Jesus' Book: Fear Not by Mary Rose - HTML preview

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Fear Not

Jesus said, “Fear and Love are like water and rocks. They do not mix. Love is inclusive.” Fear is exclusive. It divides us. God wants us to be inclusive and to live in solidarity. He wants all humanity to love one another unconditionally as sisters and brothers.

Jesus knows why humanity, this generation in particular, has turned its back on him. It is


because people do not feel God loves them. Jesus does not blame those who have turned their


backs or deny his existence. He says, “I am like a parent, an eternal parent. Why would children


visit their parent knowing their parent would only love them conditionally, selfishly, self


servingly, with cruelty and expect all the kids in the family to be ‘perfect’ and ‘flawless,’ like ‘snow white.’ In truth this is unattainable. Why would a child go to a parent if they thought the


parent would throw them in the fires of hell or purgatory? The greedy men and their religious


friends preach to my children to ‘Fear God,’ while I wrote ‘Fear Not’ 365 times in the ‘holy


books.’ I predicted the greedy powers would arrange for the books to teach only what would


serve their objectives that are anti-Christ and anti-humanity. I will tell my children all they need


to know, the Truth, in my book. This is the first time that I have written a book. I am writing a


book to humanity for the first time.”

As you read this book, you will learn that I am merely an instrument, the same way Beethoven was, through which God communicates. You will learn that I, the instrument, am in love with God, our eternal parent. You will not stop loving him once you find him. I am NOT the author of this book. Of course, I wondered “Why me?” I have wondered why he chose me. I know that I was chosen as the instrument not because I am somehow special or favored.

While writing this book with God, I asked for some secular help. I approached a few people. But I realized God does not want me to get any secular or conventional help. The people I told about this book suggested that I consult with scholars, book writers, Theologians and such. I was told I would need to know things in order to write this book. I asked God.

But God helped me understand that he is able and will use me, as an instrument, to himself write his own book. God does not need help writing his book. He said, “I can afford a theologian, philosopher, book writer or anything else. But I do not choose them. I want you, my creation as my instrument to talk to my creation. I want you to just be you and to let me work through you. I can write my own book, using you as a pen. All you have to do is let me.”

Jesus started to explain it in more details, “I did not create Theology. I created you who symbolically, like a parable, represent humanity in this book. I am using a human to talk to humanity. One human represents all humanity. I want humanity to interact with me and learn about me the same way you did. I am a God of action. I am also humble. I do not show off my power to my children. I am God. I do not need to use big words to complicate and intimidate. I know most cannot read or write. My instrument is going to hear and to faithfully surrender to me in writing my book. This time my book will be written and retained eternally.”

Jesus is going to make sure we, humanity, will understand him best and the book will remain authentic. He is using his method of writing. It will not make a difference to me. I never wrote a book. I am glad I do not know how a book is written, conventionally, “literally …” Jesus said to me, “The Church that was supposed to be mine, my universal community, was stolen from me. The Roman Empire infiltrated my community and installed their own puppets as leaders of it to justify their quest for greed in my name. They started wars of greed and called them ‘Christian Crusades.’ They started a snow ball that later, other greedy empires around the world joined, using other churches, and other religions. Massive wars, ‘crusades’ broke out by greedy powers in this world. They created a man-made God in writing, teaching and practice. They wrote in the holy books what they needed to serve their objectives. To this day they accuse me of approving of slavery, claiming that I said, ‘You shall not covet your neighbors’ slave.’ These men made their own kingdom on Earth in my name. Their palace is still in Rome where they sold me out.

