control the urges implanted in her. She conquered their DNA manipulation and conditioning without knowing it. My Lord, she is more of a threat to them than you can possibly imagine.”

“Is there any way to prove this?” Tarak was thinking ahead, he knew he would have to present all this to Naria.

“A DNA blood search would expose her true family line;” Denair said solemnly, “her origins and bloodline would be laid out and there would be no doubt. And I would bet a fortune that she is of the First Ones; a true pureblood.”

“It could also prove to be dangerous,” reflected Tarak.

“Ah, I see my Lord,” answered Denair in a strange voice. His eyes went out of focus, and he grabbed Tarak’s arm as he began to speak. “You fear what Lord Boras would do with this information; shaping it to his advantage. A hybrid would mean the species is polluted, and he would demand her death to protect our race from outside manipulation.”

Startled Tarak blurted out, “By Hagar, you are good Denair! Serena always said that you had the strongest psychic ability …” he trailed off remembering.

Denair saw the pained look on his face and felt his own guilt rising once again.

“My Lord,” Denair whispered, “I too felt her death, more than you know.”

Tarak was taken aback by the admission of the old man; it was obviously still a painful subject for him. He looked at the little man, and this time noted the pain in his eyes.

Turning away so as not to embarrass him Tarak looked around the room and for the first time noticed the painting of Serena on the wall towards the back room. There were fresh flowers beneath it in a small crystal vase, testimony to someone’s devotion. There were also several small pictures of her and Denair, from happier times, on several tables about the room. My God, he was in love with her!

Tarak rose and went round the table to the little old man, offering his arm.

“Denair I owe you an apology… too long in coming, I know. I don’t blame you for what happened, and I truly apologize for the terrible things I said back then. It is no excuse, but I was half mad with grief. We both know how obstinate and independent she was. She believed she was invincible; and her hatred for the Scathers blinded her normally good judgment.”

“Thank you my Lord,” Denair shakily rose and bowed to Tarak, almost loosing his footing.

Tarak quickly caught the ancient man and eased him back to his seat.

“May I offer you some advice?” Denair asked.

“Of course Denair,” Tarak said curious.

“I can see the interest that you have in Lady Rayne, it is good and right; this is a match that should be. She is very attracted to you, but she has had no experience in this field, she is afraid of the powerful feelings that overcome her when she is with you.”

Denair leaned forward and grabbed Tarak’s wrist with his bony fingers, “you know the way of our women in this; only you can put them to rest. Go to her and tell her of your suspicions, let her decide what to do.” He smiled, “you may find her more understanding than you think.”

“Old man you are right about our feelings towards one another. Somehow she has managed to creep into my heart, and thoughts of her are becoming distracting. I’ve kept myself busy so I am never alone with her.” Tarak shifted uncomfortably, “You know there has been no one in my life since I lost Serena, Denair. Now, I suddenly find these feelings of longing beginning to stir again. I know what I want to do; but I have been unsure. If what you say is true, I now know.”

“Tonight when the storm raises my Lord Tarak,” Denair smiled, “you will have a chance to make your decision.”

“Perhaps, perhaps…”

Tarak thanked the little man and made his way back home. He looked up at the sky and saw the huge band of thick white clouds heading towards the Hold; a storm was on its way, the first storm of the season.

We’ll be snowed-in for at least four or five days.

He returned to his study and sent off several inquires. He also sent several notes to Queen Naria informing her of the situation, his suspicions, and Denair’s pronouncement.

He was deep in thought when Mistress Sera interrupted.

“My Lord, I am returning to my own home before the storm hits. I have several meals already made and stored in the cooler for you and Lady Rayne; all you need do is heat them up.

The storm was coming in she explained, and she wanted to be in her own home when it arrived. Tarak asked her if she and Kai would rather ride out the storm here in the main Hold. She said she appreciated the offer, but she rather liked their cozy little place, if he understood her meaning.

Tarak laughed and called her a saucy wench. He understood she and Kai wanted some time alone together; and what better time than 3 or 4 days, snowed-in. But he insisted a detail should accompany her and carry any provisions she needed.

