Understanding Human Good, Doing GOOD DEEDS for God by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Human Good


Divine Good


Taken from detailed biblical studies By Col. R. B. Thieme Jr.

Compiling and Editing by:

Dr. Frank P. Ferraro

Copyright © 2024 ALL rights reserved

The content of this document is protected by all applicable copyright laws. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material FOR THE PURPOSE OF SALE OR PROFIT to any degree without express permission from the author is strictly prohibited.

Copyright © 2024

ALL presentations of the Absolute Truths of Bible Doctrine must be WITHOUT FINANCIAL CHARGE OR

OBLIGATION in order that those without the means to pay for them can still have access to the TRUTH. It is, in effect, a function of EVIL, to charge people to receive the TRUTH of the Doctrines of GOD since GOD GAVE

THESE TRUTHS TO US FREELY AND HAS PRESERVED THEM THROUGHOUT HUMAN HISTORY! Bible Doctrine is a product of the Grace of God therefore this UNMODIFIED Doctrinal compilation as a reflection of the Grace of God is available to all at NO CHARGE. Duplication and distribution WITHOUT

MODIFICATION is permitted by all.

Table of Contents

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Introduction to Human Good

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The Plans

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Production, Action, Effort or Function

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Definitions and Descriptions


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Definitions: (Cambridge Dictionary Online)

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Grace vs Evil


Spiritual Skills & production skills


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Divine Good

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Divine Good & Human Good & Salvation

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Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God


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Divine Good vs Human Good Principles

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Summary – Divine Good vs Human Good

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Motivation for Human Good production

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Leaving the Plan of God

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The Rebound Procedure (1John 1:9)


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Human Good & The Rebound Procedure

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Divine Good Production

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Carnality & Divine Good

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Carnality & Human Good

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Human Good vs Sin


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Judgment of Human Good


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Erasing Human Good

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The Futility of Human Good Deeds


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Legitimate Human Good – Establishment Good


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Corrupted Human Good

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The 40 Divine Assets for the Spiritual Life


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The 10 Problem Solving Devices

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#1 – Rebound Procedure

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#2 – Filling of God the Holy Spirit


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#3 – Faith Rest Drill

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#4 – Grace Orientation


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#5 – Bible Doctrine Orientation

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#6 – Personal Sense of Destiny


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#7 – Personal Love for God


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#8 – Impersonal / Unconditional Love for Mankind

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#9 – Sharing the Happiness of God


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#10 – Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ

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Problem Solving Devices on the Forward Line of Troops . .

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The Problem Solving Devices & The Gratitude Gauge

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Four Spiritual Mechanics of the Protocol Plan of God


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Passages Related to Human Good

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The word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints and the marrow, and is a critic of thoughts and intents of the heart. (Heb 4:12) All Scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God might be mature, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2Tim 3:16-17) Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2Tim. 2:1)

This compilation of doctrinal principles is dedicated to my pastor of some 40+ years, Col. R. B.

Thieme Jr., who, in my humble opinion, is one of, if not the, foremost theologian of the 20th century and most likely many others as well. Without his consistent undaunted dogmatic teaching of Bible Doctrine this document would not have been possible and I would most likely NOT have a clue about the Christian Way of Life. In his physical presence, mental acuity, supreme dedication to the word of God and overriding dogmatic veracity in the presentation of the doctrines of the bible he has been a life changing inspiration to myself and literally hundreds of thousands of other believers throughout the world. I, and these others I am sure, look forward to the honor of standing in ranks before the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ as representatives of the “Berachah Battalion” who have grown up in the Spiritual Life as a result of his phenomenal grace teaching.

I would like to give special thanks to Pastor Robert Lyon who has been a constant stimulus and encouragement to me in putting this and other materials together as a consolidation of bible doctrine to enable others to assimilate or review.

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Before a believer begins to study anything related to bible doctrine he must name or acknowledge his sins privately to God the Father in order to be forgiven those and all other sins, to be placed again into fellowship with God and under the teaching and guiding ministry of God the Holy Spirit. 1st John 1:9 states, “If we confess (name or cite) our (known) sins, He is faithful and justified to forgive us our (known) sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (unknown sins).” This will put the believer into fellowship with God and under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit in a state of Genuine Humility and teachability and ready to learn Bible Doctrine. If you have never personally expressed faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone the issue is NOT naming your sins. The issue is nonmeritorious faith alone in Christ alone. “He who believes in the Son has Eternal Life; But he who does not obey the command to believe in the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3:18, John 3:36)

If we are totally objective we must admit to having delusions about some things in life at some time. For myself there is ONE thing in this life which I have no delusions about, Bible Doctrine. Were it not for the teaching ministry of Col. R. B. Thieme Jr. and his consistent clear, concise and DOGMATIC presentation of the doctrines of the bible I would know nothing of orthodox fundamental biblical doctrine and the Christian Way of Life. I have no delusion about my knowledge, calling or spiritual gift; and, recognize that I could not do what he and many other pastors have done, and continue to do, in the constant studying and teaching of doctrine to their congregations. Over the years I have learned innumerable principles from these studies by Pastor Thieme. One of the most important things I have learned has been that “One’s rate of learning MUST exceed one’s rate of FORGETTING” in order to advance in the Spiritual Life or to maintain one’s level of spiritual growth. This amplifies the necessity therefore of constant, consistent, Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation through Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and ultimately the Application of it to life. It is my desire that this document be a source of consolidated doctrine to fulfill that very purpose.

This is a compilation from my notes on the principles directly derived from the lessons taught by Col. R. B. Thieme Jr. Many of the lessons from which this compilation is derived, having been taught many years prior to the time of my compiling this document, still, to this day, reflect a condition which exists and whose understanding is essential in the Spiritual Life and which is generally ignored and unrecognized by the Christian. All of these lessons were taught after many years of Pastor Thieme serving in his ministry of Studying and Teaching Orthodox Fundamental Biblical Christian Doctrine according to an Isagogical, Exegetical and Categorical method. With this in mind be conscious of the fact that some of the terminology, doctrines and principles presented here will be, at best, difficult or even obscure, for the new or infant believer. It took the Colonel many years to come to the point of being able to extract these doctrines and principles from the original languages of scripture so it should reasonably require some years of study by the believer under his type of ministry to be able to understand what is herein contained. To facilitate this understanding on the part of the reader I have interlinked concepts in this document with other segments and other documents to enable the Page 6 of 67

reader to review or recall these concepts, principles and doctrines while reading. I have also included a Glossary of terms, a compilation of expanded translations of biblical passages and sections of fundamental doctrinal principles which I believe will help in this endeavor.

As one would expect, I have entered some opinions, concepts and even terminology of my own from what I have learned from my studies of Pastor Thieme’s teaching of Bible Doctrine in later lessons, from later years and from life experiences and other current materials regarding ongoing historical and social trends. Therefore, one should understand that I have not kept the terminology nor the organizational system identical to what the Colonel had provided. The effort here on my part has been to consolidate to a maximum level the principles regarding the production of “GOOD” deeds which result in reward in the spiritual life for the believer and those which are completely useless for the believer and in fact damning for the unbeliever.

However, nothing contained herein is ever to be construed to have been originated by my personal abilities to extract doctrines from the scripture. Neither is this to be a substitute for consistent daily study under one’s “right” Pastor Teacher in order to develop the momentum needed to reach and hold on to spiritual maturity, the ultimate objective of the Spiritual Life.

If more details and reference passages are desired on the concepts of Human Good or Divine Good or how these principles were derived the original lessons can be ordered from R. B.

Thieme Jr. Bible Ministries, P.O. Box 460829, Houston Tx. 77056-8829, or by phoning 713-621-3740.

My objective in presenting this compilation of Bible Doctrine does not include, nor am I concerned as to, whether it is considered good or bad, liked or disliked as a message but whether God the Holy Spirit can use the doctrinal content in the life of YOU the believer reading it. I have nothing to prove to anyone in life and it is only getting the lucid message of these doctrinal principles through to the YOU, the reader, that is important to me so that there is something for God the Holy Spirit to use as YOU progress in your personal spiritual growth. I have, in fact, attempted to organize these principles into discrete segments or categories. However, the principles involved in the Plan of God are in an INTERLOCKING

SYSTEM of function and cannot be segmented or separated into discrete areas. Please! Keep in mind that the Protocol Plan of God and one’s advancement in it is a progressive system of growth and development as one functions to complete execution of the Protocol Plan of God in his lifetime and thus glorify God. It should be obvious then that these principles must be interconnected into an intricately interlocked system designed by God for the PROGRESSIVE

advance of the believer in the Spiritual Life as he fulfills the Protocol Plan of God requirements. Also keep in mind that the principles elucidated by Pastor Thieme in his studies of Human Good vs Divine Good were taught at varying times with different background context and they must be related to other parts of the complexity of the Protocol Plan of God with which they readily interact. Also, they must relate to the development and deployment of the

10 Problem Solving Devices provided by God and building of the Edification Complex of the Soul as well. Therefore, the importance of discerning the differences of these 2 antithetical functions for the Royal Ambassador of The Lord Jesus the Christ, the Church Age Believer should be clear. With this in mind understand that there must be PROGRESSIVE development of the principles and functions of the Protocol Plan of God in order for the individual to Page 7 of 67

effectively function in representing The Lord Jesus the Christ on this earth to mankind as his Royal Ambassador. This document will certainly contain redundancies in the presentation of the principles of Human Good and Divine Good but, as the Colonel might have said on occasion:



This document can be read and studied from beginning to end but it does not have to be. It can also be studied and reviewed as individual chapters and segments for an understanding of the various aspects of production in the Spiritual Life of the believer in the Protocol Plan of God.

Dr. Frank P. Ferraro

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Introduction to Human Good

In the PREHISTORIC Angelic Conflict the desire of Satan was to provide angelic creatures with a functioning Utopian environment equal to what God had done for all angelic creation. In his plan the production devised by Satan for the angelic creatures who followed him could have been labeled “Angelic Good”. Its purpose was to produce an environment and system under which Angelic Creatures could live in harmony and happiness; APART FROM GOD. Therefore, the concept of Human Good began as (if I may) “angelic good” production where Satan wanted to control angelic creatures to provide beneficial productions to develop an angelic society for the benefit of angels; APART FROM GOD. Now in Human History beginning in the garden of Eden the Plan of Satan, to prove to God that he should not be condemned to the Lake of Fire for his revolutionary functions, was laid out and detailed in Good and Evil. The creation of man was for the sole purpose of clearly demonstrating to Angelic Creation that the Essence of God, the Character of God, ALWAYS works together in unison especially when involved in judgment. Man was created with the same VOLITION that Angelic Creatures possess and was placed in a restricted environment for demonstration purposes, EARTH. Man was and now still is given a CHOICE between the Plan of God under the principles of GRACE

and the Plan of Satan under the principles of EVIL. Ish and Ishah (later called Adam and Eve) were given a choice between the Tree of Lives and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Today Man has a choice between the same Grace Plan of God and the Evil Plan of Satan, the Divine Dynasphere, the Power System of God vs the Cosmic Dynaspheres, the Power System of Satan, Divine Good production vs Human Good production and the Absolute Righteousness of God vs his own Self Righteous Arrogance. In the garden, in a situation similar to that which Satan was created under, man was subject to and the beneficiary of the Love of God, UNTIL he decided to TAKE HIMSELF OUT OF THE PLAN OF GOD by the negative use of his own volition. Satan revolted against God and God’s Angelic Creation Plan, Man revolted against God and his EDEN plan and chose instead the Plan of Satan, Good and Evil. This was Satan and also Adam and Eve taking themselves out from under the Love of God and PLACING THEMSELVES under the consideration of the Righteousness of God and function of the Justice of God to JUDGE their negative volition.

At this time, after the fall of man in the garden where Satan gained rulership of this world, the plan and policy of function for all human beings is Good and Evil. Every human is BORN into this plan and lives in it until and unless he CHOOSES to enter the Plan of God by making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross for all human sin, ALONE. The principles of this Plan of Satan are found under the title of EVIL and revolve around the concept of providing a perfect environment for mankind apart from God and are based on the WORK and EFFORT, the production, of Man himself using his own power, under the guidance of the policy of EVIL. The PRODUCTION of this plan of EVIL is GOOD or Human Good since it is manufactured by MAN, Humans.

Therefore, this “Human Good” term and the concepts of its being production are derived from the initial creation of the original human beings in the Garden of Eden. These 2 human beings were created specifically for the resolution of the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial wherein Satan

challenged the condemnation by God for his revolution by contending that the Love of God did not work in conjunction with the Justice of God and Righteousness of God. This new species of human beings were provided with everything necessary by the Love of God for their contentment and happiness in life with one (1) single prohibition, Knowledge of Good and Evil.

This knowledge was not part of the Plan of God for them and therefore not necessary for these 2 individuals to be able to continue to live in happiness under the Plan of God for an unending lifetime. This prohibition was in fact regarding the Principles and Policies of the Plan of Satan with its methods of production. EVIL and GOOD respectively.

Immediately after DECIDING to enter the Plan of Satan by eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil the first thing our original parents did was to try to make coverings for their naked bodies. They never considered any offensiveness to being naked under the Plan of God and Love of God but knowing now all aspects of the Knowledge of Good and Evil they found themselves subject to new rules of morality and tried to comply. This was the production of Human Good related to pseudo morality in the Plan of Satan. This was their attempt to adjust to each other so that they might be able to gain the approval or approbation of God and thus adjust to him again.

The Plans

The PLAN of God is GRACE the PLAN of Satan is EVIL. These 2 plans are mutually exclusive and mutually antagonistic and therefore what is involved in one plan cannot ever be involved in the other plan. Under the GRACE Plan of God, God does ALL the work and man receives the benefit nonmeritoriously and God gets ALL the Credit. Under the EVIL Plan of Satan, Man does the work, God is supposed to accept that which is done by man in a meritorious way for the benefit of mankind, then provide some level of reward or blessing for the doer and Man gets the credit. Production in the Plan of God is based on the power derived from the Filling

of God the Holy Spirit while the individual believer is residing in the Power System of God,

the Divine Dynasphere, and functioning under the Protocol Plan of God. Production when functioning within the Plan of Satan is based on human power derived from the Old Sin Nature while the individual is residing and functioning in the Power System of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres, and functioning under the principles of Evil.