“I did not call myself a ‘king.’ Nor did I say that I had a ‘kingdom.’ Men created kingdoms, as they created tyranny, and enslaved and oppressed humans. I came to free the oppressed when I was on Earth. Catholic means universal. I created a universal community. They teach their priests that they are the ‘eunuchs of the kingdom of God.’ Eunuchs were castrated young boys or men, who served as slaves in a variety of ways since ancient times. This happened in many parts of the world. I do not approve of any human being castrated or mutilated in any way. I do not approve of slavery and exploitation in any way, form or shape. I certainly do not require men to be eunuchs in order to lead my universal community of humanity. I did not create eunuchs. Men created them to exploit them or to use them to exploit others. In fact, the Church in Rome castrated young boys to use them as adult male sopranos in Italy, up until 1878. I will tell you more about eunuchs and human sexuality later in this book. Eunuchs were also used as sex slaves and or served to aid the sexual exploitation and oppression of women and young boys. I will expand on that later in this book.”

“In the year 2009, by saying, ‘You shall not covet your neighbor’s slave,’ religious leaders accuse me of approving enslaving women as reproductive machines. They accuse me of considering a man’s wife and house both as objects that a man owns. They accuse me of favoring humantrafficking. They accuse me of favoring buying women as sex slaves. They accuse me of favoring buying children as sex slaves. They accuse me of favoring the poor’s body being used like mice in laboratories. They accuse me of favoring organized crime in the gambling capital of the world, Sin City, where sexual slavery and exploitation is legal, institutionalized and perpetuated,” Jesus said.

“Men who made me in their image took advantage of the illiterate. The holy books were written, rewritten, translated, retranslated, interpreted and reinterpreted by men who wanted to be gods, to control, to dominate, to oppress, to exploit and to steal. In this age, many have either turned their backs on me and say they do not believe in me, or consider me their enemy. Most are confused and demoralized. They cannot believe that God exists because what they are told and preached does not make sense. If the people believe in man-made God then they figure that they have to spend all eternity with a selfish and sadistic God. Now is the time for humanity to experience me. This book is letting you know who I am. It is to take away your confusion and fears. It is for you to feel my unconditional love for each and every one of you. “Men who made god in their image tell humanity that I made Hell to throw Satan and angels in it to burn for all eternity and later decided to put humans there as well. When I was on Earth, I told you to, ‘Love your enemy.’ I do not preach what I do not practice. I can do all things. I can destroy any enemy. But I am the God of love. I did not tell you to love your enemy, and then later I would burn your enemy in the fires of hell for all eternity. That would be inconsistent. Look around you at what I have created on Earth, not what men have made. Do you see how everything is ordered and consistent? I am the creator of consistency. You can be sure that the ‘God’ you do not believe or consider your enemy does NOT exist. But I, the true ever loving God, exist. I am.”

Jesus continued, “2009 Earthly years ago, I came to Earth to illustrate, in action and a few words, my unconditional love and forgiveness for all humanity. I did not have any one following me around to document my words and actions. Of course, I knew men of greed and their religious friends had the power, opportunity and motive to put words in my mouth, to make up stories and to turn me into a God to be feared. That is why I repeated ‘Fear Not’ 365 times.

“All humans have been born free of sin. All humans are born unconditionally loved by God. All humans are forgiven for their mistakes. There is no ‘original sin.’ The concept was invented by men who wanted to create conditions of fear, guilt and shame. They made the holy books and me in their own images to serve their objectives.

“They wrote that I was a ransom or sacrificial lamb. But it is not true. I did what any loving parent would. I showed humanity that there is nothing I would not do for my children. I sacrificed myself for my children. I humbled myself to show my unconditional commitment to humanity as a good parent. I came and did all that I could to show humanity that I was a harmless and loving parent in relation to humanity.

“They tell you that I am a ransom to keep you in need of them, the man-made gods. You all have been created in LOVE. And I gave you freedom to find me and love me. My love is most unconditional. I will love you even if you do not love me. I am a parent,” Jesus said.

I was still unsure and I asked Jesus, “Why there are so many books, like books teaching us how to relate to you and how to be favored by you to prosper?” Jesus answered, “They write books to scare you of me. Then they write books on how to escape your fear of me by beating me in a game of chess! They teach humans how to prosper and how to do good business with God. They tell my children to bribe me to get rich. Then they pocket the money. Then they say I want them to be rich preachers! They have turned my name into a prosperous business. I did not authorize them. They are not doing my will.

“I did not fill the libraries with religious books. I was aware the vast majority of humans cannot read them. I did not authorize these men to form televised kingdoms and to exploit my children in my name.

“I am a humble God, like a good parent. Humans who exalt themselves, as preachers and religious leaders, are not authorized by me. I did not anoint them. They lie in my name.” Jesus said, “I came to Earth and lived among the humble. I gave all of myself to humanity. I gave them my body to prove I am with them. I came to form a brotherhood and sisterhood of all humanity, a community, a Church. While I was on Earth I chose to face humiliation. I allowed it. I showed you how to love. I taught my children humility. I wanted them to know that I am harmless, though I am capable of all things. I have come with love, to serve, to care, to help and to be with humanity as my family.

“I sent out messengers of love to create an inclusive community of humanity, and to call it a Church of brotherhood and sisterhood. I taught them to love one another. I taught them to always forgive one another. I taught them to share with one another. I taught them to accept and tolerate one another. I taught them to not judge one another. But they contradicted my message.

“I have always tried to help humanity to be sisters and brothers who live in a universal community, with love, forgiveness, equality and peace. I have not authorized any human to rank higher than another human in their synagogues, churches and mosques. They claim they are building and serving my ‘kingdom. I never asked humans to build a ‘kingdom,” Jesus said.

“I never authorized them to build a television ‘kingdom’ run by business men and women. They call themselves television Evangelists. They tell their congregations that if their kingdom does not try to save souls, the souls would go to hell and burn for all eternity. They tell humanity only Christians are children of God and the rest burn in fires of hell. They create division and disunity among my children. They create panic and foster fear among my children. They blame me for the sufferings in our world, while making believe that they care for the world and humanity more than I do.

“These religious leaders, whom I did not authorize, do not tell you about all my actions on Earth. Actions speak louder than words. That is why I came to Earth. In their holy books and preaching, these Christian leaders do not consistently mention that I told Peter to put down his weapon. And, of course, it is not consistently mentioned that I loved and healed the soldier who came to capture me. They have arranged the holy books so you would not know the real God. That way, they would do as they have been for 2,000 years. They wage wars, steal and exalt themselves, in my name.”

Jesus continued, “I did not authorize crusades that involved weapons. I taught you to love your enemy. I, the God of Abraham, did not authorize any human to take a weapon and aim to kill another human. God did not make weapons. God did not use force and weapons. God did not authorize what is not motivated and acted out with love.”

I asked Jesus why the Church took almost 2,000 years to apologize for their wrongdoing. Jesus said, “The reason is pride and greed. These men have made Gods of themselves in my name. They have made me in their image. They have made a kingdom of men. They say I have chosen to call a man, the Pope, ‘Holy Father.’ There is only one Holy Father. He lives in Heaven. My Body, my Church, is not yet a community of equality, solidarity, humility, love, sisterhood and brotherhood of all humanity that shares, forgives, seeks peace and knows True God. Actions speak louder than words. The authorities sitting high in high places have not in action humbled themselves to me. They have hierarchy. And, I, the Christ am at the bottom. I have been humiliated for 2,000 years. As they betrayed me, they started a snowball that is rolling down and destroying humanity. They used my name to wage wars of greed. The greedy empires around the world started to use my name to go to wars of greed conquest.

“For 2,000 years, from East to West and West to East, in the name of the ‘God of Abraham,’ they have occupied lands and exploited humanity. I did not authorize any of it. They made gods of themselves. They made palaces for their kingdoms. They each have their monarchs, the rulers of the religions, who use my name to destroy and to steal. They all claim to be my chosen religion, my favored religion, my complete religion or whatever that gave them justification to war with one another in order to become king of the planet.”

Jesus continued, “In the past 2,000 years, Christians have split. They have formed their own churches, their own man-made God kingdom writing, preaching and practicing in favor of the greedy men. And, of course, other religions, that claim to believe and serve the ‘God of Abraham,’ have done the same. They each claim that they are authorized by me. I have not authorized any of them. They have pushed humanity ever closer to the end of the rope.”

