The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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In addition to the comprehensive directory itself, which you can search in various ways, Charlie Page provides many other resources to help you get started the right way with ezine advertising.

The cost is very reasonable. I became a lifetime member about 7 years back for around $100 and although the price has increased since then it remains a great value. It truly is a masters level course in how to effectively advertise in ezines.

If you intend to pursue ezine advertising, you "ll save yourself a lot of time and money, and shorten your learning curve considerably by becoming a member of the DOE. It remains one of the best bargains in online advertising.

Blog Advertising


Blogs represent an interesting way to advertise. Many of the traditional ad formats (text ads, banner ads etc.) are available in blogs.


Cost is usually but not always commensurate with the size and quality of the blog"s readership list. So again it"s worth shopping around.

One metric commonly used to compare apples and oranges when evaluating online paid advertising is CPM (or Cost per Thousand views). Knowing the CPM allows you to compare the relative “bang for your buck” you receive from a $75 ad for 15,000 views versus a $250 ad for 45,000 views.

Successful blogs usually have a loyal following and this loyalty factor can reward the marketer who takes the time to find blogs well matched to their advertising message.

But what makes blogs extra interesting from an advertising viewpoint is the possibility that a particular post creates widespread buzz and gets mention from other bloggers and social media sites. If your ad happens to get caught up in that storm of publicity you can possibly get a lot more play from the ad than the straight numbers would have predicted.

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Search on “blog ads” and you"ll turn up many companies that specialize in matching you with the right blogs in which to advertise.