Production, Action, Effort or Function

When considering productions of either the Plan of God or the Plan of Satan there must be a distinction made between thoughts, decisions, motivations, policies, procedures and actions, efforts, works, deeds, etc. There has to be separation of the PRODUCTION & ACTION from the PLAN, POLICY and PRINCIPLE which provides MOTIVATION for the production. To make it clear, MOTIVATION IS NOT PRODUCTION, MOTIVATION IS NOT ACTION. The PRODUCTION

under the Plan of God is Divine Good while the PRODUCTION under the Plan of Satan is what is called Human Good. Both Divine Good and Human Good are PRODUCTION, an action not a decision or motivation.

Return to the Table of Contents

Definitions and Descriptions

Definitions: (Cambridge Dictionary Online)

● Plan

▴ This is a Procedural Guide in order to organize or control or coordinate ACTION so that it will occur in an intended way.

▴ A set of Thoughts or Decisions or Ideas concerning how to Do or Accomplish something.

● Thought

▴ A Consideration of something

▴ An idea or opinion

▴ A concept or consideration

▴ A set of ideas about a particular subject

● Motivation

▴ The Enthusiasm or need or reason for doing something

▴ The willingness to do something

▴ That which causes such willingness to DO something

● Principle

▴ The Idea or Rule or Truth that explains or controls how something happens or works or should happen or work

▴ A Rule or Standard of Behavior or Dealing

● Policy

▴ A set of ideas or a plan of what to DO in particular situations

▴ A set of ideas or a plan for ACTION

● Procedure

▴ A set of specifically defined actions or the orders or methods which are the accepted way of DOING something

▾ NOT the DOING but the plan of how to properly DO.


● Production

▴ The Process of Making

▴ The amount of something made

▴ The ACTIVITY or WORK of organizing things

● Act

▴ Something one DOES

▴ A Behavior

▴ Doing something for a purpose

▴ To have an effect

● Deed

▴ An intentional ACT

● Work

▴ An Activity

▴ That which is PRODUCED by effort

▴ Something created as a result of EFFORT

▴ That which causes a thing to become something by making an effort

▴ To shape or change or process a substance

▴ To DO something

▴ To perform as intended or desired

▴ To have an effect

▴ To physically shape something

▴ To achieve or accomplish something

● Effort

▴ Activity needed to ACHIEVE something

▴ An attempt to PRODUCE something

▴ Energy used to accomplish something;

● Human Good

▴ Production when residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres, the Plan of Satan, Evil.

▴ It must never be confused with morality or the legitimate Divine Good production of the believer residing in the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere.

▴ It is any good deed or effort that can be performed by believers or unbelievers by their own human efforts, APART FROM GOD.

▴ As the production of the believer outside of the Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere it is therefore not valid in God’s eyes.

▴ It is most often the production while functioning under the plan and policy of Satan, EVIL, therefore, it is the result of residing inside the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

Human Good is often a reaction to some situation or individual, ie. helping someone because one dislikes a person who wasn’t helping that person, or showing someone how much better one is with one’s Christian production. This is illustrated by people who very often give financially and of their time and efforts because they are unhappy. The individual performing Human Good can be motivated by any of the aspects of Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking

System of Arrogance or Cosmic Dynasphere II, the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred but most often it is from Mental Attitude Arrogance and the accompanying Mental Attitude Sins. Human Good is most often characterized by fanaticism and arrogant concentration without bible doctrinal inculcation. Therefore, it is a characteristic thing for fanatics to produce Human Good. There are 2 categories of Human Good in Life:

● Legitimate Human Good or Establishment Good

▴ This is related to the understanding of and adherence to the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions.

▴ This Legitimate Human Good can be performed by human efforts when related to the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions.

▴ This results in blessing or reward for the individual in time only.

▴ This is produced by either the believer or unbeliever as Establishment Oriented Human Good, outside of the Divine Dynasphere while residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres but NOT FUNCTIONING according to or under the principles and policies of the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

▰ An example is the unbeliever who joins the military.

● Corruptible or Illegitimate Human Good

▴ This is synonymous with “dead works” and is any production of the believer or unbeliever when residing in and FUNCTIONING accofding to and under the principles and policies of the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

◾ All his Human Good production is the basis for the indictment of the unbeliever at the Great White Throne Judgment.

◾ All his Human Good production is the basis for the bonfire of vanity at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ for the believer in the Church Age.

▴ All Human Good production by believers is destroyed by fire at the time of the resurrection for their personal dispensations prior to their entering eternity with God.

▴ All Human Good production by the Unbeliever is registered in the Book of Works and because it does not meet the standard of the Divine Good production of The Lord Jesus the Christ in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross, and was rejected by Christ while on the cross, it is the basis for his condemnation and relegation with it to the Lake of Fire.

There are systems of Human Good, such as: socialism; the attempt to create perfect environment for man, which appears on the surface to be GOOD for man but in fact destroys FREEDOM as part of the Laws of Divine Establishment. Other aspects of illegitimate Human Good include the concepts of Counseling as an attempt to help other people solve their problems in life which in fact results in a violation of Establishment principles including their privacy and freedom under the Laws of Divine Establishment. Therefore, Human Good is a reference to anything produced by man Apart From God, his Grace provision and outside of his Protocol Plan. Anything God provides for production by the believer, under his Grace Plan that production becomes Divine Good. Human Good and Divine Good are antithetical and mutually exclusive. The Knowledge of Human Good and Evil was not in the garden, and is not today, needed for a relationship with God. (Gen 2:17) Because Human Good is production outside of the Plan of God, Grace, and while residing within the Plan of Satan, EVIL, it becomes dead to God. (Heb 6:1) Therefore the believer’s Christian service, when he is FUNCTIONING inside the Interlocking System of Arrogance or Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred is

“dead works”. It is ONLY the momentum derived from function under Gates #1 & #2 of the

Divine Dynasphere interlocking with Gate #5 which is the means for the believer to avoid the problem of “dead works”.

Establishment Good, legitimate Christian production, which is performed outside the Divine Dynasphere is still “dead works”. It is production which results when the believer leaves the

Divine Dynasphere as a result of some sin and fails to function under the rebound principle to

regain his residence in the Divine Dynasphere. (1John 1:9) However, he regains or continues his orientation to Authority and the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions and functions effectively in these areas while remaining outside of the Divine Dynasphere but NOT

FUNCTIONING under the principles of the Cosmic Dynaspheres. This may be a very temporary situation or somewhat more prolonged depending on his propensity to engage in functions according to the principles and policies of the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

Therefore, obviously, Human Good produced outside of the Divine Dynasphere or from functions within the Cosmic Dynaspheres is never acceptable to God. (Isa 64:6). The production of Corruptible Human Good while functioning within the Cosmic Dynaspheres always results in boasting. (Eph

2:8 - 9 ; Rom 4:2) Human Good will not and absolutely cannot provide salvation.

(Titus 3:5). If one could achieve Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God as a result of his own human effort good deeds, “works”, he would then have cause for boasting. This boasting would be occurring while he was in residence in the Cosmic Dynaspheres so that this man would be stimulated into pseudo happiness by arrogantly boasting of his own production. The person residing in and functioning under the principles of the Cosmic Dynaspheres contends that faith is not enough for salvation. Whole denominations are built on living one’s life inside the Cosmic Dynaspheres and performing Human Good deeds. However, this is neither good enough to qualify the individual for Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God nor good enough to provide any level of enhanced spirituality; which in fact is ABSOLUTE and not relative. (2Tim 1:9) Therefore, Human Good can have no place in the plan of God (1Cor


- 3 ) BECAUSE it is the production APART from GOD and His Plan, within the Plan of Satan, EVIL. It began in the Garden as the test of Good and Evil, with EVIL being the Plan and Policies of Satan and Human Good being the production under that plan. Human Good production can be converted to Divine Good IF and when the believer regains his residence within the Divine Dynasphere by his function under the rebound procedure.

Grace vs Evil

Is the believer ever given credit for his involvement in or should I say assisting in GRACE? I don’t believe so therefore he cannot be given credit, even negative or detrimental credit, for his involvement in or assisting in EVIL, because both are plans and policies not actions or productions. Evil INFLUENCES the individual through thoughts, motivations and decisions, for the production of SIN, Human Good (the desired production under EVIL) and CRIME, which is PRODUCTION in opposition to common law BASED ON the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions. Grace INFLUENCES the believer through the inculcation and metabolization of Bible Doctrine for the production of Divine Good, the desired production under the GRACE

Plan of God.

People have a tendency to distort the concepts involved with some things by the definitions or connotations they assign to them erroneously. EVIL as an illustration is used both for the principles, plan and policy of Satan and the actions or production or functions of individuals when engaged in heinous activities. To say, “he is EVIL” or “What he did was EVIL”, is a complete misuse and a confusion of that term. It would be better to say, “He is operating under or influenced by EVIL”, or “What he did was criminal because of being influenced by

EVIL”. Using EVIL as a type of production is a distorted and confusing use of terminology.

The believer cannot produce EVIL, he can, however, from the influence of EVIL produce SIN, Human Good and Crime. The Believer cannot produce GRACE, but from the influence of and function under the GRACE policy of God, he can PRODUCE Divine Good.

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Spiritual Skills & production skills

In the Christian Way of Life, development of the Spiritual Skills must precede development or use of any production skills. Just as social skills must be learned before competitive skills in orientation to human life, so spiritual growth and Problem Solving Skills must precede good deeds and Christian service in the Protocol Plan of God. Under the Protocol Plan of God, spiritual growth, as a result of the inculcation and metabolization of Bible Doctrine, must precede the good deeds of Christian service, otherwise, the Christian service and good deeds will become the “dead works” of Human Good. If one develops competitive skills before social skills, then the competitive skills replace the social skills, so that kindness, thoughtfulness, and consideration for others is eliminated. Therefore, in the Christian Way of Life, advancing to Spiritual Maturity must precede maximum effectiveness in Christian service and the production of Divine Good deeds. The problems which result in parlaying Divine Good into Human Good or “dead works” are avoided by giving priority to spiritual momentum through consistency in Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation by Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. Maximum effectiveness of one’s Christian service in Spiritual Maturity does not preclude Christian service in spiritual youth or early spiritual adulthood; but it does provide the Grace perspective for the place of Christian service in the Protocol Plan of God and emphasizes the importance of spiritual advance. The key to the production of Divine Good in Christian service is to avoid wrong motivation, especially from involvement in any aspect of the Interlocking System of Arrogance or Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred. In the Christian Way of Life if the Spiritual Skills are not developed first, then production skills will replace spiritual skills, with the disastrous results of the believer thinking he must work to gain approval from God and to be spiritual. This believer will never execute the Protocol Plan of God for the Church, and therefore, will never glorify God or do anything that can be classified as Divine Good. This will result in ALL of the believer’s good deed efforts and Christian service being considered “wood, hay, and stubble”, so that ALL will be burned at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

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Divine Good

The basis for the most effective production of Divine Good is Residence in the Divine

Dynasphere under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit, having accumulated maximum Metabolized

Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. Therefore, the absolute importance of developing Bible Doctrine Orientation, Problem Solving Devices #4 in the Christian life. God provided for every individual who would make Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God in his lifetime a portfolio of Invisible Assets in eternity past, making it

possible for each and every believer to produce Divine Good. Divine Good is one of three categories of production in life and is the production of the Church Age believer through utilization of the Grace provisions of God in three categories:

The Filling of the Holy Spirit

Cognition and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine

● Advance in the Protocol Plan of God.

Divine Good is and must be distinguished from both the Legitimate Human Good Production of Establishment Good and the “dead works” production of Illegitimate Human Good for the individual believer at the Judgment Seat of Christ because the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross was the ultimate in Divine Good. “Dead works” are “good deeds” and Christian “service” which do not meet the standards of God and / or which are produced apart

from or outside of the Plan of God. (Eph 2:8-10) The new spiritual species of the Church Age believer has been created to utilize God’s Grace provisions for the production of Divine Good rather than Human Good in this Church Age. Therefore, Divine Good is the only legitimate system of production in the Protocol Plan of God and is the only Christian service which is acceptable to God and which has eternal repercussions. The effective production of Divine Good is the inevitable result of spiritual growth through the inculcation and metabolization of Bible Doctrine. Since the policy under which there can be the production of Divine Good is always Grace, the obvious importance of developing Grace Orientation as Problem Solving

Device #5 in the Christian Way of Life. In addition Divine Good production must have a Grace result and if the function of one’s good deeds or efforts leads to dependency in some way, if it erodes legitimate authority in life, or in some other way opposes the standards of God, then it is illegitimate production derived from functioning under EVIL. (Eph 2:10) In order for the believer to do something that meets God’s standards as Divine Good Production then he must have all of the means and help from God. Therefore, ALL the Divine Good deeds which the believer performs are the result of spiritual growth, never the means of spiritual growth.

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Divine Good & Human Good & Salvation

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is based on the fact that The Lord Jesus the Christ went to the cross and received the imputation and judgment for all human sins and paid individually for each and every one of these with his own Substitutionary Spiritual Death. This removed sin as an issue in the resolution of the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. Therefore, the issue was able to remain the Plan of God vs the Plan of Satan, the Divine Good production of Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ vs the Human Good production of the individual, GRACE vs EVIL and the Righteousness of God vs the Self Righteousness of the Individual. Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is by nonmeritorious faith alone in The Lord Jesus the Christ alone and at that very instant God enters the new believer into the GRACE Protocol Plan of God under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. This is the Divine

Dynasphere, the Power System of God which power is derived from the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. It is a GRACE plan, where God does the work, man reaps the benefit nonmeritoriously and God gets the credit. At Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God the individual receives instantly 40 Assets from God for his new Spiritual Life, one which is revocable and which is the POWER of the Filling of God the Holy Spirit, for the function of the believer in the Divine PLAN.

At Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God the individual is removed from the Power System of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres the Plan of Satan, EVIL into which he was born physically.

In this plan, under the principles of EVIL, man does the work for the supposed benefit of mankind expecting God to accept it and then respond with some reward or blessing for man’s great efforts with man getting the credit. Under Satan's plan the individual is to work for the benefit of humanity using his own efforts, assets and power and take all credit to himself.

Since Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is based totally and exclusively on the Substitutionary Spiritual Death, the “WORK”, of The Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross for human sins then, IF Human Good efforts or “WORKS” are excluded from salvation, and they are, it follows that Human Good efforts and “WORKS” are excluded totally from the Plan of God for the Church Age believer. (Rom 4:4) Man being imperfect and born under spiritual death has no system of good deeds by which he can impress Perfect God and thereby gain eternal life because he is DEAD TO GOD. When it comes to making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and acquiring Eternal Life from God, the only good which impresses God the Father is the Divine Good of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of God the Son on the cross for ALL human sins. The fact is that The Lord Jesus the Christ accepted the imputation and then judgment of each and every human sin in all of Human History but totally and completely rejected each and every situation of Human Good production. Therefore, the exclusion of Human Good “WORKS” from salvation sets a precedent for the exclusion of Human Good from the entirety of the Christian way of life. The fact is that the more one works for salvation, the deeper he goes into debt for Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. (Rom 4:14, Gal 2:16) Return to the Table of Contents

Divine Good vs Human Good Principles

The Human Good production of mankind under the plan and policy of Satan by his own efforts is relative while the Divine Good production of man under the plan and provision of God is absolute. In other words, Divine Good production lasts forever, while Human Good production may last a day, a month or a year or more, but will eventually be lost and forgotten in Human History. Divine Good production is absolute and eternal, while Human Good production is relative and temporal. Human Good is performed by the efforts of man and is the production

of the believer or unbeliever while residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres. When related to one’s

functions under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions the believer’s production of Divine Good while residing in the Protocol Plan of God is rewardable both in time and eternity. When related to one’s functions under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions the production of the believer or unbeliever while residing in but NOT

functioning under the principles of the Cosmic Dynaspheres is Establishment Good and is legitimate Human Good and rewardable in TIME ONLY. ALL production of both believer and unbeliever outside of the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere and in the Cosmic Dynaspheres is always “dead works” and unacceptable to God. (Tit 3:5) Therefore, in the

Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere, ALL Divine Good deeds begin with what God has done for us and ANYTHING added to his provision, especially the provision for nonmeritorious faith alone in Christ for salvation, is Human Good, and cancels the validity of the faith and

any production. (Tit 3:5; Rom 3:20-28; Rom 4:4-5, Eph 2:8-10) Human Good production is corruptible, because mankind has an Old Sin Nature which controls his soul when he allows what it tempts him for the production of acts of personal sin or crime.

This causes the individual to enter and remain in the Plan of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres

and then IF he functions under the principles of EVIL governing these systems his Human Good production is illegitimate and corrupted as “Dead Works”. This production is of no value to the believer and the basis for the indictment and condemnation of the unbeliever. When functioning under the influence of Evil in the Cosmic Dynaspheres, Human Good efforts produce blind arrogance and often involve the producer in Crusader Arrogance thus corrupting him.

Therefore, the believer in his life either produces Divine Good or Human Good, depending on who controls his soul and his life. If the God the Holy Spirit controls his soul a maximum amount of time, he produces Divine Good a maximum amoung of the time. If the Old Sin Nature controls his soul a maximum amount of time, he produces Human Good a maximum amount of the time.

However, Human Good production can be LEGITIMATE rewardable production for either the believer or unbeliever in their LIFETIME when it is related to one’s functions under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions. This individual will be residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres as the result of some failure on the part of the believer and as a result of being

born spiritually dead for the unbeliever. HOWEVER, he will not be functioning under the principles and policies of the Cosmic Dynaspheres but under the principles of Authority Orientation, Humility and Impersonal, Unconditional Love on a very limited basis. This is legitimate production for the true benefit of mankind but because it is accomplished OUTSIDE

of the realm of the Protocol Plan of God it is still “dead works” and not acceptable to God for spiritual consideration. (Tit 3:5) This production related to one’s functions under the Laws of

Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions, the production of the believer or unbeliever while residing in but NOT functioning under the principles of the Cosmic Dynaspheres, is Establishment Good and is legitimate and rewardable in TIME ONLY.

Summary – Divine Good vs Human Good

● Divine Good`

▴ Production under the plan and policy of Grace with provisions from God within the Power System of God, the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere

empowered by the Filling of God the Holy Spirit motivated by Metabolized Bible

Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the individual believer.

▴ Divine Good is therefore production under the Grace Plan and Policy of God for the Temporal and Eternal benefit of man.

▴ Divine Good is the production of the BELIEVER only within the Plan of God, GRACE, the Divine Dynasphere, motivated by the principles derived from Bible Doctrine while the believer’s soul is under the control of God the Holy Spirit, (God’s Inside Man), FOR THE BENEFIT OF MAN USING THE ASSETS PROVIDED


◾ Requirements for Divine Good Production

▴ Residence and function within the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere, the Power System of God under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit.

◆ Status Quo – Spiritual

▴ Virtue from Genuine Humility, Motivational and Functional Virtue developed in the believer based on the accumulation of a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

▴ ANY production of the believer, any good deeds or efforts of any kind when he is under the control of God the Holy Spirit is Divine Good.

▴ Divine Good cannot be produced outside of the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere, since it requires the Filling of God the Holy Spirit controlling the soul and motivation from Metabolized Bible Doctrine derived from the principles of GRACE.

● Human Good

▴ Human Good IS an action, an effort or deed, a function or PRODUCTION while residing under the plan and policy of EVIL from Satan within the Power System of

Satan the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

▴ This, as Corruptible Human Good, is most often driven by acquiescence to the

temptations from the Old Sin Nature’s Area of Strength driven by the lust patterns stimulating the trends of the genetic Old Sin Nature motivated by the Motivational Evil of Mental Attitude Arrogance with its Mental Attitude Sins from the influence of EVIL.

▴ Human Good is therefore the production when residing under the Power System of Satan, EVIL, the Plan of Satan most often with function under the policy and principles of EVIL which were designed for the Temporal benefit of man in Satan’s attempt to produce a Utopian environment and society, Apart from God.

▴ Human Good is MOST OFTEN motivated by the Doctrines of Demons, the principles and policy of the Cosmic Dynaspheres derived from EVIL. This occurs while man’s soul is under the control of his Old Sin Nature, Satan’s Inside Man, and the production which results is designed and supposed to be, FOR THE


◾ Requirements for Human Good Production

▴ Residence within the Plan of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres, the Interlocking

System of Arrogance and / or Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred under the control of the Old Sin Nature.

◆ Status Quo Carnal

▴ Motivational Evil and Functional Evil from entanglement in the Interlocking System of Arrogance but can also be from involvement in the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred with influence from the Doctrines of Demons in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

▴ Carnality not spirituality because one cannot produce Human Good under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit because under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit he is in the Plan of God. The believer must be OUT of the Plan of God out from under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit before he can produce Human Good.

▴ Therefore, Human Good Production CANNOT take the believer out of the Plan of God because he can’t produce it in the Plan of God, however, Human Good production will certainly keep one out of the Plan of God.

▴ Human Good cannot be produced outside of the Plan of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres, because the individual human being MUST reside within one of 2

power systems, the Power System of Satan or Power System of God, and if he is OUTSIDE of the Power System of Satan he therefore, must be INSIDE the Power System of God. In the Power System of God, God the Holy Spirit controls the soul and Human Good production requires the Old Sin Nature controlling the soul and most often motivation from the doctrines of demons derived from the principles of EVIL

● Establishment Good

▴ This is the ONLY exception in the production of Human Good. This Human Good production occurs while residing in the Power System of Satan but while NOT

functioning under the influence of the principles and policies of that system but under the influence of the principles involved with Virtue as Humility and Impersonal, Unconditional Love and the principles of the Laws of Divine

Establishment and Divine Institutions.


The production by man from his own efforts is relative good, the production by man using the provisions of God in all cases is absolute good. The “good” production of mankind residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres is relative; the “good” production of mankind residing in the Divine Dynasphere is absolute. Divine Good production under the power of God the Holy Spirit while the believer resides in the Divine Dynasphere lasts forever, while Human Good production by man while residing in the Cosmic Dynasphere may last a day, a month, a year, or more but will eventually be forgotten and destroyed. Therefore, Divine Good production is absolute and eternal, while Human Good production is relative and temporal. Legitimate or Beneficial Human Good as Establishment Good can be performed by the function of the believer or unbeliever while residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres but while NOT functioning under the principles of EVIL. This Establishment Good production is related to motivation and then function under the principles of Virtue and the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions. The believer’s production of Divine Good is rewardable both in time and eternity.

The believer’s production of ALL categories of Human Good while residing OUTSIDE of the Divine Dynasphere is classified as “dead works”. However the production of Establishment Good, although it is produced while residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres, is rewardable in time for both believer and unbeliever by man as a result of supporting the principles needed to protect and preserve the Human Race.

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Motivation for Human Good production

Thoughts, Decisions, Motivations, Principles and Policies are NOT ACTIONS or PRODUCTIONS, but they can be responsible for taking the individual believer out of the Plan of God as a part of Mental Attitude Arrogance or Mental Attitude Sins. Human good is NOT a decision or motivation, not a thought. Any thought which motivates Human Good production is what takes the believer OUT OF THE PLAN and it must involve some level of mental sin! The plan of God is GRACE with all its principles and policies and one cannot say a person produces GRACE but that the person can function under the principles and policies and motivations from GRACE so that his PRODUCTION is Divine Good for the temporal and eternal benefit of man.

The Plan of Satan is EVIL and a person CANNOT produce EVIL but that person can function under the principles and policies and be SATURATED with the motivations from EVIL so that his production is Human Good when it is supposed to be for the benefit of man.

In the Divine Dynasphere, the Protocol Plan of God, the Power System of God the believer is under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and THEREFORE CANNOT produce Human Good because Human Good is the production of the PLAN of Satan! Therefore, IF HE CANNOT

PRODUCE Human Good in the Divine Dynasphere it THEREFORE CANNOT TAKE HIM OUT OF

THE Divine Dynasphere, the Plan of God. IF Human Good cannot take the believer out of the Plan of God, and it cannot, then he has no basis for considering it as a part of the recovery process in the Plan of God, the rebound procedure. The believer must exit the Plan of God first by some THOUGHT OR DECISION which would be part of Mental Attitude Arrogance and Mental Attitude SIN or even some action of verbal or overt sin, but this MUST come first. This is the result of his allowing some influence from Evil to penetrate into his soul.

Some level of Mental Attitude Arrogance or other Mental Attitude Sin or any other sin must FIRST be involved before one ACTS and PRODUCES human good deeds. The believer in fact must first reject some aspect of Bible Doctrine, the principles or policy of GRACE, before he can exit the Plan of God and then he can produce Human Good. In this situation whether one thinks or knows that he is committing sin is irrelevant, he is. This involves some mental or overt function to reject some principle of Bible Doctrine or Grace and to voluntarily function OUTSIDE OF THE PLAN OF GOD. This is NEGATIVE VOLITION, whether one realizes it or not, and he sins, whether he knows it or not, but in the Plan of God, ignorance is no excuse and he is always still responsible for the decision to sin. The decision to reject the principles of Bible Doctrine in the Plan of God, whether he knew the principles existed or not, takes him OUT of the Plan of God before he can produce any Human Good. It is the thought, motivation, decision, in violation of the principles and policy of Grace which takes the believer out of the Plan of God and THEN he has the potential to go into action and produces Human GOOD.

Human Good production is not motivated by Metabolized Bible Doctrine therefore has no credit with God. However, Human Good motivated by patriotism and orientation and function under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions has credit but only with man not with God. This is Legitimate beneficial Human Good production but still occurs OUTSIDE of the Plan of God and while residing under the Plan of Satan. Human Good motivated by the

arrogance or antagonism complexes, the policies and plans of Satan, has no credit with God and though it is supposed to benefit mankind it will inevitably lead to his self destruction. In fact, All Human Good is “dead works” and contradicts the protocol plan of God for the Church Age. Sinful or Arrogant or Antagonistic motivation results in illegitimate Corrupt Human Good production under the principles and policy of evil and is therefore considered “dead works”.

Virtuous Establishment motivation results in Legitimate Beneficial Human Good production under the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment, the Divine Institution, Humility and Impersonal, Unconditional Love and is still “dead works” before God but is rewardable in Time because it results in assisting the preservation of the Human Race.

