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By Wayne F. Perkins

© 2000, Wayne F. Perkins and Wayne F. Perkins ePublishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the publisher.

ISBN 1-9296 95-18-7
Written by Wayne F. Perkins, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist




I dedicate this book to you, the reader and learner. You are my inspiration.

I also dedicate this book to all of the people who have inspired me during my life. You continue to inspire me and you are helping others achieve their mission in life.

Wayne F. Perkins


Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist


"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins


How to Use This Book

How To Hypnotize People and Other Living Things by Wayne F. Perkins, is not just a book. It is a complete system that allows you to learn how to hypnotize other people very easily. The book contains easy to use exercises and techniques that will get you hypnotizing other people in just a few minutes..

The Perkins Method of Hypnosis involves learning hypnosis by reading my scripts into a tape recorder. You then listen to the scripts over and over again until you feel you have the right sound and the correct feel to it. You do not need to memorize the scripts. You only have to know the sequence of events that lead a person into hypnosis and then lead a person back to full consciousness.

I will give you some basic theory to get you going and also information on how to select your first subjects and how to induce hypnosis. You will also learn how to deliver some basic hypnosis prescriptions. A prescription is specific script designed to help your subject achieve a particular goal in the conscious state of mind.

In addition to reading and recording the text presented in this portion of the program, you have access to powerful Internet resources. These resources include a Self-hypnosis Chat service that provides on-line and real-time answers to your personal challenges. Other hypnotherapists and students with similar challenges discuss answers with the reader.

The Hypnosis Forum located my website provides similar help. A major advantage in using this resource is that messages may be read and posted 24 hours a day. This is a great advantage to the many readers from countries that participate.

Updated Chapters to this e-book and the Appendices are available to registered users of this book. A site on the Internet will provide free updated information and new Chapters. Hypnosis is a work in progress. New insights and pages will be added without additional cost to you. Since the new information is located on the Internet, it will be easy to copy and print out for your use.

You are always encouraged to read everything you can on the subject. New and exciting uses of hypnosis are being discovered all the time.

The best part of this system is that it is fun and easy to use! The book is short, sweet, to the point and very powerful. The information will make sense to you.
The Perkins Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis Methods, using Internet resources, are studied by clients, students and educators located in: Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malta, Malaysia, Nepal, Nevis, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom, as well as in the United States.

Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Information
How to Use This Book Chapter 1 What Is Hypnosis? How Do We Do This Stuff?
Chapter 2 What Do I Need To Begin Hypnotizing?
Chapter 3 Hypnotizing People and Other Living Things
Appendix A- Book Registration Form
Appendix B. Bibliography
Appendix C. About The Author
Appendix HS. Exciting High School Assembly Programs
Appendix P. Products by Wayne F. Perkins Appendix W. Workshops and Seminars by Wayne F. Perkins
Appendix Z. Full day hypnosis training sessions on Phoenix, Arizona.
Order Form
Chapter 1 What Is Hypnosis? How Do We Do This Stuff? Introduction


Normally I tell a story in the introduction of my books. However, I realize that you are anxious to get going and start hypnotizing other people. So let's begin!

What is hypnosis?

"Hypnosis" refers to the power that words and ideas have when we surround these words and ideas with our complete attention. A hypnotist or an operator delivers words and ideas.

You don't need any special qualifications to deliver words that will change your life or help change your subject's life. Hypnosis, the power that words have when surrounded by one's complete attention is as old as the spoken word itself.

You may know PHD's that work as hypnotherapists and you may know door to door salesmen that use hypnosis in their job. The truth is, no academic title or course completion certificate will ever tell you how good a hypnotist is.

The nice part about it is that with a little study you can be a very effective hypnotist. Always remember, however, to read all you can outside of this short textbook. You will learn not only from books but also from each and every subject you hypnotize.

You are going to learn words and script that will assist you in achieving positive results with your hypnotic subjects.


When you have questions regarding hypnosis and these techniques as you read this book, please visit the contact me by e-mail at:


or my visit my Hypnotism Education Website located at:

What to Expect

What do you expect out of this book?