When Rayne returned they had a hasty silent meal; each absorbed with their own thoughts.

Rayne finished first and excused herself and went directly to her rooms. She built up the fire in the fireplace and sat and wrote in her journal.

Tarak retired to his rooms and prepared for bed. He lay awake a long time, thinking about what Denair had said. After a while he drifted off to sleep.

The cold winter winds began to announce their arrival down the mountain ranges towards the plains below.

The winter storms sent swirling snow and icy breath before them as they swept down.

All creatures, large and small, sought refuge from the approaching maelstrom; instinct telling them what was coming.

The herd of wild Hausa began their annual run towards the more temperate climate; just ahead of the first winter storm.

The range ranchers also began to move; their herds of Kuyou were rounded up and they began the journey to the safety of the South.



The Paint pony neighed and pawed at the ground; he had watched the Hausa band together during the night. Saw them begin their journey and head for the warmth of the South. Now he must decide - go with them; seek shelter in a cave, or take a chance that his new mistress would offer shelter. Something in his memory urged him to seek shelter with her. He forsook going with the larger herd, and instead he ran down the hill and made his way to the West gate. Ever watchful of the sky, he saw the storm rapidly approaching, and began to neigh and bang on the gate; calling for her.

Rayne woke suddenly and sat up in bed; something was wrong. She looked about the room and found nothing amiss; then she listened carefully to the wind howling about the Hold. Amid the sounds she heard the Paint calling out to her; she rose and ran towards the balcony grabbing a blanket and sweeping it about her as she looked below. The wind was icy cold; and huge snowflakes were beginning to fall. She held on to the railing and peered below. She could just make out the Paint down there outside gate; he’s calling for me!

She turned and headed for the hallway with a smile on her face, he’s calling for me! She grabbed her robe and slippers and ran down the Hallway taking the stairs two at a time.

As she ran out the front door the cold wind hit her like an icy slap across her chest. She came to a dead stop and slowly took a breath; she had never before felt such bone-chilling cold. She quickly regained her composure and made her way to the West gate. She began to push back the heavy bolts that secured the massive gate all the time calling out to the Paint to let it know she was there.

The slam of the front door woke Tarak with a jolt. What …?

He sat up looking about, clearing his eyes. He heard the beginnings of the approaching storm. Ah the storm is finally here. Awake now, he sat up and listened to the Hold.

He arose, went to the window and looked out; amid the wind and the swirling snow he could just make out Rayne at the West gate. What is she doing outside?

He saw that she was trying to open the large doors to allow the Paint entrance into the Hold.

He grabbed his heavy robe and made his way to the hallway and down the stairs.


Argh… I can’t get this bolt to open Star!”

She hit the thing in frustration and yelled, “Open up damn you!”

She could feel the temperature dropping; the bitter cold against her skin told her she didn’t have much time. Tarak was right about the cold, she should have listened to him; her judgment was very bad as of late.

“Hang on Star, I’ll find a way,” she called to the neighing pony trying to reassure him.

Suddenly a pair of strong arms reached over her and slid the bolt back. The gate slammed open throwing her back and the Paint ran thru into the courtyard, wind and snow behind him. Rayne turned and saw Tarak pushing the large doors closed again. She was aroused at the sight. The howling wind had blown his robe half off and the muscles in his back and arms rippled as he pushed the heavy gate against the blowing wind, finally securing the bolts in place.

He turned around and faced her swearing angrily, “What are you thinking woman, you’ll freeze to death out here! You have not experienced cold like this… hurry, get him to the stables,” he ordered pulling his robe about him, “And then get yourself inside!”

She noted that he seemed to be angry with her, but felt it was not her he was angry with, so she decided to ignore him. She led the Paint to the stables and put him in a stall she had been readying for him. She made sure that there was plenty of hay, and several of the apples he loved in his food bin. She saw that water was available and then threw a blanket over his back. He nuzzled her head in appreciation. When she was sure he would be okay, she headed out of the stable and back towards the stairs to the main house.

By now the snow was so thick, and blowing about so, that she couldn’t get her bearings.

She was shivering uncontrollably; the wind brought the cold swirling into every opening in her clothes, penetrating her very being. She hated to admit it, but Tarak was right, this cold was affecting her quickly. Her step faltered and she almost fell when Tarak came out of the swirling snow and wrapped a blanket about her. He lifted her in his arms and made his way back to the house taking the steps three at a time. Once inside he took her to the roaring fire in her room, grabbed a towel and began to rub her legs and feet to increase body circulation and warm her up.

“S, s, so cold…” she shivered uncontrollably.

Tarak pulled her to him wrapping another blanket about them both; and began rubbing her up and down, all the while speaking to her in a calm tone. He hoped his own body heat would slowly begin to warm her up.

After a bit Rayne relaxed some, and her shivering slowed as she snuggled against him.

Without thinking she raised her hand and began to stroke his chest, running her fingers thru the silken hair. It was intoxicating, sensual, and it felt so natural. Suddenly she stiffened, realizing what she was doing and pushed herself away. Surprise and embarrassment showed on her face as she looked up at him.

He was smiling down at her, “It’s all right Rayne,” his voice seemed to caress her.

“I’m sorry I took such liberties… I, oh…” he could see she was flustered.

Tarak gently pulled her back in his arms, “your feelings are natural, Rayne; I have felt them too. I have tried to keep away from you to let you come to terms with them on your own.”

“You, you feel this way also?” she asked softly, staring into his eyes.

“Yes, Rayne,” he answered in a velvety voice, “for a long time now I have wanted to hold you like this. I have wanted you to feel the warmth of my protection.”

“I feel it,” she answered without thinking in a sultry whisper, “Oh God how I feel it.”

Tarak leaned back and took her face in his large hands. He bent and rubbed the side of his face against hers, almost like nuzzling. He looked into her violet eyes and waited.

To her surprise, Rayne made a guttural sound – like a purring. She hesitantly raised her hand and caressed the side of his face; still purring.

Tarak bent and kissed her gently on the lips. She responded by pulling him to her and kissing him in return with a passion she didn’t know she had. It welled up inside her and burst forth, surprising and frightening her with its intensity.

She pushed away and stared at him.

“Oh God!” Shocked and shaking her head she begged him, “Go, please… Tarak.”

She was frightened, an emotion new to her.

Though he didn’t want to leave, Tarak agreed to her request. He didn’t want to alarm her or push himself on her too soon. She wasn’t ready to admit the truth yet, but she was close.

He left her and returned to his room.

Rayne was overwhelmed by her emotions; always in tight control, she was now faced with something she had never experienced before.

What is this I am feeling? Why is this so intense, just the thought of him…?

She retired to her bed but could not relax. She tossed and turned for several hours, and finally gave up trying to sleep. She couldn’t bring herself down to meditate; thoughts of Tarak and the kiss they shared filled her mind. She felt as if she were on fire.

Rayne got up and began to pace back and forth.

He said he felt the same; he said it was natural for me to feel this way.

What does he know, has he seen something? Perhaps… no, unless…

Oh my God!

What if my suspicions are true?

What if I am one of them?

How could that be… oh but it would explain so many things.

Damn it, I have to know the truth, and that means going to Tarak.

She left her room and went down the hallway to his room.

Hesitantly, she turned the handle and slowly pushed the door open and went in. He was sitting by the fire.

He turned and stood up when she entered.

“Lady Rayne?” He took a step towards her and she glided straight into his arms. Smiling, he pulled her to him holding her tightly.

“Slowly Rayne, slowly,” he cautioned gently, wondering if she had guessed the truth.

“Tarak, I don’t understand any of what is happening to me, these feelings… they frighten me. When I’m around you… these, these feelings are so intense,” she was breathing very deeply now. “My body comes alive; and I want to feel your hands on it,” she said in a husky voice, “and it scares me like nothing I ever felt before.”