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Leaving the Plan of God

Sin is any mental, verbal or overt activity as rejection or disobedience of the perfect standards of God which violate the plan, policy or character of God. Sin results in separation from God, spiritual death as in the case of Adam and Eve, and removal from the Plan of God. Spiritual Death therefore prevents the individual from having any relationship with God except one based on Judgment by God. Thus, as a result of Sin the individual cannot function in the Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere. Sin includes criminal activity as the violations of the sanctity of Freedom, Privacy, Property and LIFE of other individuals under the divine standards of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions. SIN removes the believer from the Power

System of God, the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere until he uses the Rebound

Procedure to recover from his sin. (1John 1:9)

Therefore, Sin is obviously not part of the Plan of God, however, Sin is most likely NOT part of the Plan of Satan either since the Plan of Satan, EVIL was to involve Human Good production for the benefit of man. Consider, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as the prohibition for Ish and Ishah in the Garden of Eden. Because the issue in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial was whether the characteristics of the Essence of God worked together in all situations, especially judgment of creatures, or not, Sin as a distraction from the issue of Plan of God vs the Plan of Satan, therefore, had to be removed from the stage of Human History. This required the 1st Advent of The Lord Jesus the Christ and his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross as the payment for ALL human sin which he received in his humanity. However, it is important to realize that at the cross during the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ for sin, he REJECTED ALL HUMAN GOOD, the production in the Plan of Satan. Human Good was NOT JUDGED in the humanity of The Lord Jesus the Christ, therefore, Human Good must be set aside to be judged at a later time by GOD. Human Good, therefore, cannot be in any way involved with the rebound procedure since it is not involved in removing the believer from the Plan of God. It is only Sin, therefore, which removes the believer from the Protocol Plan of God. Prolonged engagement in sin is Carnality in which case the soul of the believer is under the constant control of the Old Sin Nature and this is a direct antithesis to Spirituality which is the Soul of the believer under the control of God the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, any mental, verbal or overt activity which involves the believer in violation of the perfect standards of the Plan, Policy or Character of God takes the believer OUT of the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere, and puts him into the Plan of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres. However, production efforts not involving Sin or Crime while one resides in the Cosmic Dynaspheres must remain throughout all of Human History because they are a demonstration that the Plan of Satan does not and cannot provide what he intended for man.

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The Rebound Procedure (1John 1:9)

Sin, and the parts of Arrogance which are SIN and criminal acts which are SINFUL as violations of the Laws of Divine Establishment or Divine Institutions were all judged in the humanity of Christ and paid for by the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross. Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is based on the acceptance by the unbeliever of this Divine Good production. The Rebound Procedure is also based on His Substitutionary Spiritual Death which was total payment for sin, but which had NOTHING whatsoever to do with Human Good because He rejected ALL Human Good, He did not receive the imputation of Human Good, while He was on the cross being judged. After any engagement in sin the recovery process

must begin with the Rebound Procedure. (1John 1:9) This procedure is based on the efficacious judgment of ALL sin by God the Father and the efficacious payment as the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ while on the cross for ALL sin. Sin having been JUDGED already by God the Father cannot be judged again and having been paid in full for by the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ, cannot be paid for again by the sinner. Therefore, sin can be forgiven when the believer Acknowledges to God, recognizes, that the judgment for the particular sin he has named was efficacious. The requirement for forgiveness from God the Father is Naming, Citing, Acknowledging the court case of his sin being judged. This is the believer recognizing that GOD, under his GRACE policy, did the work and he is basically agreeing with this work and asking to receive the benefit nonmeritoriously as forgiveness for his personal sin. Man is born into this world in spiritual death as a result of possessing a genetic Old Sin Nature passed down from Adam through all generations of Human History and therefore is basically ENSLAVED to sin. The SLAVE in the slave market CANNOT BUY

HIMSELF OUT OF SLAVERY BY PAYING WHATEVER IS REQUIRED FOR HIS FREEDOM. Sin was judged in the Humanity of the Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross BY GOD. Sin is not and cannot be judged by man who is enslaved to it, for removal of or forgiveness of sin. When the believer uses the Rebound Procedure he THANKS God for the provision of judgment of sin so that he can accept the judgment as efficacious and agrees with the judgment thus receives the forgiveness already provided and available; nonmeritoriously.

Human Good & The Rebound Procedure

1John 1:9 the Rebound Procedure, cleanses the repentant believer of ALL unrighteousness,

which specifically is Sin, as unwanted production from Evil under the Arrogance or Antagonism of Cosmic Dynasphere I or II. The basis for 1John 1:9 and the Rebound Procedure is the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross for all human SIN where He also REJECTED Human Good. Human Good is not part of and cannot ever be involved in the Plan of God because it is the PRODUCTION of the Plan of Satan, EVIL, and it MUST be judged but man cannot judge himself. God the Father Judged man’s sin in The Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross and God the Son WILL judge Human Good as the individual prepares to enter eternity at the appropriate time of the resurrection for his dispensation. At the Great White Throne Judgment, for all the unbelievers in the Human Race, the Human Good they produced in their lifetime will be compared with the Divine Good production of The Lord Jesus the Christ under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death for our sins and this will be found wanting. At this point all Human Good production by the unbeliever will be condemned and destroyed by fire by being cast with the unbeliever into the Lake of Fire. At the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ for the Church Age believer, the Human Good he has

produced, which has been set aside during the life of the believer, will be brought forward.

This again will be compared with the Divine Good production of The Lord Jesus the Christ and as production under the Plan of Satan and will again be found wanting. It cannot be part of the Grace Plan of God therefore it cannot be included in His Plan for Eternity thus it will be condemned and destroyed by fire.

Because Human Good was rejected at the cross and as a result of it NOT being judged by God at that time it cannot be involved in any part of the function of the Rebound Procedure. Sin removes the believer from the Plan of God, Human Good production, which can only occur when the believer is already out of the Plan of God, does not. The Rebound Procedure is to allow the believer to recover his residence in the Protocol Plan of God. Human Good was rejected as the production part of the Plan of Satan by The Lord Jesus the Christ at the cross.

Human Good is the attempt through the Plan of Satan, Evil, to produce a functional society in a Utopian environment for the benefit of man, just like God would produce, but APART FROM

GOD. Since Human Good was rejected by The Lord Jesus the Christ, the GOD / Man, and does not remove the believer from the Plan of God, it has no place in rebound functions and is not involved in the cleansing of God from all “wrongdoing”. Human Good is the expected supposed beneficial production under the Plan of Satan and must exist as part of the Plan of Satan for the one producing it until the individual involved is preparing to enter eternity.

Human Good in Human History must exist to the end of Human History and the end of the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial as the production of the Plan of Satan for ruling mankind, but it must eventually be judged.

Man cannot judge his own sin therefore man cannot judge his own Human Good. Human Good is the production when one is residing under the Plan of Satan, EVIL and it must be judged and the judgment must be BY GOD. However, Human Good, as a result of being rejected by The Lord Jesus the Christ at the cross, MUST BE SET ASIDE for this future judgment BY GOD. If the believer judges himself, that is acknowledges and takes responsibility before God for his failures of sin, and does this persistently and consistently through his lifetime and to the best of his ability keeps the mandates of God to the end of his life, there will be very little Human Good issue for him at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ. (1Cor 11:31)

However, this must not be construed to mean that he will have NO Human Good to be burned by Christ because EVERYONE Sins and does so constantly which puts him into the Plan of Satan and the inevitable result will be the production of some Human Good.

Divine Good Production

Anything God provides in grace for production results in Divine Good production. ANY

production outside of the Protocol Plan of God resulting in Human Good can become Divine Good when it is performed inside the Divine Dynasphere. This infers that during the production of Human Good IF the individual believer uses the Rebound Procedure and regains the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and residence in the Divine Dynasphere the Protocol Plan of God, then his Human Good production becomes Divine Good. Therefore, the Rebound Procedure causes the believer to be put into a position where he is able to produce Divine Good. In the Divine Dynasphere one cannot produce Sin or Human Good. Sin takes one out of the Plan of God and Human Good production only occurs outside the Plan of God. Human

Good is MOST OFTEN the production from the principles and policies of EVIL the Plan of Satan, while Divine Good is the production from the GRACE principles and policies of the Plan of God.

In the book of James, it is said that Divine Good production Triumphs over the judgment decisions of Christ against Human Good productions which occur at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ for the Church Age believer. Therefore, one’s evaluation at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ by The Lord Jesus the Christ will lack acceptance or approval for the believer who has not shown any Divine Good production. This will be the believer who experiences momentary SHAME during the realization of his having wasted or lost equal opportunity in the Protocol Plan of God. Divine Good production in the life of the believer, functioning under the Protocol Plan of God in the Divine Dynasphere, produces triumph, offsetting, negating under Grace, IN

or DURING, the JUDGMENT of Human Good. If the believer functions in his Spiritual Life with the constant use of 1John 1:9, the Rebound Procedure, and has advanced momentum in the Spiritual Life, by the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine, with minimal failures, or rapid recovery, from sin, then he will produce a maximum level of Divine Good and a minimum level of Human Good to be judged.

This will result in maximum reward received at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ which will be for all eternity, and minimum fuel of “wood, hay and stubble” for the bonfire of vanities.

Carnality & Divine Good

Carnality, the prolonged involvement in producing sin, cuts off the basis for the production of Divine Good; for there can be no Divine Good production outside of the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere and without the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. The production of Divine Good can only reoccur IF and when the carnal believer engages in the use of the

Rebound Procedure. (1John 1:9) Summary

Again the principle of the Rebound Procedure is based on the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ for SIN while he rejected Human Good, the PRODUCTION UNDER THE PLAN OF

SATAN, EVIL. Arrogance is in some cases SIN and in some cases it is Human Good production from involvement in the EVIL of the Cosmic Dynaspheres. Therefore, Sin is forgiven by the believer’s use of the Rebound Procedure which is the believer “acknowledging” only that the JUDGMENT OF GOD OF THE NAMED OR ACKNOWLEDGED SINS, IN THE HUMANITY OF

CHRIST WHILE HE WAS ON THE CROSS, WAS EFFECTIVE OR EFFICACIOUS. The Rebound Procedure is NOT man judging himself for sin. The individual cannot be punished for SIN

because The Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross paid the penalty of punishment with his personal Substitutionary Spiritual Death for each and every sin. However, no one ever gets away with personal sin and all believers who sin will receive Divine Discipline for their Personal sin TAKING THEM OUT OF THE Plan of God but NOT FOR THE SIN ITSELF! David, Moses, Paul, ETC., all believers receive Divine Discipline because personal sins take them out of the Plan of God. This Divine Discipline is a smack in the head to wake the believer up to that fact and that to avoid the discomfort of the Divine Discipline he must get back into the Plan of God and under the GRACE provisions of that plan. Human Good however, was rejected by

Christ, Not Judged by God, and cannot be judged by Man and as production of the Plan of Satan MUST and WILL BE JUDGED BY GOD.

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Carnality & Human Good

Failure to produce Divine Good results when the believer is out of fellowship, out of the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere, a status which is often unknown to that believer.

Anything that the believer does outside of the Divine Dynasphere is not a part of the Protocol Plan of God, and therefore, “dead” to God. Human Good is defined as what the believer can do apart from the Grace provision of God. Human Good is also considered what the unbeliever can do by his own human efforts. Human Good is what the believer can accomplish from his own volition and self-determination using his own energy outside of the Plan of God.

Therefore, “Dead works” are the good deeds performed by a Church Age believer as a result of residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres because of carnality. (Heb 6:1) Neither Good nor Evil were addressed nor solved by the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross. Good and Evil are the production and the plan and policy of Satan which functions under his systems of the Cosmic Dynaspheres. GOOD = Human Good deed production apart from God or any of God’s provisions. EVIL = the principles and policy of the Plan of Satan to rule and enslave mankind. Therefore the believer cannot confess Human Good production nor his involvement in Evil. Therefore, the production of “GOOD”

under the principles of EVIL cannot provide for the individual’s making Adjustment to the Justice of God and thereby having a relationship with God. The fact is that many believers being totally ignorant of Bible Doctrine think that Human Good production is the Christian Way of Life, not realizing that this is the production of the Plan of Satan and CANNOT be involved in the Plan of God. These people, many of them believers, think that if they live good, clean, moral lives and attend a church in a religious denomination or organization where Bible Doctrine is generally not consistently taught, and by doing nice things when possible, that this will result in their reward as blessing in time and / or Eternal Life with God upon their death.

This is a complete fallacy and total disorientation to the Protocol Plan of God.

Good and Evil have no instant solutions in the Spiritual Life and are not related in any way to the 2 instant Adjustments to the Justice of God:

▴ Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God

▴ Rebound Adjustment to the Justice of God

Therefore, the production of Human Good must be set aside to be judged by God and condemned with EVIL to the Lake of Fire or for destruction by fire prior to all believers in all dispensations entering eternity.

Human Good vs Sin

Human Good is not sinful and cannot take the believer out of the Plan of God and does not cause Spiritual Death. The Bible distinguishes between Human Good, the production which can only occur outside of the Plan of God, and personal sins, which remove the believer from the Plan of God. However, both are obnoxious to God. The Bible calls the personal or self righteousness of the individual as “filthy rags”, (Is 64:6) referring to anything which he can do outside of the Plan of God. There is only one way to deal with Human Good production in

the Spiritual Life and that is to remain in or recover to the Divine Dynasphere, the Protocol Plan of God as quickly as possible when Sin removes one. To avoid the production of Human Good the believer has to remain under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit because everything that he does that’s nice, or good, or moral, or right, every act of kindness, any sacrificial giving, all of his prayer and witnessing and teaching Sunday School, all Christian service, everything done when he is out of fellowship residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres because of sin, is Human Good and is totally abhorrent to GOD!

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Judgment of Human Good

When The Lord Jesus, The Christ was on the cross he was judged for ALL HUMAN SIN.

Therefore, he was JUDGED for all the falling short of the Righteousness of God of every human being, thus SIN as transgressions against the plan and policy of God, and all the sinful Arrogance or Antagonism. However, we know that The Lord Jesus, The Christ specifically REJECTED Human Good Production at the cross because it is the production of the Plan of Satan which must continue in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial to the end of Human History.

Therefore Human Good is set aside for later judgment. Sin was judged in Christ because IT IS


HISTORY. This issue is in part Human Good vs Divine Good. Human Good as production IS

reserved for judgment and will be condemned as production under the Plan of Satan.

