A Buddha was Born by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Part 3

A History

But because everyone likes to hear a good story based, and

real as anything that has been written so far and will continue to

be until the end of this Book. I'll tell you a story within this story,

totally real and no spines.

The Jose as a child was frail, but very hard physically, with a great

inner energy which was provided by its advanced biochemist. Do

not require much power to keep. Only sporadically fed! He felt that

the sun and the air fed in its entirety.

But your mama thought as the boy did not eat enough, and it was

hard to learn what the school taught. I managed to disenchant

certain vitamins in some place-based snake oil, which was just

mumbo jumbo that sellers who were known by the same name, who

preached for an object without conical lid and bottom. Also equal

to the sellers of the tongue-in-law entailed the back to be heard far

away. Who walked around the area for the children to go buy that

dry mass of coiled rod-shaped little taste, and did stand out a little

taste of cinnamon.

José Cruz

Well through certain purchases made between the mothers of these

snake oil salesmen, selling some little preparations recommended for

humans, and possibly take some animals too. And pharmacies for

the kid increase your mental and physical appearance was forced to

swallow this mess against his will. Until around his nine-year-old

came to bear fruit. After walking with the some witches, and they

also sell their junk for cash in addition to the consultations. And

the boy did not improve in any way, with a severe abdominal pain

that was felt increasingly stronger on the right side of the appendix.

The kid now eats just started to eat less, twisted on it with

constant abdominal cramps and huge.

Until the mother took him to hospital where he had been years

before suckling at the breast of the other mothers, the medical

service after palpate the painful part of the little guy, and biting

his thumb to extract her blood for later analysis, quickly came to the

conclusion that seriously affect the small and the endangering of

life, the problem was diagnosed fashion at the time when there were

those symptoms.

They call it acute appendicitis. That the determinant of such had

been the eating of such products recommended little or nothing,

which had been forced to take unconsciously by his mother for some

time. And the body is not getting rid of them altogether; some of

these wastes were deposited at the end of staking intestine of the

same name it starting to rot.

There the boy had to be operated urgently.

Although he had been given a general anesthesia for this act, the

body does not completely accepted although it was insensitive to

pain, and was not part of the auditory and sensory. Because I

heard somewhat blurred the conversation that operators and

assistants, held on various new models of cars that had just been

manufactured and made their appearances in the arteries of the city

of Lisbon. Some of these models, the medical staff already had,

while a cut baked here and there, as if you were to sew a fact.


A Buddha Was Born

They were keeping a chat about these majestic machines that

pollute the environment. The kid never slept while remaining ever

conscious of what they were to cut and remove the staple and later

as two sheets of paper if made his thin skin.

For about two weeks he remained in hospital to recover from the

suffering. It was a niggling an adult ward, which to keep them all

busy including Jose, had the obligation to accept a huge bunch of

gauze cropped, which was distributed by the nurses to go until they

are doubled with an aspect similar to that of a I think that later

were collected for applying dressings and bandages.

This is when the boy picked up a large fear!

Had disappeared a thermometer had been placed in the mouth to

check the temperature. And by seeking out and glaze over all, said

apparatus stubbornly refused to give sign of life.

It was then hypothesized much to the dismay of Jose that he had

swallowed. And that in turn would have to be re-operated because

the hospital needed that thing with mercury and numbers. Coming

up later to discover that thing was hidden in the middle of the

gauze and bandages. Phew what a relief!

Well this was the introduction to the real story in itself!

After his discharge there your mother brought him home almost to

the neck, because of their mobility is not much?

Passed then three weeks from the beginning that the general

suffering that the boy was put to the test! At the beginning of the

fourth went to school there, with great difficulty, still walk and

move, but was forced to go there.

Now the boy because of his absence during that time was outdated

before the matter that led the colleagues of Forth. During that

week he was forgiven all the mistakes of schoolwork that was due

to his medical condition not are most suitable for external abuses,

standing only a few attempts by the kind of you to change the

functioning of neurons.

José Cruz

On the last day of this week it happened that the teacher to apply

the rule of each error to a colleague each rule, the rule slipped and

hit against the desk was starting up. Well it was a feast for the

whole gang! And as Jose had no malice and was frank, immediately

offered his help to fix what happened. Putting it was soon

available to the teacher recognized his skills in crafts in wood, are

available. To make a new rule this week-end, which was already

better in terms of postoperative recovery, he agreed right away.

