Penetrate the Soul with a Kiss by Tracy Montgomery - HTML preview

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What it Takes to Achieve Real Seduction

Finding true love is hard work.

But how do you get the one you really want?  How do you find a dream lover to come into your life?  How do you find them?  And once you do find them, how do you keep them?

In short, how do you achieve real seduction, the kind that penetrates the soul?

This book is a quick summary of how to achieve real seduction. I’ll be using a simple thematic “map” to show you how it’s done: your five senses! I’ll teach you how to penetrate the soul of the one you want, via sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.  You can use the five senses as a starting point in understanding how to find, get and keep your dream mate.

What’s real seduction?

You see, it’s not enough to simply imagine your dream mate. You need to take action to ensure they come straight to you. You need to imagine you have all the tools to penetrate the soul of the one you want.  You must make a favorable impression through your dream mate’s own five senses, an impression so deeply entrenched in that person’s mind that it is almost impossible for him or her to get you out. Talk about getting under his or her skin—and eyes, nose, mouth, and ears!

Yes, it’s a sensual game of seduction.  I know some of you are thinking, “I am done with game playing. I just want to settle down with someone who I can love and will love me back—no more games!”

But you should realize this now:  whether you like it or not, finding and keeping love is a game. And yet, unlike other games, the object of the real seduction is for both you and your dream mate to become winners.  In the game of real seduction, nobody should emerge the loser. You seduce your potential life mate, not to dominate or control him or her, but to free both of you to truly love one another.  It’s not enough that you employ all the five senses to seduce. You have to be sincere about loving each other for the real seduction to occur!

And the game never ends. Even when you get married, you are still playing the game—in fact, when you’re married, you need to get a lot more creative to make sure the seduction game stays fun.

Typically, men like to be the ones to pursue, and women like to be pursued. But there are no hard rules to the game of real seduction, except one: make your dream mate feel that your relationship is growing in an interesting way.  If you don’t, both your minds and hearts will be tempted to wander off to other things…and eventually, to other people.

Being personally ready

Before you embark on the game of seducing anyone through the five senses, make sure you’re prepared.

Like any player of a game of sport, you must keep yourself physically, psychologically and spiritually ready to play this game. For real seduction, this means being ready to receive and give true love.

It’s not enough to simply internalize your readiness for love (eg. simply saying or thinking, “I am ready!”)  You must constantly give tangible evidence that you are indeed capable of seducing someone in the name of true love.  People in general—and your dream mate in particular—must literally see, hear, touch, smell and taste how willing and ready you are for love!

It’s not easy to prepare yourself for real seduction.  Go ahead and imagine yourself as an athlete and warrior, training hard for the first prize—true love—because preparing for real seduction will be hard. You can think of yourself as a perpetual student of seduction, constantly in training, constantly trying to learn how to play the game for the benefit of you and your dream mate.

For you to properly seduce someone in the name of love, you’ve got to be a self-confident, sexy person.  You must work on having your own poise and charisma. You should cultivate these until it comes naturally to you, so when you walk down the street heads will naturally turn to you. It also helps if you make sure your poise and charisma stems from intelligence, and a deep understanding of other people. Knowing how to deal with people confidently and intelligently will have a stunning effect on others. You will have a calm yet mysterious way about you. No one can “figure you out”, yet you’ll know how to get into people’s minds.  And if they become enamored with you, they will have problems focusing on anything else other than your presence.

But you won’t always be successful in the seduction game. To continue playing this game until you find your one true love, you will need to have inner strength and fortitude.  You need to be a person of good, strong character.

If you fail in love, you’ll have the strength to pick yourself up, dust off and try again. There’s someone good out there, meant for you and you alone!

Choosing a worthy “target”

Don’t waste your time and energy seducing everyone on sight, just for the fun of it. Your personal mission is to find the one worthy of a lasting relationship and a lifetime of seduction.  Just one target!

Here are a few things to remember when envisioning your one and only dream mate:

1.   Make sure you know the sort of dream mate you want.  Be very clear with yourself on which specific traits you want in your dream lover, and map it out. (If you aren’t journal writing about who your dream lover will be like, now is a good time to start.)

2.  However, make sure the dream mate you have in mind actually matches who you really are. This person needs to be a complementary and equal match--or you will never connect.  Like attracts like, always remember that.

3.  Even while you continually improve yourself, you also need to already believe you are good enough for your dream mate.  You need to see yourself as a grand magnet for this sort of person, so effective that it would be nearly impossible for the two of you to resist or be pulled apart.

With all that in mind, are you ready to find your one true love? Good! Let’s get you back to your right (five) senses!

Tracy Montgomery