Human Good production is to be judged for believers after each of their three respective resurrections prior to their entry into Eternity to live with God. For Church Age believers, it is judged at the end of the Church Age when the believers are assembled at the Judgment Seat of

Christ. (Rom 14:10; 2Cor 5:10). Human Good production by the believer which is what he produces while out of the Plan of God and out from under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit MUST BE JUDGED BY GOD. It is ludicrous to think that man can judge his own productions which occur outside of the Plan of God. The believer’s Human Good production is evaluated based on a comparison to the Divine Good production of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross and found not equal to the task of providing anything in the Spiritual Life of the believer and is burned by fire. This occurs in the Church Age as he is preparing to enter eternity when he is brought before the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ in order to remove all aspects of his Human Good, the production under the Plan of Satan, Evil, prior to his entering eternity to live with God. It is at that time burned by fire at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ BECAUSE Human Good cannot be in any way associated with or part of the Plan of God or function in that plan.

In 1Cor 13:1

- 3 , Paul gives an example of Human Good production. If one speaks in tongues,

and yet is in the cosmic system, then the use of that Spiritual gift has no spiritual content and the use becomes nothing more than Human Good production. 1Cor 3:11

- 16

presents the

principle of the rejection of Human Good by The Lord Jesus the Christ in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death and by God as production in the Plan of Satan. Therefore the believers who produce Human Good in their lifetime will suffer a loss of their potential rewards, they will not have used the equal opportunity given them to engage in the consistent production of Divine Good which is the basis for their decorations and rewards for eternity.

Human Good production by the unbeliever, which is the only thing he can produce since he is always outside of the Plan of God and under the control of his Old Sin Nature, is judged by God at the end of the Millennium at the Great White Throne Judgment. There it will be compared against the Divine Good production of The Lord Jesus the Christ in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death for all human sin and found lacking. His Human Good production is the basis of his indictment at the Great White Throne Judgment. (Rev 20:12

- 15


In effect the unbeliever is saying that what he has done in his lifetime as good deeds is good

enough for God to allow him to live with Him in Eternity, another gross false concept found prevalently in RELIGION. It is therefore CONDEMNED to destruction, along with the person who relies on it for salvation, in the Lake of Fire. Even the production of Establishment Good, as function under the principles and policies of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions, establishes no credit with God for the unbeliever at the Great White Throne judgment because is does not equal the Divine Good Substitutionary Spiritual Death production of The Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross for all sin.

The source of Illegitimate Corrupt Human Good production is accepting temptations from the area of strength of the old sin nature. ALL Human Good production in Human History must be judged because it is production of the individual while under the Plan of Satan. Illegitimate Human Good in Human History continues because Satan still rules this world and will continue in the Millennium during the reign of The Lord Jesus the Christ in order to demonstrate that its source is the Old Sin Nature under the principles of Evil. Because Human Good production is most often divorced from the integrity of God and always occurs under the Plan of Satan, it most often does not accomplish what it seeks to accomplish, benefit for man. It rarely fulfills its objectives of improving anything for man with the only exception to this being Establishment Good.

Erasing Human Good

When using the Rebound Procedure Human Good is not erased from the believer but simply set aside until his resurrection when he brings it along with him to be Judged by God the Son.

For the Church Age believer this is at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ where it is judged, condemned and destroyed by Fire. Therefore, the stupid believers who persist in residing outside of the Divine Dynasphere and producing masses of good deeds in hopes of gaining the approbation of God and some blessing from him, will have HUGE bonfires at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ. It is at the point of the resurrection of believers in all the dispensations where all the Human Good in all of Human History from believers will eventually be removed from the eternal Plan of God.

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The Futility of Human Good Deeds

The greatest men in history rarely influence mankind or history beyond their own generation with very few exceptions. One such exception was Julius Caesar who in 5 years was able to provide a system which allowed Rome to last another 500 years. However Rome still fell despite his great accomplishment. This applies to ALL systems of Human Effort Good Deeds.

In effect Human Good deeds accomplish nothing of long standing value. Even the Human Good production of Julius Caesar as Establishment Good, which was aligned under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions, did not last forever in Human History. A perfect illustration is found in those who want to abolish war by removing weapons from responsible nations which in effect removes the ability of the individual and the nation to defend itself and thus turns the world into a jungle where the irresponsible overrun and control the responsible.

Human Good is like the flower of the field. All of these beautiful flowers are here for a moment, and then they are gone; they make a great impression at the moment, but they do not last.

Satan desires to establish a Millennial reign, with himself as ruler in a perfect Utopian Environment. He would like to beat Jesus Christ to the Millennium, to get there first! To do this, Satan must get the world straightened out, organized, under a system of maximum benefit for mankind. Consequently, the tremendous area of good deeds, social action, and many similar panaceas and solutions to man’s problems, are totally Satanic in nature. Jesus poked Satan now and then knowing that Satan would like to stop war, He said (in effect), “There will be wars and rumors of wars until I return.” War is very embarrassing to Satan in view of his attempt to institute perfect environment on the earth. Satan in attempting to produce a perfect Utopia for man also desires to eliminate poverty; but Jesus also said, ‘"The poor you will have always with you.” Satan is in the “do-good” business, Tree of the Knowledge of GOOD and Evil! Satan’s objective, therefore, is to counterfeit genuine Divine Good production which can only be produced under the power of the Holy Spirit and by this means prevent God from fulfilling His plan thus winning the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial.

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Legitimate Human Good – Establishment Good

There is a legitimate function of Human Good which can be called Establishment Good. This production is outside of the Divine Dynasphere and is open to both the believer and unbeliever.

It is based on the individuals function under the principles of Virtue beginning with Humility under Authority Orientation and also is his interacting in a very limited way under Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind. Both the believer outside of the Divine Dynasphere and the unbeliever can produce a Legitimate Human Good which is rewardable only in time by their function under these principles. (Eccl 9:9) These individuals can be happy in their occupation and marriage as a result of their function in recognizing and adhering to the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions. Therefore, they can have limited blessing by having a right woman or right man and Genuine Humility because God blesses anyone who obeys the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions. Therefore, this Human Good is the only blessing the unbeliever can have in time. However, once either the believer or unbeliever begins to function under the principles and policies of the Cosmic Dynaspheres he is residing in or under a persistent level of carnality, that blessing no longer is available for them.

Being born in the Status Quo of Spiritual Death man is in total depravity, total separation from God, and total helplessness to do anything to establish a relationship with God. This makes it impossible for the unbeliever in Spiritual Death to understand God or the plan of God, however, the Plan of God for the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial makes certain that he can understand the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions. Therefore, Establishment Good is something that both the believer and unbeliever can accomplish by self-determination outside of the Plan of God and Apart from God. This legitimate Establishment Human Good which can be performed in relationship to the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions can include any functions involved in crime prevention, fighting for freedom, and all things important to evangelism and bible teaching in the functions of Human History. (Eccl

9:7-9) Establishment Good is based on the principle that organizational humility plus enforced humility results in the development of Genuine Humility. This Genuine Humility functioning under the principle of Live and Let Live of Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind, produces a category of Human Good which is designed to protect and preserve the Human Race

and is totally apart from the cosmic systems of Satan. (Rom 13:1-7).

There are two kinds of Legitimate Establishment Good in relationship to the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions:

● Legitimate Human Good

● Divine Good

Therefore, Establishment Human Good is a legitimate function of the believer or unbeliever related to the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions. There are three areas of life within the Divine Institutions where the function of Establishment Human Good is legitimate:

● The functions of Morality under the Laws of Divine Establishment.

● The function Freedom under the Laws of Divine Establishment.

● The function of Authority under the Laws of Divine Establishment.

Establishment Human Good can be engaged in as a result of motivations from principles in the Laws of Divine Establishment for the legitimate production of the individual under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions, APART FROM GOD. This Establishment Human Good could be the production of either the believer or unbeliever outside of the Plan of God but who is not functioning under the principles or policies of the Cosmic Dynaspheres. It is his using his own self determination to engage in functions under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions which he can clearly understand even while OUTSIDE of the Plan of God. This legitimate function of Establishment Human Good is the origin of civilization and true freedom for mankind. These principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions can function under any form of government therefore making that government Legitimate. The principles of Legitimate government revolve around the concepts that, Freedom without Authority is Anarchy and Authority without Freedom is Tyranny. Neither anarchy nor tyranny is the answer to government. Democracy tends toward anarchy, too much authority, in the hands of one or a few, tends toward tyranny. Morality, Freedom, and Authority must properly coexist through the Legitimate function of Establishment Human Good for the perpetuation of the Human Race. Therefore, Under the Plan of God for the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial, Human Good, although it is production while residing in the Plan of Satan, when it functions based on the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions, to tie morality, freedom, and authority together and thereby protect mankind from self destruction, despite the inability of the Plan of Satan to do so, is LEGITIMATE. Both civilization and the effective function of the client nation to God must have uncorrupted Legitimate Establishment Human Good production. Therefore, Establishment Human Good belongs to both the believer and unbeliever. However, because some Establishment Human Good can be produced Apart From God, while one is residing in the cosmic systems, and can be only a result of one’s personal human efforts, at this level it has no spiritual value.

Remember however that Establishment Good can be a form of Divine Good when produced inside the Divine Dynasphere under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. God has a set of standards for the Entire Human Race; and God also has a separate set of standards for the believer only and all production of the believer which can result in any spiritual benefit must be based on the provisions of God under the Assets of God provided at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and while the believer functions within the Divine Dynasphere, the Protocol Plan of God.

Corrupted Human Good

However, Human Good can be corrupted by the functions of the Old Sin Nature when the Old Sin Nature tempts to sin or crime and the individual moves into the Cosmic Dynaspheres and functions in production under the principles and policies of EVIL. Therefore, Human Good is corruptible while Divine Good is incorruptible because Divine Good originates from production under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and motivation from maximum Metabolized Bible

Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the believer in some stage of spiritual adulthood. When the unbeliever fulfills the laws of divine establishment, it is Establishment Human Good and the basis for his ONLY blessing in time. When the believer fulfills the laws of divine establishment through function under the 4 Spiritual Skills, he performs Divine Good, thus the believer can parlay any Human Good an unbeliever performs into Divine Good, when functioning under the Spiritual Skills. If the believer in the status of carnality, outside of the Divine Dynasphere is NOT functioning under the principles of the Cosmic Dynaspheres, and engages in and fulfills effective functions under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions, he still performs “dead works” which have NO spiritual value to him. However, this production is very important for the preservation and function of the human race, for the rise of civilization, for the modus operandi of human freedoms, but no Human Good is ever a part of the Christian way of life. The Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions are a part of Christian standards and Rom 13:1-7 explains how the believer, under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit, can perform Divine Good in the execution of these standards. In fact Rom 13:1 explains that both believer and unbeliever can function under the Laws of Divine Establishment for the protection of mankind.

Two things happen with regard to the carnal believer in relationship to the laws of divine establishment:

▴ He can actually fulfill the laws of divine establishment and perform Legitimate Establishment Human Good for his temporal blessing and reward which has no spiritual value.

▴ He can violate the laws of divine establishment and become a criminal.

The believer is mandated to recognize the authority of the government under which he lives, and therefore, be subject to it. Authority orientation is a major principle in the fulfillment of the Laws of Divine Establishment under the Divine Institutions. When the unbeliever does this, he produces Establishment Human Good for his benefit and blessing in time. When the believer in fellowship, residing in the Divine Dynasphere, does this, he produces Divine Good for his benefit and blessing in time and for reward in Eternity. Therefore under the concepts derived from Rom 13:1, there are 4 possibilities for individuals:

● The believer executes this divine command under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit producing Divine Good rewardable in time and at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ.

● The believer executes this divine command in the status of carnality outside of the Divine Dynasphere while in the Cosmic Dynaspheres but while not functioning under the principles of policies of the Cosmic Dynaspheres thus producing “dead works” which are of no spiritual value but are rewardable by Man in time.

● The unbeliever executes this divine mandate producing Legitimate Establishment Human Good which is rewardable by Man in time.

● The believer or unbeliever violates this divine mandate and is punished under the Laws of Divine Establishment and disciplined by God and by man as well for being a criminal.

(Rom 13:2)

The discipline and condemnation these individuals bring on themselves is the fulfillment of the Law of Volitional Responsibility and is a reference to punishment by government for criminality which is a part of the Law of Volitional Responsibility and applies to believer and unbeliever alike. It is a case of sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind. (Gal 6:7)

Therefore, Human Good production can have temporal, but no spiritual value; it has been designed for the benefit for mankind but NO Human Good production while residing under the Plan of Satan measures up to the divine standards under Absolute standards of the Protocol

Plan of God. Therefore, the “Good Works” of Rom 13:3 refers to three categories of


● Divine Good performed by the believer inside the Divine Dynasphere.

● Establishment Human Good performed by the believer out of fellowship, but not operating under Christian Degeneracy nor Antagonism, in adhering to the Laws of Divine Establishment under the Divine Institutions.

● Establishment Human Good performed by the unbeliever in adhering to the Laws of Divine Establishment under the Divine Institutions.

The “Evil Works” of Rom 13:3 refers to criminality or to anything which is anti-establishment

or against the Divine Institutions by way of conspiracy or revolution, or as part of involvement

and functioning within the Interlocking System of Arrogance or Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred. Evil works therefore refers to two categories of Human Good:

● Corrupted Human Good performed by the believer out of fellowship residing and functioning within the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

● Corrupted Human Good performed by the unbeliever residing and functioning within the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

▴ This includes activity related to criminality, Christian activism, civil disobedience, revolution or any anti-establishment functions.

Therefore, both Divine Good production and Establishment Human Good production are necessary as teamwork by the entire population of a nation in the execution of the Laws of Divine Establishment for the preservation and prosperity of that nation. The fulfillment of the Laws of Divine Establishment is therefore a team effort between the believer and unbeliever to sustain and prosper the nation one is living in. Patriotism is the motivation for this kind of team effort. The believer who executes the Laws of Divine Establishment from a conscience saturated with the Norms and Standards from Metabolized Bible Doctrine is functioning under a Spiritual Skill which produces Divine Good. The unbeliever or believer who executes the Laws of Divine Establishment from a conscience which contains moral norms and standards derived from the Laws of Divine Establishment under the motivation of patriotism outside of the Plan of God performs Establishment Human Good.

