Our Holy Hell: The Causes, the Solutions by Aron Loyd - HTML preview

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 In a loose quote of earlier sayings, a person named Samuel Johnson once said “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Which is a very good quote. Though when it comes to religion, good intentions haven’t always been the main goal anyway. I on the other hand intend to tell you the truth. Which can only be good. To start it out, the first thing I have to say is something that most of you probably won’t believe right now. But for those people, you will know it by the time you are finished reading this book. Which is that though religion may not be completely to blame for mankind’s problems, for a very long time, it has been mostly to blame. Now despite the ever present influence of greed, envy or other aspects of the worst of human nature, what caused humanity to evolve into the social creatures that we are is that there is more to be gained through cooperation. (to a point) Which is something that any kind of religion probably had very little to do with in the “beginning.” But as society has evolved, religion has taken over a greater role in it. Most often being used by religious leaders and governments to placate people and maintain the status quo.

 One way this was often done is that if you didn’t believe what you were told to believe, you were killed. Or repressed in some other way. Which for a religion is an especially disgusting way to gain or maintain influence. In the case of the bible for instance, an example of this kind of conditioning is the faith that so many people put into a book that for centuries most of them couldn’t even read. Following the word of people who were misguided at best. One bad thing about such a thing is that the more people are conditioned to act a certain way, the more they will need to act that way. And the worse things get, the deeper they will probably go into the fantasy world that is largely responsible for their problems to begin with. It will also make dealing with reality a more difficult thing to do. There are other negative aspects to religion that make it something to be avoided. Look at things such as pollution or other types of environmental degradation, financial turmoil, overpopulation, crime, unjust wars, etc. Which in most cases are becoming worse and worse. If it existed, these things would represent the will of god. Which is not a good thing.

 Though what these things actually mostly represent is the ability religion gives people to call their misdeeds or the results of others misdeeds the will of whatever gods they believe in. They can also claim ignorance. Doing that, they don’t have to feel responsible for anything. Even for an Atheist, many unfortunate aspects of religion have become so ingrained in our culture that even they have in a way become believers in some of the unfortunate things religion promotes. One such thing that religion promotes in a round about way is the idea that whatever happens doesn’t really matter. As long as it happens to someone else. For Christians, this attitude is taken to the extreme by the hope of many of them have that the world will be destroyed. So they can accompany Jesus to heaven. Though with the kind of insanity that keeps them from really caring about what happens to themselves in this way, then caring about what happens to other people would naturally become even less of an issue. Unfortunately this religion isn’t the only one that sells this doomsday crap. Which I guess for believers, beats actually doing something constructive to keep doom from happening.

 In this aspect and many others, too little faith isn’t the problem. Too much faith is. Another unfortunate thing about religion is that when this fantasy promotes self deception and benefits those who pander or lie, the harm that it can do is again greater than any possible benefit. Sure, religion may offer comfort to many people. But destroyers deserve no comfort anyway. In this book I will mainly be doing a critique of the bible. Though concerning itself mainly with the Judaic-Christian religion, it gives many excellent examples of thought that pertain equally to all religions. What I will be doing is dividing the bible into two main categories. What is stupid or lies, or what is evil. Though to be teaching what is stupid or a lie as being true or the infallible word of god is evil in itself, I will still be separating them as well as I can. This is to emphasize the difference between the two. Unfortunately, the lies and evil of the bible feed off of and grow from the other. Also, as far as the things that are untrue or outright lies goes, if something is partially made up of lies, you can “bet your bottom dollar” that it is all lies. Which only a deluded fool would believe in.

 This book will be showing you what the right way to look at things is and giving you the solutions to the world’s problems. That is, without going too far away from the main point of this book. Another thing I didn’t want to do is write a thick, extensive book that was so full of details that it would be even more unpleasant for the average person to read. I would also like to add that I say things the way I like to say them. If at times they aren’t grammatically correct, I hope you will excuse me. Now for those who may be religious or otherwise brainwashed, let me give you a word of caution. If you try to deny what I have to say, you will be in danger of driving yourself stupid. Which is an easier thing to have happen than being driven crazy. Also, if you have any arguments against what I have to say while reading this book, please be patient. Because such points will likely be reinforced by further logic later in the book. Fortunately, knowledge is easy to give. Unfortunately, courage is not. Which is something you are probably going to need to read this book. One reason being that about the worst thing you could say about anybody or anything is the truth.