Don Roxburgh Profile

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Hi! I'm Don Roxburgh, born in Liverpool,and grew up there as the Beatles rose in fame and Liverpool football club won the league, FA Cup and the League again in successive seasons.
I'm a graduate of Sheffield University, as is my wife, Fran, who is from the other end of England - Croydon in Surrey.
Most of my adult life I have been a maths teacher, and to find myself writing stories seems a bit strange to me, although I have always been an avid reader.
Since 2003 I have been living in Bursa, Turkey, and I am now teaching English. We have 2 children and 4 grandchildren, all thriving.
Being a Christian is a big part of my life, and readers will probably notice this in my stories.
These stories are based on my personal experiences of others and their behaviour, and I hope both to entertain and make people think. Right now, I have two other stories on the drawing board and a longer, completed novel which is awaiting a suitable opportunity.

Books I've written

  • Tales of Every Day
    Tales of Every Day Fiction by Don Roxburgh
    Tales of Every Day
    Tales of Every Day



    Mar 2012

    This contains three stories about how people in different places and circumstances cope with new and trying situations.

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT