Fall and Winter Elation by Erik Estabrook - HTML preview

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Emerse Me in September

For time will notice my piece,

I haven't left it all said,

Yet I still find no relief,

As I lay here wounds unmended,

Fall is in the air,

Subtle fragrances, cinnamon hair,

Nights with white oleander leaf sheets,

A whisper of wonder with a hint of winter’s breathe at the feet,

Colors that pop out like kids at Halloween,

Colors that revel purple splendor, pristine,

These leafs get their day in finest glory before they fall,

Emerse me in September,

Let me go with it all,

Whatever your task be,

Be it one fulfilled,

And crisp air with the right care,

Will fill your lungs with zeal,

Treat tonight with nothing squandered,

Hold onto it with wonder,

The days of fall with care one would ponder,

Kept to a note like that of an eyelash flutter,

The symphony a serene blossoming, the prelude,

A nude, somber tone,

emerse me in September,

The month where the sun’s rays crystallize,

And dance before your eyes, where a threshold of laughter bloomed in
my heart,

Where cool rain came like falling newborn eyes opening,

emerse me in September,

That’s where I long to be,

Though I'm a child born of snow,

And winter of January,

In September my heart was free,

Death now has its path to my being,

Let me be in one more grand September,

Let me know as a leaf, I'm now showing my brightest colors,

I must do what I can,

I'll need his outstretched hand to enter the Promised Land.