I met Jesus, our God, in a dream. You will read the dream in chapter one. I had the dream at age forty-two. I had never practiced any religion prior. I was raised in a Muslim country in the Middle East by a secular family. I was born an artist, a painter. I converted to Christianity at age forty-three, because I found the God of Love in a dream. Before that, I suffered at the hands of man-made gods. I had to experience much pain. I had to lose the Loving God I met in my dream to the man-made gods. But the God of Love saved me from them. And I have fallen ever more in love with him. I chose to let Jesus use me and my life, because I want each and every human on Earth to know him.

Jesus explained earlier that he has been accused of approving slavery. The first time I heard, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s slave,” I was shocked. Of course, I know that Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions all believe in this teaching. I know that is how they all have legitimized wars, killing, the occupation of and the exploitation of alien lands, the exploitation and enslavement of humans. But I was still shocked. I thought to myself that if they have had the nerve to write that in the holy book, they surely would and could have said anything that served their objectives in the holy books. It is the year 2009, and they have made God less merciful, loving and just than they have made Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Bishop Tutu. Those men have served the True God, the unconditionally loving God, as instruments. God freed the slaves of men over 3,000 years ago. He took a firm and consistent stand against slavery and possession of humans by humans in any way. But in the year 2009 he is accused of approving of slavery and possession of humans by humans. So much for holy books read in Christian churches, Jewish synagogues and Muslim mosques.

Jesus said to me, “I consistently opposed owning, exploiting and oppressing any humans. My children have been hearing a man-made God contradicting me. The issue of slavery has been very important to the men of greed who have been ruling this world. They enslave people to this day. It is the root cause of the sufferings of the vast majority of humanity.”

I told Jesus, “It’s scary how humans changed you and your words in the holy books. They have had the nerve to give us obvious contradictory and inconsistent messages that are supposedly your messages. And nobody seems to question the authenticity of the holy books.”

Jesus said, “I am consistent and I did not author their mixed messages. I would not cause my children to get confused, lose trust in me and to fear. I am dealing with the problem. I will be repeating principle concepts in this book, as I did ‘Fear Not,’ to preserve its authenticity. This is a book written by me, Jesus. They will not be able to do to it what they did with the others. I will take humanity’s man-made-fears away.”

Jesus said, “I love humanity as my children. The men who distort my messages and word make it seem as if God suffers from multiple personality disorder. A God, a parent, as confusing as they have made me in the holy books would drive his children insane. They make my children not want to hear me, assuming I authored the mixed messages. It causes my children to either turn their backs on me or follow the religious. They stop relating to me. Their preachers become their gods.”

I once heard a Christian leader preach, “In John 3:16, a verse says ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.’ This verse includes a powerful statement of how much God loves us. But it also says, if we believe, which can be translated ‘live in imitation of this unselfish love,’ then we will have eternal life. This is the promise we receive in baptism.”

I asked Jesus about what the preacher said. It meant that those who do not know Jesus are doomed. I was worried about all the people who did not know Jesus, much less believed in him.

Jesus comforted me, “Fear Not,” he said. “The holy book is not authentic. Do you see the inconsistency? On one hand, they say that I selflessly love. On the other hand, the selflessly loving God only loves and gives eternal love to those who know and love him. It is inconsistent. A loving, selfless and competent God is inclusive, not exclusive.”

Jesus continued, “The Ten Commandments read: Thou shall not kill, which is authentic. But they accuse me of killing and torturing humans for all eternity. What kind of monster would do that? I do not create life to destroy life. I arranged for the life of all humans to be saved. I am not the man-made God. I am the ABLE God. And I am not a monster. I am the ‘Fear Not’ God. I am the loving parent God.

“They accuse me of having made hell or purgatory. Did I not heal the enemy who came to capture me? Did I not teach you to love your enemy? I have not put Satan in hell. There is nothing that a human can do that would warrant burning in fires for all eternity. They have made me seem so cruel that Hitler seems kinder than me! I have been accused of things that do not make sense to the human mind. That is why my children either do not believe in me or consider me their enemy.”

