The Truth About Toys for Infants and the Need to Resist Rampant Consumerism by David Elkind - HTML preview

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Stages of Toy Play

Toy play during the first year develops through several stages that are related to age and the maturation of ability. During the first months, thanks to his or her underdeveloped sensory and motor systems, the infant is relatively passive. Accordingly, the best toys for the newborn and young infant are those that do not require much directed interaction. A colored rattle, for example, will stimulate the infant’s grasping reflex. By grasping the rattle, the baby learns colors, shapes and sounds. In the same way a plush toy, such as a teddy bear, provides touch as well as visual stimulation. Soft music, of the lullaby variety, provided by CDs or some toys, is comforting to the young infant and also provides age appropriate auditory stimulation.