Corrupted Human Good must never be confused with functions under the Laws of Divine Establishment morality, adherence to the Divine Institutions or the legitimate production of the believer as Divine Good. Legitimate Christian production performed outside the divine

dynasphere is “dead works” but can be considered Establishment Good if it conforms to and functions under the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions and does not involve performance based on the principles of the Cosmic Dynaspheres. Therefore the unbeliever or believer can produce an acceptable Legitimate or Beneficial Human Good rewardable only in time by his function under Genuine Humility and Authority Orientation

under the Laws of Divine Establishment. This Establishment Human Good production is based

on the principle that organizational humility plus enforced humility results in genuine humility which is from Authority Orientation and this is capable of producing a human good totally apart from operation under the cosmic system. (Rom 13:1

- 7 ).

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Image 2

The 40 Divine Assets for the Spiritual Life

The 10 Problem Solving Devices

#1 – Rebound Procedure

(1John 1:9, 1Cor 11:31, Rev 3:19, 2Tim 2:25, Eph 4:22, Heb 9:12-15, Heb 12:11- 15

, James

1:21, Phil 3:13, Jer 3:13, Lev 4, Prov 28:13, Ps 32:5, Ps 38:18, Ps 51:1-4, Rom 12:1, Rom 6:12-13) This is a Grace mechanism or procedure to recover from sin or prolonged carnality and restore the believer to fellowship with God. It requires that the believer simply name, site or acknowledge his sin to GOD directly functioning under his Royal Priesthood representing self to God. God is faithful and justified in forgiving him and wiping out all unknown or forgotten sins because in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross ALL human sins were already judged and the payment rendered and accepted by God the Father for them. This allows the believer to regain the Filling of God the Holy Spirit which is initially provided at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, in order that he is again able to learn and metabolize Bible Doctrine so as to execute the Spiritual Life. This is the opening of the Spirituality Envelope.

#2 – Filling of God the Holy Spirit

This is the primary power source of the Grace Plan of God for the believer in time decided at the Divine Round Table discussion regarding CREATION in Eternity Past. He is the teacher of Bible Doctrine to the believer under a mentorship ministry by means of the Grace Apparatus for

Perception, Operation Z. This is the 1st Power Option and Spiritual Skill of the Christian Way of Life and the foundation for the Edification Complex of the Soul and Gate #1 of the Divine Dynasphere the power system of God for the believer. This is the completion of the Spirituality Envelope and an Essential for continued advancement in the Spiritual Life and opening of the Balance of Residency Envelope.

#3 – Faith Rest Drill

This is a Grace provision from God where the believer’s nonmeritorious Faith is progressively developed and used in 5 stages including:

• Faith Perception – where the believer accepts the Bible Doctrine presented to the Left Lobe of his Soul by the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, after God the Holy Spirit teaches this doctrine to his Human Spirit. This “acceptance by faith”, results in transferring the understood and learned Bible Doctrine, as “Metabolized Bible Doctrine”, to his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, again under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, making it available for modification of his soul and ultimately application to his life. This is the opening of the Perception, Progression, Capacity, Love and Momentum Envelopes of the Spiritual Life.

• Claiming Promises from God – where the believer extracts promises he has learned, under the Operation Z ministry of God the Holy Spirit, from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine learned and accepted from that which has been taught by a qualified, prepared Pastor Teacher to handle basic pressures in life. This is opening of the Application Envelope of the Spiritual Life.

• Supporting Promises with Metabolized Bible Doctrine – where the advancing believer claims a promise and then adds doctrinal points and principles to that promise to strengthen and support it in order to handle intermediate pressures in life.

• Forming Bible Doctrine Rationales – drawing out and adding categorical doctrinal concepts, from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine accumulated in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, to the promises of God so that they are thereby solidified. This results in logical, rational support of the claimed promises and added principles of Metabolized Bible Doctrine from the believer’s Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This eventuates in the development of increasing confidence in God, greater mental stability, inner happiness, peace and contentment as the pressures of life are addressed and overcome with Bible Doctrine.

• Coming to Bible Doctrine focused conclusions – as a result of combining the promises from God and applying the points and principles of Metabolized Bible Doctrine to these promises supported by categorical doctrinal rationales, the believer is able to come to Doctrinally based conclusions to solve ALL pressures and difficulties in his life whether from prosperity or adversity.

The Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) is a part of the Basic and the Advanced Christian Modus Operandi of Gate #2 and Gate #5 of the Divine Dynasphere, the Protocol Plan of God, the Power System of God for the believer.

#4 – Grace Orientation

This is beginning of the Orientation Envelope of the Plan of God resulting from the believer beginning to understand the Essentials necessary for his Progression in the Spiritual Life. This is the development of an understanding and appreciation of the Grace Policy and Grace Plan of God for the believer’s life in time and extending into eternity. It is part of Gate #4 of the Divine Dynasphere power system of God for the believer and includes a progressive understanding of the categories of Grace available for the unbeliever as he initially becomes a believer and as he progresses and advances in the Spiritual Life. See “To an Understanding of


#5 – Bible Doctrine Orientation

This is the 2nd part of the Orientation Envelope of the Plan of God for the believer and is the development of an understanding of the essential necessity of Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine for spiritual growth. It comes with a comprehension of the necessity for the consistent use of the Rebound Procedure to maintain the Filling of God the Holy Spirit to enable consistent function under the Faith Perception of the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages). This is the 2 nd floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and also part of Gate #4 of the Divine Dynasphere.

#6 – Personal Sense of Destiny

This is developed as a result of the increased levels of Metabolized Bible Doctrine accumulated into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul providing an understanding for the believer that he IS in the Plan of God and that as long as he lives, God has a plan and purpose for his life in time. This is the transition point for the believer moving from spiritual youth into Spiritual Adulthood and shedding much of his tendencies to function within the Interlocking System of Arrogance while developing a great confidence in the Grace of God and Plan of God.

#7 – Personal Love for God

This is basic Reciprocal Love for God based on the fact that GOD loved his creation first and the advancing believer can reciprocate that love because of an understanding of the Grace of God and Plan of God. This is an expansion of the Love Envelope and opening the Virtue Envelope with the beginning of Motivational Virtue as the 3 rd floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and the Integrity Envelope of Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere. This is the primary MOTIVATION for the believer to engage in continued spiritual advance from an increased knowledge of God as a result of increased levels of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and consistency under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit.

#8 – Impersonal / Unconditional Love for Mankind

This is an expansion of the Virtue Envelope with the development of the Functional Virtue of toleration of the failures, flaws and quirks of others providing a solid orientation to the Divine

Institutions, the Laws of Divine Establishment. This is the development of an understanding of Freedom under these laws with the concept of Live and Let Live directed toward all mankind in one’s periphery. It is the 4 th floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and also part of the Integrity Envelope of Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere.

Functional Virtue

Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind

Impact Virtue – Sensitivity toward All others

Impact Virtue – Thoughtfulness toward All others

Impact Virtue – Courtesy toward All others

Impact Virtue – Good Manners toward All others

Impact Virtue – Accommodating to All others

Impact Virtue – Kindness to All others

Impact Virtue – Understanding toward All others

Impact Virtue – No prejudice toward All others

Impact Virtue – Objectivity toward All others

#9 – Sharing the Happiness of God

This is the 5 th and final floor

of the Edification Complex of the Soul and is a culmination of the

progressive development of inner happiness, contentment and mental stability from Progress in

the Spiritual Life which results from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. It is a maximum level of inner happiness, contentment and unwavering mental stability from minimal Mental Attitude, Verbal and Overt sinning. It results in minimal Self Induced Misery and Divine Discipline from God with minimal functions within the Interlocking System of Arrogance. This inner happiness and mental stability continues to advance as the believer

progresses through the 3 stages of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God to the pinnacle of the Spiritual Life, Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, where the believer’s soul functions to both Glorify and Please God.

#10 – Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ

This is a culmination of the Love Envelope of the Spiritual Life by the development of Advanced Personal Love for God resulting from a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This level of Bible Doctrine brings maximum knowledge of God and his Plan of Grace which is realized upon the believers entry into the status of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. This is one of the many aspects of the blessings received by the believer reaching Gate #8 of the Divine Dynasphere

and completing the Edification Complex of the Soul.

Image 3

Problem Solving Devices on the Forward Line of Troops

Image 4

The Problem Solving Devices & The Gratitude Gauge

Return to the Table of Contents

Image 5

Four Spiritual Mechanics of the Protocol Plan of God

Passages Related to Human Good

1Cor 3:11-16; For no man can lay any foundation ever again, other than the one which already is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any one keeps on building upon this foundation: gold

{Divine Good}, silver {Divine Good}, precious stones {Divine Good}, wood {human good}, hay

{energy of the flesh}, stubble or straw {human good}. Every or each man's work or production shall become manifest obvious or evident for the ONE (1) day of the rapture or resurrection of the church at the Judgment Seat of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ which shall declare, reveal or show it, because the day shall receive revealing, be uncovered, in, with or by means of fire. And, the fire shall test the quality of every man's production. If any believer's work or production which he has built upon the foundation in time remains or stands up having been built on the function of the 3 Spiritual Skills, and it will, he shall receive a reward of conveyance of escrow Surpassing Grace Blessings for Eternity. If any believer's work or production shall be burned, and it is, he shall suffer loss of Escrow Surpassing Blessings and Reward for Eternity, But he himself shall be saved yet so as through fire. Do you not KNOW

that your body keeps on being the temple of God and that the Spirit of God keeps on dwelling or cohabiting in you?

1Cor 11:31; And if we keep on judging ourselves rightly or accurately (1John 1:9) and nothing else, but we (Corinthians) are not and should be, we will not receive judgment from the Justice of God.

1Cor 13:1-3; If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

1John 1:9; If we Believers would acknowledge, admit, name, cite, confess our personal Post salvation sins, maybe we will and maybe we will not; He, GOD the Father, always keeps on being Faithful or dependable and Justified or Righteous, with the result that he might (IF we will do this he ALWAYS WILL) forgive, cancel, pardon us our sins and cleanse or purify us from all unknown wrongdoing or wickedness or unrighteousness

2Cor 5:10; For we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, that each one may be evaluated or recompensed for his deeds or accomplishments through the temporal body according to or face to face with what he has accomplished in advance to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, whether it is valuable Divine Good from function under the 3 Spiritual Skills or worthless Human Good from Evil.

2Tim 1:9; This one, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, who, in 1 instant of time, has eternally saved us at our making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, the one having in the past called or invited or elected us to the privileges and benefits of Grace as Royal Family of God who have reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace which continues into the present, into a holy s tation of life set apart, NOT EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES according to our works or productions but according to

his own privately possessed prefabricated or predetermined plan even GRACE which has been given to us in Christ Jesus before the times of the ages or dispensations, before Human History began.

Eccl 9:7-9; Go, eat your bread in gladness, and drink your wine in joy for your action was long ago approved by God. Let your clothes always be washed, and your head never lack perfume or ointment. Enjoy living with the right woman who you have loved all the days of your life of emptiness (unbeliever or reversionistic believer) the Right Woman whom he has given you under the sun (Believer & Unbeliever) all the days of your life of emptiness, for this is your portion in life, and in your work or toil, profession, occupation, in which you are laboring or working under the sun.

Eph 2:8-9; For by Grace you have been saved now with the result that you keep on being saved always, through faith (alone in JC alone) and that Salvation, not from yourselves, (nor anything you do) [it is] (implied as a dramatic elipsis shouting at you) the gift of God, not as a result of works, that no one should be arrogant or ever boast (going beyond his limitations).

Eph 2:10; For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus via Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Gal 2:16; Nevertheless, knowing that a man does not receive justification by means of the works of the Law (Mosaic Law), but through or by instrumentality of faith in Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ alone, even we (Peter & Paul) who are Believers have believed in Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, that we might receive, once and for all, justification by Faith Alone in Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ alone, and not by the works of the LAW, since by the works of the law, NO MORTAL MAN will be justified.

Gal 6:7; Be not deceived, God CANNOT BE MOCKED, whatever a person sows so shall he also reap, they who sow to the wind will reap the whirlwind

Gen 2:17 (The Test); And from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you MUST not eat from it, because in the day that you eat from it Dying (spiritually) , you will die (physically).


Heb 6:1; Therefore leaving behind or having graduated from the elementary or basic principles of the Bible Doctrine of Christ, let us Believers advance ourselves to maturity and the Edification Complex of the Soul, through the grace status, not again laying the foundation of basic and Gospel Doctrine, such as the changing our minds or repenting about dead works or human good legalism related to salvation,

Is 64:6; All of us, both Jewish believers and unbelievers since the dispersion, have become like one who is unclean and all of our righteousnesses are like filthy menstrual rags, furthermore all of us and our human good efforts are caused to fade in comparison to the divine standard of Bible Doctrine, we wither like a leaf and our iniquity or perversity of reversionism and respectable sins like the wind have scattered us abroad in the dispersion under Divine Discipline followed by the Sin Unto Death.