Each Chapter has a specific purpose. By completing and applying the exercises in this book you will be well on your way to becoming a hypnotist. shortly after Chapter 3, you may have already attained the goal that was the purpose for you purchasing this book in the first place!

I have purposely designed this book to be short and sweet. If you want lots of psychological theory or scientific data, go to my Hypnotism Education Website at:


I prefer to help you achieve success without all of the theory.

Working this way has made my first book , How To Hypnotize Yourself Without Losing Your Mind: A Self-hypnosis Training Program For Students And Educators, a huge success. This is also the format I am using for future books in my How To Hypnotize series.

Expect to achieve success in your goals, long before you have read this book to its conclusion.

Always expect the best for yourself during your reading and completing of the activities outlined in the chapters ahead. Up until now, you may not have always expected the best for yourself and others. You must change that expectation if you wish to succeed with all you wish to accomplish in life. Wish success for yourself and wish success for your subject. Always expect the best from yourself in this book and you will receive the best.

What to Expect from Your Subject

What do you expect from your subject? You expect your subject to give you the same support that you are giving them. Never take advantage of your subject and always show concern for their safety. Remember that your subject trusts you with the most important part of his/her existence. You subject trusts you with his brain and his identity. Usually, your subject will tell you something secretive that will never be revealed to anyone else. Give your subject your undivided attention and you will be successful.

I am going to give you just enough theory to get you going. Here it is.

Fundamental Law of Attraction

A basic psychological law applies to you and your subject and everyone else in the world. This is the basic psychological law that explains why hypnosis really works. The concept or law is called the fundamental law of attraction.

The fundamental law of attraction as it applies to hypnosis is as follows: "Whatever you hold in your mind at any given time, your body moves toward that direction. Your body can be directed to move in a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual direction."

Think about eating your favorite food. Picture in your mind how wonderful it looks. Picture in your mind the color and texture of the food. Think about how it feels as you chew it. Think about how your favorite food tastes and smells. Feel it in your mouth. Notice how your mouth starts to fill with saliva as you think these thoughts. This is the law of attraction at work. You are holding the thoughts of your favorite food in your mind. As you think about it in great detail your body tends to move toward it by allowing the saliva to flow as if you are digesting the food in real life. Do you begin to salivate when walking by a bakery or in a movie theater when you smell the popcorn popping? Notice how your body seems to be goal oriented. We will capitalize on that goal orientation of the body and the law of attraction as we progress through the hypnosis exercises.

Let's move on.

Chapter 2 What Do I Need To Begin Hypnotizing?

Question: What do I need to begin hypnotizing? Answer: You need confidence in your abilities to hypnotize.


Question: How to I get the confidence if I have never hypnotized anyone before?


Answer: You have to fake it until you make it!

Actually, that's how anyone gets confidence. Think of the medical doctor you go to for an operation. Could it be that this particular operation is the first of its kind that your doctor participated it? Everyone's medical conditions are unique. Even if the doctor is an experienced heart surgeon, there is still a chance that when he opens you up during surgery, that there is still something new for him/her to learn.

It's the same way with hypnosis. You can study hypnosis for 10 minutes or 10 years and still feel that you are learning something brand new. You subject may not realize it but it is true.

In order for you to become successful in hypnotizing other people you must have confidence in your abilities to hypnotize. The more you display this confidence in you words and mannerisms, the easier it will be to hypnotize others and the more fun you will have as a hypnotist.

Remember this always: You must have confidence in yourself as a hypnotist. You must keep that confidence during each and every hypnosis session.


So to begin, think of yourself as a hypnotist Begin to exude confidence in your abilities. The second thing you are going to need is training. We will get to your training in a minute.


The third thing you must have is a subject or hypnotee. We will find your subject next.


How To Find A Good Subject

Everyone wants to be hypnotized! Yes, even your biggest skeptics want to be hypnotized. However, it's best to find a willing subject first. Even though the temptation is to ask a close friend or relative if they want to be hypnotized, I would wait until you have had many successes under your belt.

