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Success In 10 Steps

“Home Business Warning: Don’t Get Toasted Like a Pop-Tart!”




No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, Parts 1 & 2
1. Bottom-Fishing For Heavy Hitters

P What Do Your Past & Jimmy Hoffa Have In Common? (This one is SO Obvious!) P You Sometimes Think YOU Are Nuts? Heck … I Joined 100 MLMs! P I Never Realized There Was So Much Stuff I Didn't Want
P And the Lambs Shall Lie Down With The Lions (Cover your eyes to avoid blood spatters.)
P How They Rob You Under The Radar
P Bad Blood In Big Companies
P Oh, The Questions I Hear!
P Network Marketing Deviltry
P Why You Should Never Wrestle a Pig
P Breast Stroking Across The English Channel
P The Monk In The White Lab Coat
P Voodoo MLM Economics
P Network Marketing Angels … Whoops! Doggoneit! It’s Still More Devils P The Stupidest Lie They ALL Tell You!
P Marketing Insanity
P Even Your Mirror Lies!
P Opportunity Comes On Little Cat's Feet (Scams use a sledgehammer.) P What The Heck Is Pentacle Leadership?
P Hannibal Lecter Missed His Calling
P Her Ranch Was The Size of Rhode Island

2. "Look Deep Deep DEEP Into My Eyes!"

P Your Business Life Expectancy Is About 45 Minutes P Your Warm Market Has Ice In Their Veins
P How To Get Staying Power
P Let’s Play Sherlock Holmes
P Shocking - The Family Member I Am Driven To Get Even With! P Go Catch Some Cannonballs, Boy!
P Your Brain Ain't Worth Dog Meat (no offense, Fido) P Get Serious!
P Some People Wear Me Out
P Is YOUR Biscuit Cooked?

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3. A BIG Research Surprise

P Opportunity Wears a Fake Nose & Mustache P Rabbit's Foot, Anyone?
P How To Catch Flies
P Give Your Prospects a Puppy
P The Man Who Stared Down IBM
P Your Best, Cheapest Solution
P The Bad News
P The Good News
P “Heart” Decisions vs. “Head” Decisions

4. Get "Down 'n Dirty" in MLM

P Network Marketing Is NOT What They Tell You
P The Knife In The Heart
P Have Some WD-40 On That Steak?
P Two Ways To Stop Your NEXT Spouse From Demanding a Pre-Nup P 1978 – The Word Picture That Turned My Life Upside Down P The REAL Truth About Network Marketing
P The Boy Scout’s Oath
P My Mentor – The Most Brilliant Marketer I Know …
P Keep Your People Or Die!
P The ONLY Person To Spend Your Time On

5. Do The ONLY Thing That Matters!

P 10 Mistakes Everybody Makes Selling Hamburgers P You’ve Got a TON of Homework Tonight! P Take a Bus Driver To Lunch
P Work Smart – Fail Forward
P Nail Your Prospect's Passionate Sweet Spot P Color To Success
P Saddam Hussein Meets Dr. Phil
P Opportunity Has VERY Long Legs
P A Concept That Changed My Life
P YOU: Robo-Bonder!

6. Prospects Are Like A Box of Chocolates

P The Charles Schulz Lesson
P Anatomy of A Prospect's Mind
P “Think Like A Prospect” Quiz For You
P Talk Their Talk & Walk Their Walk

7. Your MLM Business From Soup To Nuts

P If You Want To Be A Winner, Raise Your Hand P The 8th Wonder of The World
P Blues Just Want To Have Fun
P Some VERY Bad Un-Fun
P The Human Winning Machine
P A System That Works

8. Pay Dirt! Get And Keep Your People

P OK. I’m Not Tom Cruise. But I’m Not Elmer Fudd, Either … P The Dark Side of MLM
P So What?