Jesus explained, “They made me a monster compared to Mother Theresa and other saints. They made believe that Mother Theresa loved humanity more than I did. I love Mother Theresa and she was my instrument. But she too was confused about me. She often felt I did not love her. She did not always remember that her love for humanity was my love for her and the people she tried to help. Nobody loves humanity more than I do. My arms are wide open, as then when I was nailed to a tree, to embrace and to relate to each and every human in love and suffering. I have been ready and willing to be with all of you. I have been longing for that time.”

I said to Jesus, “How did the religious leaders get away with changing the holy book?” Jesus said, “We will discuss this later. For now, keep in mind that only the elite could read and write. It was not hard for them to change the writing, to mistranslate and misinterpret the word. They had the motive, opportunity and control to do as they wished to the holy books. Why do you think I repeated, ‘Fear Not’ 365 times?”

Jesus continued, “I asked humanity to love one another under all circumstances and to share with their sisters and brothers in creation.” He said, “I did not create rich or poor. I did not tell any television Evangelist that he or she has the privilege or authority to get rich in my name.

“Let us go back to talk about original sin. They made up original sin to condemn humanity. Then they told humanity that I am angry with them and inaccessible to them. They told humanity that I did not love them in order to achieve their greedy objectives.”

God has made it clear that the story of Adam and Eve is a parable of “Fear Not.” He asked humanity to not feel shame, guilt or fear.

“These religions say they are pro-life. But historically, to this day, they have been responsible for wars, chaos, oppression, hunger, destruction and the division of the human race. They claim to be saving the lives of the unborn, while they stand by silently and passively watch the greedy powers kill, torment, starve, torture, enslave, exploit, and oppress billions of people on Earth. They do not get involved in protecting children who are enslaved today as cheap labor or as sex slaves and misplaced due to violent wars waged by greedy powers.

“You all know that some humans are born with both male and female organs. Children born with both sex organs are not freaks of nature. They are not a glitch. They are my creation, my children. Before science was able to remove one organ they were bi-gender. I gave them the choice of being Adam and Eve or Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve,” said Jesus.

“Hypocrites serving their master, the greedy and ‘want-to-be-God,’ tell my children to not make individual choices. They divide my children in as many ways as they want, in race, in nation, wealth, ethnicity, gender and more. Their intentions are to pit humans against humans, to divide them, to rule and to steal from them. They use my name in doing their work. But I did not authorize them.
“I, God, did not create genders. I referred to humanity as human. I was born a male from a

female, who was biologically both my mother and father. I made a point to humanity to understand my position regarding gender. Mary, without a male partner was pregnant with a male, me, who was born of a female. I showed that just as Eve was part Adam, so is Adam part Eve, as I was made a human from Mary.”

Jesus added, “Your science discovered that women and men have the same sex organs, one is inside of the body, and the other is outside of the body. But the greedy powers only use what is going to help them create friction, division, hate and conditions for the greedy to steal.

“They say I created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Jack. I created no gender division. I created individuals to make choices and to find a self that is as unique in spirit as is in DNA. My children were born in unconditional love and freedom,” Jesus said.

He continued, “The greedy and the men who made me in their own image have a problem that all humanity has suffered from in degrees. I came in flesh to teach them how to be humble. I, God, am love. Love is humble. One cannot love without humility.

“They said I was sacrificed for humanity’s sin to do away with my message of HUMILITY. If they had humbled themselves they would not wage wars in my name that continue to this day,” Jesus said.

“I am a humble God. Love is humble. I do not need to show off my power to the world. I will not show off my power to humanity. I have come with love and have given all of me, all that I am, love, to the world. I have not changed. Men who abused their power changed my words because they are not willing to humble themselves.