Rev 20:12-15; And I saw the Dead (Unbelievers at the Last Judgement) the Great (Older or higher rank who had longer time on earth) and Small (Younger or Lower Rank who had little time on earth) and these are standing before the throne (JC is the Judge) and the Books of works or Human Good were Opened, and another kind of Book was opened, which was the Book of Life, and the dead were judged on the basis of what was written in the books (Book of Works vs Book of Life) on the basis of or with reference to their works or deeds. The Sea Gave up it’s dead (drown unbelievers), Death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them (those unbelievers died and went there), and they were judged on the basis of their works or deeds, And Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire, this is the 2nd death, the Like of Fire. When (if) anyone’s name was NOT found written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Rom 3:20-28; Therefore by means of the works or deeds of the law, no flesh or human being shall ever be vindicated or justified before or in the presence of the Integrity of God, for by means of or through the instrumentality of the Mosaic Law is full knowledge or consciousness or discovery of sin. But now the Righteousness of God as part of the Integrity of God, apart from the law has been revealed or made known, being confirmed by the law and the prophets in the Old Testament Scripture. That is the Absolute Righteousness of God, part of the Integrity of God, through faith in Jesus Christ for everyone in the Human Race who express nonmeritorious faith. (Parenthesis) For there is no distinction between spiritually dead Jews or Gentiles; All mankind have done wrong or sinned and come short of the glory of the Essence of God (Parenthesis) Receiving vindication or justification gratuitously as a gift without payment by means of the instrumentality of his consistent grace, through or by means of the redemption or purchase of slaves or by paying ransom, which is in Christ Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ whom The God the Father has appointed or publicly displayed or predetermined that which propitiates or expiates, as The Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, through faith in Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ as instant Adjustment to the Justice of God, by means of his blood the work of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ bearing our sins and being judged by God the Father. For a demonstration of his, God the Father’s Righteousness ½ of His Integrity, because of the passing over of the previously committed sins from the Old Testament Scripture times because of the holding back or delay of judgment or clemency from The God. Face to face with or For a demonstration of his Righteousness ½ of the Integrity of God at the present decisive epoch of time of crisis the Church Age where Israel cannot be a client nation, in order that he might be just having consistency of justice, even when he justifies, vindicates or declares righteous anyone by means of or anyone who has faith in Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ. Where then, considering what has been stated before, is that boasting? It has been shut off or shut out or excluded in the past and is continually or perpetually. By what principle or rule governing our actions is boasting excluded? By that principle of works? Definitely NOT

but by the principle of faith. Therefore we, mature believers strictly logically conclude expressing the facts without emotion then that mankind is justified or vindicated acquiring the Righteousness of God by faith alone in Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ alone apart from or without the deeds or works of law.

Rom 4:2; For supposing or assuming that Abraham has been justified or vindicated by means of works of every action of keeping the law (it is not true), he has grounds or a basis for boasting

around people but not face to face or before or in the presence of God.

Rom 4:4; But to the legalistic one constantly working for salvation, his compensation or reimbursement is not accredited for Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, according to grace but accredited according to debt.

Rom 4:5; But to him who does not work for Salvation but believes with instant Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith alone in Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ alone, the one perpetually justifying or declaring righteous the impious, godless unbeliever his faith receives instant credit resulting in Absolute Righteousness.

Rom 4:14; For if they by the law are heirs and we assume they are, that faith, as the means and mechanics of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, has been voided in the past with the result it continues being void and with the result that it is permanently invalidated and the promises of all blessings to both Abraham and to US from maximum Adjustment to the Justice of God are completely canceled or abrogated.

Rom 13:1-7; All human beings be subordinating yourselves to duly constituted governing authorities under divine institution #4, for there is NEVER any authority except those delegated by or from the source of God that is those authorities which do exist are established or have been delegated by God. Therefore, in view of v1, he, the reversionistic believer, who forms a battle line of resistance to delegated authority in the Laws of Divine Establishment, especially in Divine Institution #4, nationalism; have opposed the ordinance of God the Laws of Divine Establishment and divine institutions, in fact also these reversionistic, apostate, anti establishment, liberal, socialistic Believers who oppose the Laws of Divine Establishment, will receive condemnation, punishment or judgment as Divine Discipline in time on themselves from God. For government rulers or authorities or officials of national state, are not a cause of fear for Good of intrinsic value or moral functions under Laws of Divine Establishment Good of freedom, privacy and property, but for the evil of crime, revolution, conspiracy for violent overthrow of the government, assassination, socialism, communism, any system which deprives the individual of freedom, privacy and property in the name of common good, really now, (sarcasm) do you desire to continually, not or have no, fear of authority then keep on doing what is Absolute Good in Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and good in the time in which you live and fulfill the equation of hope under Royal Family Honor Code, and you will have legitimate recognition, praise, approval from it, the authority of human government. For it, Human Government authority functioning under Laws of Divine Establishment, is a minister of God or one with delegated authority to serve from God to You for the purpose of the Good under the Laws of Divine Establishment for your advance to Spiritual Maturity, but if you do what is EVIL ie criminal activity, being a traitor or communist or draft dodger, cheating on income tax, advocating liberalism, supporting welfare panaceas, maybe you will and maybe you will not, you should keep on fearing or being afraid for Government does not wear the sword of authority and bear the sword of capitol punishment for nothing or in vain, for you see certainly it, government, keeps on being the civil servant minister of God with delegated authority as government, a punisher for the purpose of divine wrath to him who accomplishes or practices evil. Therefore for this reason it is necessary to be

in subjection or subordinate to or in recognition of governing authority not only because of the wrath or punishment for rejection of establishment by Law Enforcement also because of the conscience. For this reason also (v5) keep on paying taxes, for this reason they in authority are public servant ministers of God for they who are making a career of and persisting in devoting themselves full time to these things of public service. Therefore, Render or discharge one’s obligation fulfilling one’s duty and giving back in return therefore to all in civil authority what is due them, direct taxes to whom direct tax is due, indirect taxes or custom duties where indirect tax or custom duty is due, give respect or fear for the authority especially law and Law Enforcement agencies where respect or fear is due, honor to whom honor is due.

Rom 14:10; But You there, weak, legalistic and antinomian growing and reversionistic believers, why do you always judge, malign, gossip about your fellow Believer, or you also strong believer why do you despise or regard your fellow weak Believer with contempt as their not being as spiritual as yourself? For all believers, the Royal Family of God, shall be present or stand by under orders at the Presiding Judgment Seat or Tribunal Throne of The God, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ

Titus 3:5; NOT by or on the basis of or out from the source of works, production, function of human abilities, Human Good, or human talents, by means of relative righteousness of Human Good which we have done, but according to the norms and standards of HIS MERCY or GRACE

WORKING on our behalf, He saved us, through or by means of the washing even regeneration even the renewing of being again put into a new species, under the agency of God the Holy Spirit.


Absolute Truth – Exitst in 3 categories for the:

• Unbeliever – Gospel of The Lord Jesus, The Christ

• Believer – Entire realm of Bible Doctrine from Scripture

• Both – The principles derived from Bible Doctrine concerning the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions.

Adjustment to the Justice of God – Divine grace is administered through the essence of God.

Ultimately, all blessing or discipline from God to us must be filtered through His justice. As goes the justice of God, so goes blessing or cursing to us. It occurs in 3 areas, Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, Rebound Adjustment to the Justice of God, Temporal Adjustment to the Justice of God, Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God – this is the status quo of the believer who has reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and continued to successfully progress through No Man’s Land of Cosmic Dynasphere testing to receive from God his Ultra –

Super Grace blessings and the Mantle of Suffering reward where pressure and adversity only serve to enhance his blessing and happiness.

Apostasy – Falling away from the system of belief arrived at through the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization and Application of Bible doctrine, 2Th 2:3. Rejection of Bible Doctrine for the believer is entering into reversionism which is apostasy.

Baptism of God the Holy Spirit -- One of seven salvation ministries of God the Holy Spirit whereby the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit enters the believer into union with Christ, making the Church Age believer a part of the royal family of God.

Blackout of the soul – The status of the believer with persistent negative volition to doctrine, which results in erasure of any Metabolized Bible Doctrine previously accumulated in the soul.

Category I Love – The love for God expressed as Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ but also includes loving God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

Category II Love – The romantic love involved with 1 special person in life of the opposite gender in romance and ultimately marriage.

Category III Love – The love involved in close friendship with other individuals.

Church Age – The dispensation of intercalation inserted when the Age of Israel was temporarily halted by the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline in 70 AD as a result of Jewish overwhelming apostasy.

Client Nation – a national entity under the principle of divine institution #4, nationalism, which is responsible for custodianship and dissemination of the Word of God, Bible doctrine in the Church Age taking the place of Israel which is under the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline.

Cosmic Dynasphere I – The system of Satan to control this world based on the Interlocking System of Arrogance which involves many areas of Arrogance sins and function.

Cosmic Dynasphere II – The system of Satan to control this world based on the Interlocking System of Hatred which involves Emotional Sins.

Courage – is the expression of Humility under pressure toward man and circumstances and is the ability to think under pressure and Courage and Poise are the covering of thinking with glory. Courage is a Functional Virtue when it is directed toward Man & Circumstances.

Cowardice – is the inability to think under pressure thus falling back on emotion which inevitably results in some level of FEAR.

Dispensation – An administrative period of Human History under the auspices of God. A divine categories of human history; therefore, both the divine outline and the divine interpretation of human history. A period of time during which a particular revelation of God's mind and God's will is operative, and during which man is tested as to his obedience to that specific manifestation of God's will, purpose, and plan.

Divine discipline – The punitive action taken by the justice of God under his Grace Policy to correct, punish, encourage, train, and motivate the believer's free will toward the plan of God for all dispensations. This occurs collectively for nations under the 5 cycles of Divine Discipline.

Divine Dynasphere – God’s Power system for the believer in the Church Age with 8 areas or gates of entry and function including Filling of God the Holy Spirit, Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine, Enforced & Genuine Humility, Bible Doctrine Orientation to reality, Personal Love for God the Father, Impersonal Love for Mankind, Momentum Testing, Spiritual Maturity.

Divine Good – Production in the Spiritual Life of the advancing or mature believer under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit.

Divine Institutions – The systems created by God for the proper function and protection of the Human Race in the Angelic Conflict to allow a resolution of the Angelic Conflict appeal trail.

There are 4 Divine Institutions including, Freedom (Volition), Marriage, Family, and Government each with its own specific area of and structure for function.

Divine Viewpoint – Orientation of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the believer based on maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the soul.

Dying Grace – This is the final and highest form of blessing in the life of the believer who h as reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and is part of his Super – Grace blessing package. It is the provision of extraordinary blessing and happiness during dying. (Ps 116:15) The believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God transitions from Living Grace to Dying Grace and walks his final journey through the Death Shadowed Valley (Ps 23:4) accompanied by the Lord in harmonious rapport with him. This walk through the death shadowed valley for the mature believer is one of inner peace and tranquility.

Enforced Humility – Developed from required conformity to any system of discipline instilled and based on the proper function of some organizational authority outside the individual.

Essentials – The absolute truths in life of the gospel of Christ, the Laws of Divine Establishment, and all other Bible Doctrines

Epignosis – Bible Doctrine which is clearly understood having been transferred into the Left Lobe of the Soul by God the Holy Spirit which is then ACCEPTED by faith and moved by God the Holy Spirit into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Equation of Hope

Image 6

Image 7

Equation of Despair

Evil – The plan and policy of Satan to rule this world. It is satanic THINKING and satanic doctrine.

Evidence Testing – This is testing only for the believer who has reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and continued through No Man’s Land to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where he has reached the pinnacle of the Spiritual Life and is where his Spiritual Life is brought up before the Supreme Court of Heaven as a PRIMARY witness for the prosecution, The Lord Jesus, The Christ, to be subjected to cross examination by Satan who attempts to discredit his entire spiritual life.

Expiation – Payment of or cancelation of an unpayable debt, it describes the result of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross with regard to the unpayable penalty of human sin.

Fear – A part of Emotional Revolt of the Soul which is antithetical to Courage and Poise and the believer is constantly commanded to NOT FEAR anything at any time. (Deut 31:3-6, 2Tim 1:7)

Genuine Humility – The voluntary volitional conformity to the ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY of the Sovereignty of God and Bible Doctrine principles including the Laws of Divine Establishment, Divine Institutions and the entire content of Bible Doctrine developed as a result of properly functioning under Enforced Humility to develop Self Discipline.

Gnosis – is academically understood or comprehended Bible Doctrine as a result of the teaching ministry of God the Holy Spirit but which cannot be used in application to life’s experiences having not at this point been accepted by faith.

Grace – The plan and policy of God toward mankind which is all that God can do for man which he CAN NOT earn nor deserve based on the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross.

Grace Apparatus for Perception – The mechanic for the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine for the believer based on the ministry and Filling of God the

Holy Spirit under Operation Z. This involves the Concepts and Principles of the 4 Rs:

• Reception – the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under Stage 1 of the Faith Rest Drill (4 categories).

• Retention – the Faith transfer of the learned Bible Doctrine under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit to the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul where it is stored as memory, vocabulary and categories of Bible Doctrine

• Recall – the Faith application of Bible Doctrine by the:

▪ Claiming one or more of the 7000+ promises of God in the bible.

▪ Using doctrinal principles to support these promises.

▪ Developing doctrinal Rationales from the combination of these promises and principles.

▪ Reaching doctrinal conclusions to control or overcome the situation.

• Resistance – to the influence of Evil and temptations to function within the Cosmic Dynaspheres

Hamartiology – The study of Sin.

Human Good – The function or production resulting from operating under the principles of the satanic plan and policy for this world, EVIL.

Human Viewpoint – Orientation of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the believer and Unbeliever based on maximum involvement with EVIL.

ICE – This is an acronym for Isogogics, Categories, Exegesis as analytical tools in the overall method of interpretation of scripture where Isogogics is interpretation of biblical text within its historical context, Categories is classification of Bible Doctrines according to subject matter based on comparisons of scripture with scripture, Exegesis is a grammatical, etymological, synctactical and contextual analysis of scripture from the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic languages.

Jeshurun, (heb) – The remnant of mature believers who have advanced into and beyond Super Grace Statue Quo in the face of a declining number in the Pivot.

Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ – the time after the exit resurrection of the Church Age believers, the Rapture of the Church, prior to the beginning of the Tribulation, the end period of the Age of Israel, where The Lord Jesus, The Christ will judge or evaluate every Church Age believer for his performance, his use of the time given him in this life to execute the Protocol Plan of God. Each Church Age believer will be called to give an account of himself and will receive rewards based on his spiritual advance and Divine Good production during his lifetime.