9. How To Evaluate An Opportunity

P Your Ex-Spouse Was An Optimist
P It Just SEEMS Like Brain Surgery
P Best of BOTH Worlds
P Last One In Is a Rotten Egg
P Never Dedicate Your Life To An Inanimate Object P A Whole Lotta Connivin’ Goin' On
P Opportunity Hides In The Tall Grass

10. Focus Until Your Eyes Cross

P Multiple Streams of Outgo
P Assaulted Right & Left
P How To Send Prospects Racing for the Exit
P Go Ahead – Argue With Me!
P How One Famous Company Drove Their Customers Away
P Ambushed By Human Nature & Common Sense
P What Your Prospects Believe
P The Sun, The Moon, The Stars, The Universe, & Your Prospect's Head P To Thine Own Self Be True
P I’ll Get In Your Head & Under Your Skin
P Let’s Get Illogical!
P Never Underestimate The Cost of Logic
P A Series of Harmless Decisions? HAH!
P Yum, Yum, Yum!


No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Part 1


Listen carefully.

I’m well aware your intentions were gallant: to provide for your family all the things YOU never had, to spend more quality time with them, to help others like yourself grow & prosper.

And remember what happened next?

You were lied to. You were “leveraged”. The Heavy Hitters used you for batting practice. You got thrown in the muck, untrained, unprepared. Your checking account was drained. Your credit cards were maxed out. Friends & relatives screened your phone calls.

Then you looked in the mirror and called yourself, “Loser!”


I know, I know.


It started because you want the same things I wanted.

You want to be your own boss, answer to no one … and earn a good living doing it. You want to go where you want, when you want. You want to spend $200 on dinner without batting an eye.

You want precious time NOW with those you love. You want the money & freedom to take a day off – or 2 weeks off – and maybe fly to some faraway island on a whim.

You want to work and socialize with people you like & admire, who share your outlook on life and your goals. You want the self-satisfaction of achieving your goals, and the self-fulfillment of helping others reach theirs. You want financial independence.

You DON’T want more rejection. You DON’T want to have to sell anything to anyone. And you sure DON’T want another MLM.

Good stuff. Holy mackerel, sounds just like ME!


So here I am. I have no choice but to write this book. Truly, no control. You’ll read why in Chapter 2.


But here’s what I do control: This book is free. No company is mentioned or promoted. No opportunity is mentioned or promoted.


You’ll find 20 tons of ebooks all over the internet, full of affiliate links. Trust them at your peril, because they profit on every recommendation they make.

My purpose is to share what I’ve learned in nearly 30 years in network marketing, and present a 10-step success plan you can use with ANY network marketing opportunity.

The plan is NOT easy.


But it’s simple.


It’s NOT “I’ll do all the work FOR you.”


It only works if YOU do.


It’s NOT “get-rich-quick.”


But you can create a lifetime residual income.


What’s in it for me, you ask? That question is answered in Chapters 2 & 5. Don’t worry. Helping you helps me. It’s part of my giving back to this great industry.


I wish you the absolute best, and I hope you use this information. It could change your life.


Are you game? Then read on!


No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, Part 2

People ask me:
“Your e-book is great! Why on earth do you give it away free?”
“Your telephone training is great! Why is it free?”
“Your ‘Colors’ CD is great! Why is it so cheap?”
“Why do you help me for free when I’m not in your company?”
… and a dozen other variations.

In the early 1990s, I joined over 100 MLM opportunities. I tracked, cataloged, analyzed & evaluated EVERYTHING they did: products, compensation plans, marketing, distributor support, profitability, etc.

The Ugly Results

I’m a fun-loving, easy-going guy. But my teeth clenched and my fingers curled into fists of rage. I was stunned by how many companies and “Heavy Hitters” make HUGE profits NOT on product sales, but instead by selling a ton of worthless marketing materials to the distributors who trust and believe in them!

I get mad just thinking about it. This is why you find widespread cynicism & skepticism amongst network marketers.


I can’t blame them.


But you should hear the calls I get from people trying to figure out how I’m going to bamboozle them.


First, they figure I’m trying to steal their people.


Fact is, they don’t HAVE any people. None who trust them, anyway. Many uplines’ idea of support is to tell you the lies we’ll cover in Chapter 1.

TRUE support is to take you by the hand and lead you through every step of this business, so you can actually experience it in real time and get good at it. THAT is what we do on our phone calls.

No company is ever mentioned on those calls. No product is mentioned. No one is ever recruited.


Some people figure our calls must be rigged so anybody who calls gets billed on their phone bill!

