Thoughts and Reflections by MVR Vidyasagar - HTML preview

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The Power of Prayer

Á xÉWûlÉÉuÉuÉiÉÑ | xÉWûlÉÉæ pÉÑlÉ£Ñü |
xÉWûuÉÏrÉïÇ MüUuÉÉuÉWæû |
iÉåeÉÎxuÉlÉÉuÉkÉÏiÉqÉxiÉÑ qÉÉ ÌuÉ̲wÉÉuÉWæû

May God Almighty protect both of us (Teacher and Student). Let us enjoy (the gifts of God) together. May we both be powerful. May theeffortweputin(forourstudy)bebrilliantlysuccessful.Maythere be no animosities between us.

This short, but very pertinent prayer recited by gurus and sishyas together contains in it the very essence of true learning. It enunciates the ideal relationship that should exist between teachers and students for effective learning to take place.

One of the most distinctive features of the Sanskrit language is that it has a separate dual number as against mere singular and plural in almost all the languages we know. It is this dual number that is most aptly used for the verbs in this prayer, as it is offered by two persons (a teacher and his disciple) or two groups of persons (teachers and their disciples).

The teacher - pupil relationship has degenerated to extreme low levels in modern times. What with almost business-like institutionalization that has taken over the modern education system, the pupils adopt a ‘don’t care attitude’. While the teachers rest contented as they ‘don’t bother’ as long as they receive their pay packets all right. Teachers have rarely any concern and love for their students while students have hardly any regard and respect for their teachers. In such a situation, may be under the threat and fear of examinations and results, the teaching learning process tends to be little more than a mechanical transfer of the teacher’s lecture notes to the student’s study material.

More things are wrought by prayer than this world can dream of .. ~ Tennyson ~

In the ancient Indian tradition seeking education was a sacred pursuit. The word ‘Upanishad’ etymologically means: ‘closer to the Guru’. The closer the disciple is to the Guru, the more effective is the learning. The nearness or affinity implied here goes far beyond physical distance. ‘Guru’ actually means remover of ignorance.

In this verse the teachers and the pupils pray to God Almighty to bless them both with such ideal climate for learning.

What is to be noted in this prayer is that they pray for themselves and for the others as well. It means that they evince care and concern for each other. They pray for perfect unity between them. They seek to rise above all selfish considerations and share what is bestowed upon them by God. There is no desire at all on the part of one to prove superior to the other. On account of the teaching learning process, it is not only the pupil that learns and is elevated but also the teacher is benefited and becomes a better person. It is in this sense that the teachers and the pupils pray that both of them may become powerful, andtheirendeavour(study)besuccessful.Mostimportantofall,there should not be any rivalry or resentment between them. It does not mean that they should always be in total agreement with each other andthereshouldnotbeanyscopeforanydifferenceofopinion.There are bound to be divergent opinions but they should not lead to any displeasure or ill-feelings between them.

Such an ideal teacher-pupil relationship certainly leads to peace that transcends understanding.
Albert Einstein learns from a school girl .....



Once a school girl came to know that Albert Einstein a famous scientist and mathematician was their neighbour. One day when she had a problem with her homework in mathematics she sneaked into his apartment and sought his help to sort out her problem. In all good humour Einstein obliged her. Coming to know of her daughter’s audacity the girl’s mother met the professor and apologized to him. Einstein replied that there was, in fact, no need to apologize, for he had learnt from the young girl more than what he had taught her.

Many of our educational institutions have adopted this verse as part of their daily prayer. What is more pertinent is that the teachers and the students have to try to adopt the spirit of the verse in their day-to-day life.

Flowers bloom and spread their fragrance around. Trees do not eat their own fruit. Rivers do not drink their own water.