Hypnosis is a very subjective state of mind. Belief in your abilities as a hypnotist is the key. Your close friends may know that you are just starting out and may fail only because they are trying too hard to please you. Or they may fail because deep down inside, they don't believe in your abilities to hypnotize.

On the other hand, complete strangers make the best hypnotic subjects when starting out. If they have never been hypnotized before, even if you have a little knowledge, you are way ahead of them.

You begin to find strangers in social clubs you may belong to, or people that overhear you talking about hypnosis. Maybe you join a night class at a community college and when someone asks you what you do, you tell them, I am a hypnotist.

Usually the inquiring person will say, "I have never been hypnotized before, will you hypnotize me?" (then they will ask, "How much do you charge?"


Since you are new and don't really know how to hypnotize much less fix something that is wrong with them, you respond with.


"I will work with you for free." I have a new technique I am trying out and I need volunteers to work with until I feel more comfortable with it."


"When would you like to be hypnotized?" Then off you go. You have your first willing subject. Since you are not going to charge the person for your service, you will have someone who will work with you.


If you ever decide to become a professional hypnotist and charge money for your services, you have someone that will praise your services.

Pre-hypnosis Testing

I am going to call the following exercises pre-hypnosis testing, but I don't want to you to refer to these tests as tests.

They work better when you call them exercises or experiments. All of these tests, exercises or experiments are designed to lead an individual into hypnosis. In fact any of these tests can actually replace the formal hypnotic induction, (which you will learn in the next chapter) when you have the right subject. That is a topic that is discussed more in length in my advanced hypnosis courses.

Test #1
Test of the imagination.

Tell the subject to stand with his/her feet together and arms outstretched toward you with hands extended and palms facing downward. The subject's arms should be parallel with each other. Tell the subject to look at his outstretched arms and make sure that they are parallel and absolutely level with each other.

What you say next

Next, cue the subject by telling her, close your eyes down tight....shutting out the light. I am going to count from three down to one. When I reach one, I want you to picture that a heavy weight is tied to your right hand, drawing it down toward the floor. Okay, three....two

Picture a heavy weight tied to your right hand, drawing it down toward the floor. It gets heavier and heavier and is pulling your hand down toward the floor.


Note. You should begin to see some movement of the right hand or arm toward the floor. Keep giving those suggestions over and over again until you see some movement.


What you say next

Now I want you to picture a balloon filled with helium gas tied to your left wrist, pulling it high up in the air. Your left hand and arm are being pulled up higher and higher up in the air. Your right wrist pulling down...down...down toward the floor and your left wrist lighter...and lighter being pulled up, up, up in the air.

Now open your eyes, and look at your arms!

End What you will see is some separation and usually a surprised look on the face of the subject. They sometimes don't feel their arms moving and may be surprised to find separation.

You congratulation your subject for his/her concentration adding the hypnosis involves concentrating the mind while relaxing the body.


Ask if you subject would like to work on some additional experiments with hypnosis. Test #2
Hypnosis and Balance

For this experiment or test, I want you to again have your subject standing facing you. Tell him to put his feet together and stand straight up. Tell him to close his eyes and tilt his head back as if he were looking up at the ceiling.

He should be standing straight with his head tilted back and eyes closed but pointed toward the ceiling.


What you say next

I want you to imagine that you can look through your closed eyes and visualize a spot on the ceiling above. Imagine that you are staring at that spot. As you are staring at that spot I want you to breathe deeply and relax as you did in the last exercise.

You will begin to feel an urge to start swaying back and forth. You begin to start swaying back and forth. I will be here to catch you if you fall too far backward. You begin to sway back ward into my arms. You are falling back, falling back, and falling backward into my arms.

Note: Repeat three or four times, or until your subject actually falls back into your arms.

You will then find the subject with a very surprised look on his/her face. Again, congratulate your subject on his concentration and tell him its time to go into a deeper state of hypnosis.