Justification – to vindicate or declare righteous, it is a judicial act of vindication of the believer as a result of having received and possessing the Righteousness of God at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. (Rom 3:20-28)

Kardia – Greek for Heart referring to the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Laws of Divine Establishment – Laws or rules God has ordained for the survival, protection and freedom of the human race during the course of human history to allow completion of the Angelic Conflict appeal. They provide the freedom to fulfill the divine plan as ordained in the divine decrees and are designed and directed toward both believer and unbeliever.

Legitimate Organization – this includes any organization including systems of government which understand and adhere to the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions in their establishment of Authority structure, Organizational Purpose and the Policies to support these.

Logistical Grace – The provision of support for every believer designed to provide for him everything needed to keep him alive in the world ruled by Satan in order that he might have the opportunity and choice of advancing in and executing the Protocol Plan of God.

Loser Believer – The loser believer combines emotional sins of the Interlocking System of Hatred and arrogance sins of the Interlocking System of Arrogance and functions under the 3

Arrogance Skills. He has problem solving incompetence resulting in perpetual carnality and has severely neglected or totally rejected Bible Doctrine and as a result is the Enemy of the Cross, the Enemy of God, and has become a Hater of God. (John 15:23) Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God – Is the result of the believer fulfilling the Plan of God and his purpose in life of consistent and persistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine moving from Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and spiritual infancy through progressive stages of development to Spiritual Maturity having accumulated a maximum quantity of Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. It is where he receives a package of 6 categories of incredible blessings for his life in time and a guarantee of special blessings for his life in eternity.

Metabolized Bible Doctrine – Bible doctrine which has been taught, understood academically and accepted by faith under the ministry and Filling of God the Holy Spirit therefore usable for application to life’s experiences.

Momentum Testing – 4 Categories of Suffering for blessing and enhanced momentum in one’s advance in the Spiritual Life occurring in 4 stages of the Sophisticated Spiritual Life beginning with Providential Preventative Suffering at Spiritual Self Esteem and having 2 levels in Spiritual Autonomy and intensified Momentum Testing in Intermediate Spiritual Maturity. These 4

categories include testing from:





occurring in

one’s interactions in life.

Nous – (Gr) the Left Lobe of the Soul where academic comprehension or understand of Bible Doctrine occurs when it is perceived.

Non-Essentials – The accourdaments and accouterments of life, the DETAILS of life, over and above Bible Doctrine.

Operation Z – The structured involvement and mechanical process of learning Bible Doctrine based on the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and Positive Volition Faith as a non-meritorious system of perception on the part of the believer. It involves God the Holy Spirit providing Bible Doctrine to the Human Spirit when it is taught by a qualified prepared Pastor Teacher. This Doctrine is then in addition transferred to the Left Lobe of the Soul for academic comprehension where it is staged for the believer to accept or reject it on the basis of Faith.

Accepting the Bible Doctrine by faith results in its being transferred by God the Holy Spirit to the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul for saturation of the compartments of the soul and eventual application to life. This process is a GRACE benefit from God and is therefore labeled the Grace Apparatus for Perception.

Organizational Humility – Conformity to a systematic plan, policy and purpose developed under some system or organizational function in life based on the delegated authority from God and the Divine Institutions.

Poise Humility under pressure, therefore humility is not only the foundation of virtue but gives the ability to THINK under pressure thus provides for the development of Courage and courage and poise are the covering of thinking with glory. Poise is part of the Functional Virtue of Courage and is a category of Courage giving one the ability to think under pressure which is the definition of true Courage. Poise is very important in Academic Discipline so that when one hears things he disagrees with or cannot grasp initially there must be poise, ie. no reaction, no disturbance, to distract others concentrating on what is being taught. Poise as the ability to think under pressure requires concentration and having concentration ability when learning Bible Doctrine carries over into every aspect of life so that whatever one does in life he will be able to concentrate on. Facing Pressures in life with Poise means that there is concentration to focus the problem ON TO Bible Doctrine whether it is the result of prosperity or adversity in life. Courage with Poise and Concentration transfers knowledge which is in the soul onto the situation no matter what the subject matter is nor the situation. Poise and Concentration brings with them Objectivity which is expressed as good manners and thoughtfulness about others. This is the ability to NOT make an issue of self so others can learn or enjoy. Poise is the combination of Objectivity in life, therefore Enforced and Genuine

Humility, with Courage and is therefore a clear manifestation of Courage. (Deut 31:8, Josh 8:1) When the believer loses his Poise he inevitably succumbs to fear and decisiveness is lost and decisions will be BAD Decisions from a position of weakness as a result of his having left the Divine Dynasphere and entered into the Cosmic Dynaspheres. (1Chron 28:20) Problem Solving Devices – The mechanics for overcoming all pressure, adversity, disaster and testing in the life of the believer as he advances in the Spiritual Life. There are 10 Problem Solving Devices including; Rebound, Filling of God the Holy Spirit, Faith Rest Drill, Grace Orientation, Bible Doctrine Orientation, Personal Sense of Destiny, Personal Love for God the Father, Impersonal Love for Mankind, Sharing the Happiness of God, Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.

Problem Solving incompetence – Failure to develop and deploy the 10 Problem Solving Devices and then use them to apply Metabolized Bible Doctrine from the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to the circumstances of life.

Providential Preventative Suffering – 4 basic or preliminary categories of Momentum

Testing with Suffering for Blessing when the believer enters into Spiritual Young Adulthood and has reached Spiritual Self Esteem as a result of developing a Cognitive Self Confidence in Bible Doctrine and God from consistency in his Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.

Propitiation – this is an offering to satisfy or appease and is a description of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross as payment for all human sins which satisfied the Righteousness of God and appeased the Justice of God. (1Pet 1:17-19)

Rebound Adjustment to the Justice of God – The Grace process provided by God for the believer to be able to be restored to fellowship with God and regain the Filling of God the Holy Spirit for Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine and function under the Royal Ambassadorship for Christ. (1John 1:9, 1Cor 11:31) Reconciliation – it is removal of a barrier between 2 antagonists, it describes all that Christ did in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross for all human sins to remove the barrier of antagonism between man to God and includes:

• Unlimited Atonement



• Expiation

• Redemption

Reverse Process Reversionism – The final stage of reversionism in the soul of the believer where he now subject to the ultimate Divine Discipline of life, the Sin Unto Death as a result of being useless to God as a witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict appeal trial. It is a saturation of the soul with the Moral Degeneracy of Legalism or with the Immoral Degeneracy of Antinomianism from an interaction with the Interlocking System of Arrogance.

Reversionism – This is truly a 9 stage process in the soul of the believer where he reverts to a status in his Spiritual Life which is equivalent to his being an Unbeliever as a result of rejection of Bible Doctrine. It is a reversal of priorities, attitudes, affections, accompanied by the destruction of impersonal love, and a change in his manner of operation and personality to what it was prior to Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. These stages are:

• Initial Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine

• Reaction & Distraction from the Spiritual Life

• Frantic Search for Happiness

• Operation Boomerang

• Emotional Revolt of the Soul

• Locked in Negative Volition

• Black Out of the Soul

• Scar Tissue of the Soul

• Reverse Process Reversionism

Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul – Is called the (gr) Kardia or Heart in the scripture and is the residence of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the soul of the believer from which this doctrine can be applied to life.

Royal Family of God – Is the title and station given to the believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ in this dispensation of the church age which has been inserted into Human History in order to Christ to have a royal family for his royal patent of King of Kings and Lord of Lords his titles for his battlefield royalty having achieved a strategic victory in the Angelic Conflict as a result of his Substitutionary Spiritual Death for all human sin on the cross. This is the result of every believer at the point of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God being placed into union with Christ by means of the ministry of the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit.

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God – In the relationship between God and Man in Human History man must adjust to God and must do so according to the standards of the Righteousness of God under the auspices of the Justice of God. In other words man must

adjust to God through his justice in order to have a relationship with God. This can only occur for mankind by Faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone at the instant of Salvation.

Sanctification – the act of setting something or someone apart, a term used to designate something or someone being SET APART for GOD’S special purpose. It includes:

• Positional – a permanent status of every Church Age believer starting at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God where he is placed by God the Holy Spirit into positional union with The Lord Jesus, The Christ. (1Cor 12:13)

• Experiential – the believer’s progressive execution of the Spiritual Life in the Protocol Plan of God from Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God to his physical death. (John 17:19,

John 17:17)

• Ultimate – the believer receiving his Resurrection Body which glorifies The Lord Jesus, The Christ for all eternity. (Phil 3:21b)

Scar Tissue of the Soul – This is the distortion of the soul as a result of persistent Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine which results from Emotional Revolt of the Soul where the emotions no longer respond to the Right Lobe but now control it, Black out of the Soul where all previously metabolized Bible Doctrine is systematically erased and replaced by Human Viewpoint Evil of the plan and policy of Satan. This makes it unlikely that the believer will respond to Bible Doctrine at any time.

Sin unto Death – The death of the believer who has rejected God, Bible Doctrine and the Spiritual Life of the Church Age for function under the plan and policy of Satan, EVIL. This results in his no longer being useful in the Plan of God as a witness for the prosecution in the Appeal of the Angelic Conflict Trial therefore being taken out of this life by God under a system of maximum misery.

Sophia – Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul which is available and possible to use in application to life’s situations, conditions and experiences.

Spiritual Adolescence – The status of spiritual growth between spiritual infancy which occurs at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and spiritual adulthood which occurs when the believer has accumulated enough Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to have developed Grace Orientation to life and Bible Doctrine orientation to reality. (See “Progressions in the Spiritual Life” for further clarification of stages of spiritual growth.

Spiritual Adulthood – The status of the believer who has accumulated enough Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe to have developed and deployed the Adult Problem Solving Devices of a Personal Sense of Destiny, Personal Love for God the Father and Impersonal Love for Mankind onto his Forward Line of Troops of his soul. (See “Progressions in the Spiritual Life” for further clarification of stages of spiritual growth.

Spiritual Infancy – The status of the believer immediately following Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and remaining until there has been sufficient Bible Doctrine intake to provide a basic understanding of the Spiritual Life in the Plan of God. (See “Progressions in the

Spiritual Life” for further clarification of stages of spiritual growth.

Spiritual Skills – Include the Filling of God the Holy Spirit, Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, 10 Problem Solving Devices developed and deployed onto the Forward Line of Troops of the soul and complete execution of the Protocol Plan of God.

Spirituality – The ABSOLUTE status of the believer being under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit or NOT as a result of consistent use of the Rebound procedure after personal carnality to restore this status.

Super Grace – The Status Quo of the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where he receives 6 categories of EXTREME or SUPER Grace blessing from God as a result of his execution of the Protocol Plan of God. These blessings include Spiritual, Temporal, Association, Historical, Heritage and Dying blessings.

Surpassing Grace – The Status Quo of the believer in eternity who has demonstrated his successes in execution of the Protocol Plan of God in time by accumulation of a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and therefore is the recipient of unimaginable blessing and reward for all eternity.

Temporal Adjustment to the Justice of God – The process which is supposed to occur in the believer on a daily basis resulting in consistent and persistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine to the point of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and beyond.

The Church – The Body of Christ, the sum total of all believers in the Church Age from approximately 30 AD to the removal of all believers at the rapture of the church which is at the beginning of the Tribulational Period of the end of the Age of Israel Ultra – Super Grace – The Status Quo of the believer who is persistent in his progression in the Spiritual Life after reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and receiving his Super Grace package of blessings, where he is the recipient of blessing beyond imagination in time despite extreme pressure in life.

Undeserved Suffering for Blessing As the believer advances from spiritual infancy to Spiritual Maturity by the consistent accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, in order for this doctrine to be of any value to him in application to his life he must be able to access and use it. Therefore as different levels of spiritual advance occur different levels of testing are provided by God to allow the believer to use his accumulated Metabolized Bible Doctrine in application to the tests. This testing is designed to enhance and accelerate the spiritual advance of the believer and move him ever closer to completion of the Protocol Plan of God. This testing occurs as several categories and at different levels of intensity including 8 Systems or Levels of Testing in 9 Categories:

Basic Spiritual Testing (3 Categories) – Old Sin Nature, Cosmic Dynasphere I & II

Providential Preventative Suffering (4 Categories) – Preliminary Momentum Testing

Momentum Testing (4 Categories) – Basic – Intermediate – Advanced

Evidence Testing (2 Categories) – Regarding God, Regarding Man & Circumstances Virtue – The quality of the individual based on the content of his soul and the decisions and actions he makes in life which includes:

Motivational Virtue

Functional Virtue

Personal Love for God

Impersonal Love for Mankind

Impact Virtue – Sensitivity toward All others

Impact Virtue – Thoughtfulness toward All others

Impact Virtue – Courtesy toward All others

Impact Virtue – Good Manners toward All others

Impact Virtue – Accommodating to All others

Impact Virtue – Kindness to All others

Impact Virtue – Understand toward All others

Impact Virtue – Lack of prejudice toward all others

Confidence toward God

Courage toward Man

Worship toward God

Morality toward Man

Genuine Humility toward God

Enforced Humility toward Authority

Inflexibility regarding God & Bible Doctrine

Flexibility regarding every detail of life

Faithfulness to God

Consistent Unwavering Responsibility toward Man

Virtue Love – Personal Love for God the Father and Impersonal Love for Mankind Winner Believer – This is the believer who maintains a consistent residence in the Divine Dynasphere as a result of his use of the IRF (Instant Reaction Force) of the Rebound Procedure to recover from failures enabling him to be consistent in his Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from daily Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine to his life.

Wrongdoing – Wrongdoing encompasses all sin which we either do not recognize as sin or have forgotten about after committing those sins. It is functioning outside the Plan of God with rejection of the power of the Spiritual Life given to us by The Lord. Wrongdoing encompasses such things as the sins involved with whitewashing the devil’s world and greater involvement in the sins of the Interlocking System of Arrogance or Interlocking System of Hatred.

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