Free Grace or Free Will? - God's Free Salvation Plan by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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This book is written to Christians by a Christian.  It deals with one of the most important topics facing believers in Jesus Christ.  It involves a controversy within our Lord’s church that has been going on for centuries.  This issue is important as it deals with the biblical truth of why we are saved and how we are saved. It is extremely important that we, as Christians, know the answers to those two key questions so that we can correctly teach others this truth and properly glorify our Lord for the special grace He has given to us who believe.

Since this is a sensitive subject, I have tried to handle it with great care. Therefore, I will not mention any individuals, religious organizations, churches, or denominations. There will be no labeling of groups of people on either side of this issue as there are many different definitions regarding such labels which are oftentimes offensive and unfair. This book is not about counting noses. Godly men and women have been on both sides of this issue. I have tried to be kind in the choice of words used.  A Christian has the right and the responsibility to study this issue and then decide what is correct according to the Scriptures. Therefore the main reference source used in this book is the Holy Bible. 

I would ask several things of the reader.  First, please give this book an honest review. Try to have an open mind as you go through these pages to see if it is the truth of God or not.  Test it against the Holy Scriptures.  Before judging or rejecting it, make sure you have read it in its entirety.  In the end, you may disagree with what has been written, but you will have had the courage to be exposed to something different than what you believe.  Second, challenge your own belief system against the Word of God.  This is always difficult to do. I had to do this myself, and I asked why other Christians believe differently than I did on this topic.  I was willing to study this issue with an open mind, and, when I did, I realized I had been mistaken in my beliefs on this very important matter.  Third, start at the beginning of this book and resist the temptation to skip around so that you can have the best reading experience and be fair in your analysis of what is written.  Fourth, pray during the reading of this book that the Lord would reveal to you His truth regarding this subject. Finally, as Christians, let us study this issue together with respect for each other, regardless of which view we hold. As I said previously, there are godly men and women on both sides of this issue.  I have kept that in mind as I have written this book.

I take the writing of this book and the discussion of this topic very seriously.  One day I will be held accountable to my Lord for every word that I have written here. Therefore, I can assure you I have taken great care to make sure this book is based on the truth of His Word. Since I have been on both sides of this issue, I feel qualified to write this book. Many things that I will share here are among some of the best kept secrets in Christianity. 

Why was I searching for the truth about this issue years ago?  Why did I change my long held beliefs regarding what is being discussed in this book?  I firmly believe it was by the grace of God who showed me for the first time how truly amazing His grace is.  It is my hope and prayer that the Sovereign God of the universe will use this book to reveal His amazing free grace to others as He did to me.