If he/she asks what you were doing so far, tell your subject, "These are conditioning exercises to guarantee a good experience with formal hypnosis."

Chapter 3 Hypnotizing People and Other Living Things

First of all, there is no button in your brain that you push to become hypnotized or dehypnotized. Do you really think that with your experiences in life, that you can possibly find a state of mind that never existed before in your history or your partner's history. Hypnosis is a state of mind. Becoming hypnotized is just following directions and concentrating so intently on a particular thought or string of thoughts, that nothing else that is going on around you seems to be distracting or very important. Since there is no button to push, there is no button to get stuck and have you frozen in hypnosis or selfhypnosis. In all of the history of hypnotism, no one has ever gotten stuck. That's too bad, because it is a wonderful state of mind to be experiencing.

Have you ever heard a song playing and you instantly remembered an event that happened years before? Have you ever read a good book and were totally oblivious to someone asking you a question? Have you ever watched a movie and felt as if you were experiencing that which the actor was experiencing? Have you ever fallen in love?

You have already experienced hypnosis. You and your subject have experienced it many times in your lifetime without even knowing it.

Your subject will hear all the instructions given. Remind your subject that hypnosis is a state of awareness, which means they will hear other sounds in the room. However, they will choose to listen to your voice and your instructions or suggestions.

The only time you won't hear everything that is being said is when you go physically to sleep. As you relax in hypnosis it is very easy to fall into natural sleep. In a few minutes, however, you will wake up on your own. You will, however, respond to any suggestion you gave yourself before falling into natural sleep.

Go on and state further

"When you listen to a hypnotist or your own hypnotic recording, do not evaluate or judge what is going on." When you are listening to a hypnotist do not analyze the process. There will be plenty of time to evaluate the process once you are back into the waking state of mind.

Do not "try" to become hypnotized. The word "try" implies doubt. Just relax and let the process happen. You will really enjoy it.

Your mind works better at accepting positive suggestions when your body is at rest and your mind is just listening to each and every word of the hypnotist, your subject is saying. Listen to the words as you listened to parents when you were a child of five or six years of age. Remember that anything is possible when you are in the hypnotic state of mind. A list of FAQS or Frequently Asked Questions, regarding hypnosis is found on my Hypnotism Education Website at:


Next you are going to use what we call a progressive relaxation technique. This procedure will totally relax all the muscle groups in your subject's body.

During this technique you will administer a hypnotic prescription. The prescription I give you will suggest that your subject will sleep soundly all night long and tomorrow morning will feel better than ever. If an emergency comes up during the night, your subject will awaken instantly and clear headed. He/she will be able to handle the emergency correctly and effectively.

Progressive Relaxation Technique #1

Let's use a progressive relaxation technique. Progressive relaxation techniques are easy to use. Many psychologists and psychiatrists, who don't want to scare anyone telling them they use hypnosis, use this wonderful technique. Let's begin!

Every time you see (PAUSE), hold your silence around three seconds and then continue. The following induction script is what you say:


Close your eyes and listen to my voice. (PAUSE)


I am going to give you suggestions that will assist you in relaxing deeply all night long. Tomorrow, when you awaken, you will feel full of energy (PAUSE)


Each time that we practice these techniques, you will find you are going deeper and deeper and enjoying the hypnotic experience more and more. (PAUSE)


I am going to count slowly from five down to one. With every count I want you to take a long, slow deep breath. As you inhale, breathe in the refreshing air. (PAUSE)


As you exhale, push all of the tension of the day, out of your lungs and out of your body. (PAUSE)


You will feel good, you will feel fine, and you will feel perfectly relaxed. (PAUSE)


Even though I am giving the suggestions, you will be always in control. Your mind will be alive, alert and your body will be relaxing, totally, relaxing. (PAUSE)


Okay, five (PAUSE)


Four (PAUSE)


Three (PAUSE)


Relaxing more with each and every deep breath that you take (PAUSE)