“I respect the saints who tried to break the chains with iron balls. They tried to separate me from the man-made God, to reach, find and to serve me, the True God. They found me in ‘I AM.’ They often got in much trouble with the Church. The Catholic Church lives in “I Was,” still functioning like a complex military machine that was built by Romans to conquer the world and steal. It is yet to be the universal community of humanity, the holy and catholic and apostolic made of all humans, equally loved by God, in peace, respect, sharing and inclusive.

“But the enemy, the man-made-machine, has turned saints into icons. They have become the God substitutes or attorneys to represent Catholics to God. The Church made the saints into what would serve them to foster fear. The Catholics have become afraid of the God that they are told is disgusted with humanity and needs to use the saints, the favored, to talk with the unworthy humans.

“The saints set examples. They prove that anyone can relate to God. Saints were not perfect. The Church made them icons to keep humanity condemned to meet their objectives,” Jesus said.

I once watched a movie called Romero. It is about the Archbishop of El Salvador, and about the cruel government which terrorized and mass murdered the people. Archbishop Romero did what Martin Luther King Jr. did. He became God’s instrument against racism, oppression, slavery, exploitation and cruelty to his people. He was Christ-like. Romero did in El Salvador what Jesus did for all humanity. Romero was assassinated while blessing the bread and wine in a Mass.

I asked Jesus, “Why didn’t the Catholic Church canonize Romero as a saint? Jesus answered, “Romero was my instrument to do my will and was killed for it. The Catholic Church has not changed much since they served the oppressive and greedy Roman empire 2,000 years ago. They do not want Romero to be followed as an example, by Catholics.”

Jesus said, “Why do they call themselves ‘Christians?’ I did not make a war machine. I told them if they love me and want to follow me, they have to love their sisters and brothers, all humanity, as they love themselves. I told them to share with and support their sisters and brothers, all humanity.”

Yesterday, I (the instrument) was talking to someone I had just met. We talked about God and humanity. He said to me that he was raised Jewish and later converted to Christianity. We were talking about God. He said, “We are like ants to God.” He thought we cannot have individual relationships with God. “God is too big for us,” he said. I told him, “I agree to that we are small for God, but not like ants, rather, as is we are his children. God does not have the same relationship with each one of us. We are here to become as unique in spirit too, before we are due to go home to God. There are not two people in this world, nor has there ever been who had the same experiences in their lives on Earth.”

God is available to us, to talk to or talk with. God is available to us to hear him if we choose. God is a parent. He is letting his family choose to accept him, love him as he loves us, love our sisters and brothers, and forgive each other.

I know you still wonder how I hear God and why he chose me as his instrument to talk with us.

Throughout human history art has been used as a substitute for words. For instance, the Bible has been illustrated in arts. We can go back as far as cave art. Humans drew on the walls of caves they lived in, in order to illustrate their lives and to communicate.

I am an artist, a painter. I paint things that I see inside me. I paint what I see with my “inner eyes.” My paintings are alive and tell a story. I have my own style of painting. It is a means by which I communicate with my inner world, or both inner and outer worlds.

Do not take me wrong. I did not always relate to God as I do now. I got sucked into the manmade- God that caused me much suffering and confusion, until I reconnected with the God of love. I am a human. I got lost too.

You will see I am far from a brave or perfect creature. You will find out he is most loving, available, and eager to please and help. Once you find him, you cannot live without him. The way I hear God is the same way you can too. It actually started before I even believed he existed. He was painting with me long before I knew him in my conscious mind. It does not matter if we believe or do not believe. He is with us anyway. I can trace my life back and remember hearing him and interacting with him.

As I briefly mentioned earlier, Moonlight, a popular song by Beethoven explains how I have been hearing Jesus all my life. I remember the first time I heard the song. It triggered a part of me that I did not know existed in my mind. I could hear a loving, protective and worried voice with my inner ears. I liked the feeling. I listened to the song on a regular basis.

Beethoven was God’s instrument too. Beethoven was an example of how we can use inner senses and connect to God. It has touched so many souls. I am sure I was not the only one who was hooked up with inner eyes and ears listening to M