Codex Veritas Neo: The New Vision For a New Reality by Neo - HTML preview

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I'known Neo for a number of years now, and from the very first time I got to

talk to him I felt this awesomeness and this strong sense of purpose. It seemed to leap up from the very words on the screen that he typed. It didn't matter if those words came from an e-mail, a blog post, or whatever, the effect of his words where still there. He believed in me, even when I didn't believe and downright hated myself. His voice on the phone is quite powerful too. It reaches out to you and wraps around you like a warm, comforting blanket. His very voice itself, when you hear it, is filled with so much love and compassion that at times I've listened to his voice and simply wanted to weep. I close my eyes when I listen to him speak and am awed by what he says. It draws you in, hooks you and make you want to keep listening to hear more of what he has to say. You find his words ring true and you're nodding your head in agreement to him.

I've talked to Neo before on my worst feeling days, days when I'd rather glare at a person and shove them away than have them anywhere near me. He's got a way about him that even just hearing to him speak, you find yourself feeling much better, realizing that things aren't really as bad as you originally thought. I've ended phone calls and conversations with him feeling so much better and able to face the world again.

It amazes me, over and over again, his outlook on the world and all the love and compassion that he's got in him. It doesn't seem possible at all to be in one person. He loves even his enemies!?! That completely blows me away, especially being around during the times he was heavily attacked. Those attacks reduced him to tears. You could just feel the deep emotional hurt in his writing and in his voice.I was ready to rise up, along with others, and give those violent detractors 'what was coming to them', but he would shake his head and tell us no. He cared about them so much that he didn't want to see anything bad happen to them, even if they did deserve it.

Around the time of the first attacks that I knew of, I was still new to the group so I didn't understand how he could remain so steadfast in his love for humanity when quite a few of its members were openly mocking him, having a laugh at his expense and not caring what it was doing to him. Hell, it was actually encouraging them. It wasn't until later on that I realized why. Other people I know would have just said 'forget it' by now and would have struck back against those haters and attackers.

Yet Neo will still stand there, smiling and with open arms to them. I'm not saying he's perfect. No one is perfect, but that doesn't make his words any less powerful nor his actions any less awesome.

I wrote my feelings about Neo in a poem, some time ago:



He's a dreamer
And he'll make sure they all come true
He's a dreamer
Planning on saving the world before it's too late
He's a dreamer
So move over Superman 'cause he's coming to save the day

He wakes up each morning with a true sense of purpose, He knows what must be done
He's strong of spirit
He's determined to win
He's got his eye on the prize
He's quickening his strides
So either keep up to help him out or get out of his way

His muscles tighten in his back As he sheds both blood and tears Look deep into his beautiful, kind eyes And you see a wisdom that far surpasses his years

You give him holy hell
And he is able to shake it off and move on He has friends to hold him up
Friends that pour out unending support He draws strength from them in times of trouble And in return they pour out love

He is not a saviour He is a mere man Yet he is the One
and with help he can save us all


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