Bozo and the Storyteller by Tom Glaister - HTML preview

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Bozo and the Storyteller first popped into my head in the house of Jiska in Amsterdam and it was she who heard the first tentative pages some years before I felt confident to tackle the tale in earnest, and her encouragement helped plant the seed.

Jim read some of the first chapters to his brother, Nicky and urged me to bring the rest of Bloonland to life. Kai and Frieda gave me sound feedback when I struggled with the early stages of the plot and Nathalie’s enthusiasm meant a lot.

Uni was the first person to read the entire book and the child in her was alive enough to enter into the world and suggest plot directions as we romanced on the porch of a friend’s house in Israel.

Bridget and Jack were early converts and Amiram reminded me not to rush the plot. Mark gave typically wise comments and even managed to slip in the odd extra joke.

 Vanessa, a real writer, tidied up the book and gave it flow.

 And it was Peter who first assured me that the story really deserved to come to the light and let everyone know that ultimately, we all write our own stories. —Tom Glaister, Sardinia, June, 2008