The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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Who exactly do I want to make rich?”

If your answer is your cable supplier, the major network advertisers, or the producers of the latest tasteless reality show...well just keep watching and let the Idiot Box remain in firm control of your destiny.

If you answer “Me!” then act like you mean it and give yourself a whole new way of living by largely eliminating TV from your every day life.


You"ll thank me later.


Spend Time Everyday on Reading/Learning Something Good


Spend at least part of all those extra hours you"ve recouped by eliminating TV from your life by feeding your brain something good everyday.

There are plenty of motivational and inspirational books out there. If you haven "t read one lately here"s a suggestion--go ahead and party like a rock star, figuratively speaking. Give yourself a budget--$20, $50, $100. The actual amount doesn"t matter so much as setting some number.

Then treat yourself to an early birthday self help present from or, both great sources of used books. For a small amount of money you"ll soon see a treasure trove of great information showing up on your doorstep.

If you haven "t read (or re-read) Napoleon Hill"s classic Think and Grow Rich recently, there is no better time to do so than now. Then figure out what subject area you could really benefit from studying and go ahead and start boning up on it.

Want to learn copywriting?

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