The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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The search engines want to give their users the best experience possible, which essentially means they prefer their users find quality, relevant content when they undertake a search.

So the first step in attaining natural search engine traffic is to provide good content.

The second step is to present the information in a way that is search engine friendly. Search engines like Google employ “spiders” to locate and identify website content. These are essentially software routines that continuously crawl through many of the billions of pages on the Internet to determine what they are all about.

It "s important to understand that websites aren"t indexed, but individual pages are. So when you"re thinking about SEO, you need to be thinking on a page level first, then on an overall site structure.

The spiders look for certain identifying characteristics that signal what a page is about, and how well it satisfies what the searcher was looking to find.


Some of the SEO factors which determine content quality and relevance include:


! The particular keyword or keyword phrase for which the page has been optimized, including its frequency and placement within the page
! Your site!s history, meaning how long it has been in existence (registered) and the age of indexed pages.

! The number and quality of inbound links that lead to your page. Links are essentially “votes” for your content that come from other websites and blogs. If a well respected site links to your site for example, that vote is counted very highly by the search engines and your page ranking rises accordingly.

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