Colleagues are that, coming later to join him to put him in the line.

On that day when he got home and told his mother the good news

she was so proud, his son has the ability to produce such a thing of


Right there and chose a good tablet like the one that led him to

make the mold. There has been applied in heart and Soul to produce

a similar piece in perfection. Just did not make such holes. Why

was it marked the skin and he did not like tattoos. In the evening

of Sunday afternoon's work of art was completed. Then back to

school the next day there took the gift with care to offer the

teacher, to which he received and thanked and immediately taking

the same test to the air as if it is a sword to behead someone. While

other colleagues looked sideways at him, the teacher praised him as

an example to others to follow in the future. Then again thanked

the masterpiece sending him to sit. What he has done slowly

because of its difficulty walking.

The teacher!

Handiwork of the boy’s home, in single file the gang stood waiting

to deliver them to the teacher, the trouble was the last to deliver the


Before lunch time the teacher could correct all the work, and apply

their kidś maximum penalty on those who gave so much pleasure.

X errors that guy rules, get ahead in which hand do you want? And

bam never missed a ruler.


A Buddha Was Born

Jose followed them only with a look of mild head through

downtown just to see them pass, as it is thought that this time also

remained immune for that is still in recovery, even with some steel

staples to join her thin skin to keep in your guts out. Adding the

fact that it still had the brilliant idea, and have offered and made a

work of art that was cursing the day they were born.

All had the textbooks, there were only missing the artist.


Called the kind, and he immediately felt a huge thrill to go negative

him from head to toe. It was the sign that the body gave in

confirmation that the inhibition had to be punished just for him.

What in your intimate knew the fate that would have equaled that

of his colleagues?

Yes lady teacher?

Responded immediately with a trembling voice!

Get up and come here! She said.

Even with extreme difficulty there crawled to the presence of the


As asked him?

Why did not you do your homework Jose?

With eyes on the ground and choked up because the words insisted

on not wanting to leave, but with great difficulty him managed to

say a teacher.

Because I did not make the rule for you!

And his eyes began to fill with water and tears started rolling

down the face going to crash at his feet. Due to the revolt inside he

felt at that moment, to the person who looked more like a giant

who prostrated themselves before him, to try him as a criminal if it


It responds immediately looking at the whole class.

Let this be clear and serve as an example to all. The rules are to

meet and nothing else, or anyone else can never be forgotten.

So Jose will not take rules!

José Cruz

The kid of the eyebrows immediately rose.

And then felt a hand grab her teacher and being almost dragged by

picture slate, which stood on the wall behind him.

The kind raised his hand in the air above his head causing him to

spin around on it as if it is a dance. And every time your tail passed

within reach of the rule was there that she worked out. At that

time he just felt the spin as an integral part of it, ignoring

everything and everyone. His Spirit left his body completely at that

time that seemed to have returned to find himself with the Eternal

and the time to let it exist. Just come back to you as the kind of

teacher pulled him by one ear and shouted in his ear, making it

vibrate more body little.

Can you hear me or not?

Then he opened the small eyes there already completely dry the tears

which had earlier tried to tear the heart. And he answered with a

slight characteristic smile and looking at it right into your eyes,

penetrating them and to reach them through their Soul.

And told her, just like previously said to his mother!

Nothing that makes me suffers unjustly. Because I'm untouchable

and I don’t admit that as force it, because this is not my World.

The teacher looked to Jose up again from top to bottom, and those

words touched him so deeply in his heart, the tears started coming

to her eyes, and said to the kid to sit down.

And she also did the same.

A silence reigned over all.

That same day when the class was over she called the little Jose

with her, and after they leave the others apologized for what

happened and promised that he would never rule in life. But just

would continue to maintain as a sign of respect. And told him to

give the message to the mother because he needs extra classes to pass

this school year and the mother is not able to pay. He could go to

her house a few days a week; she would give the explanation of



A Buddha Was Born

And he accepted and spent the year. And never was molested by

that person who had done much harm to him and your colleagues.

And became Mrs. Professor

That in the same house was just by Paula.

José Cruz


A Buddha Was Born