One, now you are totally relaxed. Your mind is alert and aware and concentrating on my voice. (PAUSE)


Continue breathing deeply and comfortably all night long. It feels so good to relax deeply this way. (PAUSE)

Now focus all of your attention on relaxing the muscles of your forehead. Picture the muscles of your forehead going limp, as if they were a group of loose rubber bands. (PAUSE)

If feels so good to relax these muscles. (PAUSE)


Keep breathing comfortably and think about relaxing the muscles of your face. (PAUSE)


Again, picture the muscles of your face letting go at your command. (PAUSE)


Relax your jaw muscles. Your lips may part and your jaw may drop a little in order to assist in relaxing the jaw muscles. (PAUSE)


Think about it happening, allow it to happen, and it will happen. (PAUSE)


Now your forehead is relaxed, your face is relaxed and your jaws are relaxed (PAUSE)


Continue breathing comfortably, pushing any tension out of your lungs as you exhale. (PAUSE)


Think about relaxing the muscles of your neck. As you relax the muscles of your neck you may begin to have an urge to swallow. (PAUSE)


Swallow when you need to and this will assist you in relaxing even deeper. (PAUSE)


You are relaxing deeper and sounder then ever before. (PAUSE)


Now picture in your mind that you are relaxing the muscles in your chest. Picture all of those muscles going loose, limp and totally relaxed. (PAUSE)

You are breathing comfortably and relaxing deeply. (PAUSE) Soon you will become very tired and will fall deeply asleep. You will sleep deeply, all night long. (PAUSE)

You will wake up tomorrow feeling wide, awake, alert and looking forward to a brand new day. (PAUSE)


Each and every deep breath that you take is sending you deep asleep. (PAUSE)


Each and every sound that you hear is sending you deeply asleep. (PAUSE) Nothing will disturb you, just concentrate on the sound of my voice. (PAUSE)


Each and every time during these exercises that I suggest sleep or relaxation to you, your relaxation will grow deeper and sounder than ever before. (PAUSE)


You are relaxing soundly and perfectly. (PAUSE) Now focus your attention on relaxing the muscles of your shoulders and your arms. (PAUSE)


Picture in your mind that your arms are limp dishrags. (PAUSE)


Allow your fingers and hands to lie relaxed on your bed. (PAUSE)


Feel the relaxation growing in your arms and hands. It feels so good to allow your body to relax this deeply. (PAUSE)


Now think about relaxing all the muscles of your stomach and your back. Picture the muscles as they let go at your command. (PAUSE)


Each and every deep breath that you take is allowing you to go deeper and deeper. (PAUSE)


Each and every sound that you hear is allowing you to go deeper and deeper. (PAUSE)


Nothing will disturb you, just listen to the sound of my voice. (PAUSE)


Each and every time I suggest sleep or relaxation to you during these nighttime exercises you will go deeper and sounder then ever before.


Now that your chest, arms, and stomach are relaxed, concentrate on relaxing all of muscles of your legs and feet. (PAUSE)

Picture your legs relaxing deeply. (PAUSE) Imagine your leg muscles as a group of large, loose rubber bands. Picture those rubber bands going loose, limp and relaxed at your command. (PAUSE)

Allow this wave of relaxation to go all the way down your legs to your feet. (PAUSE) Feel your feet relaxing now. Allow all of the muscles in your feet a sense of deep, perfect, relaxation. (PAUSE) Picture all of those muscles going loose, limp and relaxed. (PAUSE)

Now from the top of your head to the tip of your toes your body is relaxing perfectly and soundly. You feel good in every way. You realize that you can relax like this on your own but it feels so good to have a partner assist you in the process. (PAUSE)

In a moment I am going to count from one to five. (PAUSE)

When I reach the count of five you will be able to awaken. You will feel wide-awake, alert and feeling better than you have ever felt before. The next time I hypnotize you, it will become easier for you to feel this deep relaxation. (PAUSE)

When it is time for you to get up, you will be wide-awake, alert and feeling better than you have ever felt before. You will be ene

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