The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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Scribe – Easy SEO That Works Hand in Hand With Thesis

Scribe is a commercial plugin that I use to perform additional search engine optimization of content. Since I plan over time to amass a sizable amount of content on my blog, the extra step of running my posts through Scribe before I publish them is another way that I can give the search engines the kind of focused content they like.

If you expect to produce regular content for your command center blog you may want to consider using Scribe as well, particularly if you will be using Thesis.


Scribe is a commercial plugin that you pay for on a subscription basis. If it"s within your budget I recommend you take a close look at it.


Smart Update Pinger


Whenever you create a blog post you will want to “ping” major blog networks to let them know that your post is available. You will largely automate this process using plugins.

However when you go back and make a change to a post, for example adding a graphic or correcting a typo, you don"t really want to ping the same post again. And if you"re like me and sometimes go back multiple times to make such corrections, that"s especially important.

Smart Update Pinger will prevent you from re-pinging in those situations.

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