A New Earth and A New Universe by Rodney Bartlett - HTML preview

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Thus, individual consciousness is connected with space-time. If the connection is permanent, consciousness would no longer be restricted to finite brains and its link to everything in space-time would make it free of all limitations when we learn how to use that link. Unification of personal consciousness with space-time (and thus, everyone else) would also enable annihilation of the concept of "self" and "other".

The TV program "Heroes" may only be intended as entertainment, but I´ll attempt to show that it anticipates the actual science that will be used in the far future to bend time and space in order to create humanity, Earth and the universe. Is this absolutely nutty? If I hadn´t been working on these ideas for more than 30 years, I´d say "But we already exist!" and throw them in the rubbish bin without reading any further. In fact, you may well throw out the baby with the bathwater, too ... But to use a phrase coined by U.S. astronomer John Dobson in about 1980 after he studied Relativity´s implications, there is "zero separation" between any 2 points in space-time. Therefore, my submission of this text is something your individual personalities would submit if you were in my shoes, and your interpretation of this submission (whatever it may be) is one d adopt if I were in your shoes. So I´ll type this, then say "Que sera sera ... what will be, will be".



If correct, IQGCC (a term I made up from "Integrated Quantum Gravity" + the "Combined Cycle" of Synthetic Biology and Excess CO2) clearly shows Earth will find a use for the extra carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by our factories and cars.

First, I´ll do my best to show that quantum mechanics (subatomic physics) c