Listen. Our MLM business brings good income, thank you. Our tools & phone calls support our people. And they work their butts off. And Linda & I love them and appreciate them.

We owe everything to this business. It tortures me to hear people denigrate network marketing because of the greed of some companies and their “Super Star Reps.”

I don’t do ANYTHING in life that isn’t fun. Whatever I do, it’s because I love it.

So I do what I can to balance the scales. I choose to support with every fiber of my body ANYONE who invests their hopes & dreams & life into this industry. It makes my day to help keep their spark alive.

I will train anyone for free. No strings. I am not threatened by anyone or any company in this industry.


But I do understand that they are threatened by me. Most STILL don’t take the time and make the commitment to train their own people.

A word for the “Still Skeptical:” I get the skepticism. Really. But enough is enough. Get over it. If you want to live your life distrusting everybody, then your life is pretty much over, anyway. Goodbye, good luck. Don’t let the door hit you in your butt on the way out.

For everyone else: Let’s get started! Sincerely,

Michael Dlouhy


Bottom-Fishing For Heavy Hitters

What Do Your Past & Jimmy Hoffa Have In Common?


Yes. Sure. Absolutely. The answer is obvious.


They're both dead.


However, it's a bit of a trick question, too.



Well, I personally don't know if Jimmy Hoffa is part of the foundation of Giants Stadium in New Jersey, or if he's buried in a backyard in Detroit. But I'll tell you this: Jimmy Hoffa IS dead. I know he's dead. You know he's dead. Jimmy Hoffa knows he's dead.

Your past, on the other hand ... well, I know it's dead. You know it's dead. Right?


Or are you like most people, reliving your business failures every day of your life?


If so, you've come to the right place.


You Sometimes Think YOU Are Nuts? Heck … I Joined 100 MLM Opportunities!

Almost 20 years ago, we joined a 1-year-old wellness MLM that is still going strong today. Our timing was mostly luck, but it was perfect. We used what we knew at the time and built a very lucrative business, and helped others do the same.

By 1991, our residual income was large enough that we had no financial needs. So I decided to totally focus on learning everything I could about network marketing & MLM.

So I joined every network marketing company I could find … probably a hundred

So I joined every network marketing company I could find … probably a hundred year period, but it was a ton. I’d join, buy their kit, try some of their products, get on their conference calls, look at everything they did, & listen to everything they said.

I Never Realized There Was So Much Stuff I Didn't Want!

I spent many, many, many late nights cataloging it, studying it, analyzing it all, figuring out why one worked and another didn't. Or why some would work awhile and then stop.

I was amazed at how many companies talked a great product talk, but their profit center was NOT their products!


And The Lambs Shall Lie Down With The Lions (Cover your eyes to avoid blood spatters.)

Their focus was selling distributor kits and brochures & books & audiotapes & videotapes to their distributors. Many distributors would buy 100s or even 1000s of tapes at a time to use in mailings. Even in quantity, some of these companies charged reps $2 or $3 each for tapes that cost 20¢ to duplicate!

They were making a killing on the backs of their reps!


And with all these companies, it always came back to the same fundamental principles.


Bad Blood In Big Companies


They failed for the same reason. Most of the companies or large organizations I've seen crash & burn, it happened because of greed & ego.

Greed & ego. Other companies did it right. They had good sponsoring systems in place, and they sold their promotional material at a reasonable price.

Success leaves footprints in the sand that you can follow. If you can’t follow the footprints, you must be on the wrong beach.

Oh, The Questions I Hear!


I've talked with thousands of people in the network marketing business. They ask themselves certain questions. Maybe some are familiar to you:


•Why am I not smart enough to do this business?


•Why am I successful in corporate America and fail in network marketing?


•Why does the phone weigh so much?


•Why do the "No"s hurt so bad?


•Am I too tall? Am I too short?


I worked so hard and still can't do it. What's wrong with me? What's wrong with the company? What's wrong with the product?


•The Hitters tell me, "If it is to be, it's up to me." Other people do this. Why can't I?


•Why do these companies fail me?


•Why did the federal government shut my company down?


•I maxed out my credit card on advertising. Why did it NOT work?