Tarak held her to him, “You never have to be afraid with me Rayne. What you are experiencing is a natural thing; our women are very passionate. We can explore this together, as it should be.”

“There is nothing natural about any of this Tarak, these feelings… this is like nothing I have ever experienced.” She was very nervous but she caught it, “Wait; you said our women; then you must suspect the same thing I do.”

Rayne sat on the footstool and looked up at him and continued, “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I’m beginning to think I may be one of you. Is it possible the Eloi were mistaken about my origins? It would explain why I am so drawn to this planet… and to you.”

“So you admit that you are drawn to me,” he said smiling down at her.

“Oh… when I think of you, these emotions… I want to feel you…,” she looked about and took a deep breath.

“Easy Rayne, calm yourself,” he reassuringly told her, “You have nothing to fear.”

She looked down at her hands, and slowly up at him.

“I admit it scares me like nothing ever has. All this is new to me Tarak; I know what I want to do, but… something is stopping me.”

She looked up at him with uncertainty. Suddenly she looked about the room, and in an instant was rushing for the door in a panic.

Every fiber in his being wanted to run after her, but Tarak knew it would be prudent to let her deal with this in her own way. She must come to terms with her feelings and to what was happening to her. She must come to him first, of her own free will before he could claim her as his.

The next day they saw little of each other; Tarak was busy closing up the Hold for the winter months, and getting most of the people started on the journey to the Ohmu Forest.

Rayne kept busy helping where she could. Mistress Sara noted Rayne’s silence during the day, and caught her several times in deep thought. Noting she seemed to be in turmoil, she asked if she could be of any help. She was told there was nothing she could do; this was something Rayne had to figure out for herself.

That night Rayne retired early to her rooms, more so because she feared being alone with Tarak; afraid her emotions would get out of hand. She tossed and turned for several hours and finally, exhausted, fell into a deep sleep.

Many, many dreams came to her. Flashes of steel tables; a woman screaming; whisper-like sounds buzzing about; dark and light shadows; something in the dark was very menacing, and it was coming closer; and then there was the light.

She woke with a start, sat up and looked about her room, shivered, and automatically reached for K’anada. Something wasn’t right; something was out of balance.

Those dreams are no doubt the reason I am so uneasy.

She slid out of bed and moved about her room searching; after several minutes she was satisfied that it was the dream. She went out onto the balcony and breathed in the cool fresh air. It seemed to clear her head, and refresh her spirit. She looked out over the white landscape and marveled at its beauty. Smiling she went back inside to the fire and plopped down in a large chair. As she watched the fire dance about, her mind wandered back to the previous evening.

Oh Duncan, I wish you were here,  she thought to herself,  you might be able to see the truth of all this.

The sun rose slowly and its rays flowed into the room through a large stained glass window high above sending colorful prisms of light dancing about the room in a descending pattern.

As Rayne sat there watching the dancing colors, a dream, or maybe memory, unexpectedly broke and all the information she was seeking suddenly flowed into her mind.

Flashes of events came in rapid-fire images.

A few minutes later she stood up as understanding and acceptance filled her mind - she was smiling.

Tarak was in his room, awake after another restless night, sitting by the fire thinking. He too felt that something had happened and his thoughts went immediately to Rayne. He had to admit it was a pleasant surprise to find that her feelings were so strong. But, he also knew he could do nothing until she came to terms with them. For the first time in many years he was hoping for a liaison. A light tapping on his door interrupted his thoughts and he turned towards the sound.

“Come,” he bellowed in a deep voice.

Rayne slid into the room and stood there staring at him; then she began to smile strangely and he knew.

“I remember Tarak,” she said softly, almost purring. “I saw it in a waking vision, and this time I understood. I am one of you, and I was meant for this world from the very beginning. The Eloi understood this and changed everything; they made me more than what was intended. And now the ‘Masters’ fear what I have become; for they know an alliance with you will spell their doom; which is exactly what the Eloi had hoped for all along.”

She glided over to him and laid her head against his chest, his arms went about her protectively.

“I do want your protection, I do want