I went to the meetings. I did three-way phone calls. Why doesn't everyone see this?


•Why don't they have the literature in Spanish?


•Where's the teamwork?


•Why isn't this fun?


•Where are the facts and figures?


•Where's the money?


Network Marketing Deviltry


It’s not your fault.


Let that sink in. How does that make you feel?


I don't care what any heavy hitter has ever told you. Fact is they've lied to you. Doesn't that make you angry?


I can PROVE the cards are stacked against you. That's why it's not your fault.


Why You Should Never Wrestle a Pig


Why? Because you'll both get dirty, and the pig likes it. That's the best advice you'll get about hitching your wagon to an MLM Heavy Hitter.

If this makes good business common sense to you, stick around. If not, click that “X” in the upper right-hand corner. Nobody will know, except you.

Breast Stroking Across The English Channel


Can you swim?


You can?




Can you swim across a small pond?






How about the same small frozen pond in Maine in January?


Oh, really? Why not? OK, how about the English Channel in July? (It's not frozen.)


What do you mean, "No"? I thought you said you could swim!


Other people have done it. What do you mean, "Too hard, too far, you haven't been trained"? Those are just excuses.

OK, OK. We'll get you a coach, a mentor. He's a GREAT guy. Great swimmer, too. I saw him do 6 laps in the pool one day. He'll work with you all week. THEN we'll dump you out in the Channel.

What do you mean, "NO!”

Kind of like getting marriage counseling from someone who's never been married, isn't it? I've been married 33 years. If I wanted advice, I'd talk to someone who's been married 50 years. Not 2 years. Not "read a book about it."

OK, let's get to the first lie. (And if you’ve heard me say some of this before, that’s OK. The more you hear it, the easier it’ll be for you to start new with a clean slate.)

The Monk In The White Lab Coat


The Hitters tell you network marketing is a sales business.


It's not.

Truth: Network marketing is a teaching & mentoring business. If you study vitamins, or long-distance switches, or the age of the monk in the white lab coat that scraped the mold off the rock on the full moon twice a year ... or ANY product or service ... you're wasting your time.

Your product is people. So study people. Find out how you can help them reach their dreams.


THEIR dreams. Not your dreams.


People join people. They don't join companies. People don't care that the president of your company is a family man and has 3 or 4 families to prove it.


Build people. People will build the business.


When you build people, your retention rate goes through the roof.


Voodoo MLM Economics


Companies say, "We Keep 93% of Our People!"


They lie.


Truth: There was a phone company a few years back that had to publicize their retention rate, because they were publicly traded.


Take a guess. Out of every 100 people they signed up, how many were still in the business a year later?


50%? HAH!


25%? As they say in the Hertz commercial, "Not exactly!"


10%? You're getting warm ...

The public record showed 6% to 7% retention. That's not 67% ... it's 6 to 7% retention. So you build your business for a year, you buy advertising, you do 3-way calls, you go to meetings, you talk to all your friends & relatives, and you wind up recruiting 100 people! Yippee! You're almost rich.

Well, not exactly. Why? Because what you have left is 6 to 7 people out of 100 (!) still building the business.

Ooops ... wait ... that's not all you've got. You also have smashed dreams, maxed-out credit cards, and probably a LARGE bunch of people who hide when they see you coming.

Whatever you do in network marketing must be duplicatable for the masses. Six to 7% retention is not smart business.


That brings up the next big lie.


Network Marketing Angels ... Whoops! Dog gone it! It's STILL More Devils!

The Hitters tell you, "It's Just A Numbers Game." Truth: People are people - not numbers. They have goals, dreams and desires. They are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandmothers, and grandfather's to someone that loves them. They are not a number, but real people.

If you treat them like a number, I promise you: you have NO future in network marketing.


This lie teaches people to be a recruiter, not a sponsor. Recruit, recruit, recruit. Numbers, numbers, numbers. Lies, lies, lies.


A recruiter never knows their personally sponsored people's "WHY." Or their dreams, goals, or spouse's or children's names. It's only about numbers.


To succeed long-term, you need to become a mentor with a servant's heart. When you do, people will ask you to PLEASE sponsor them into your business.


Ever wonder why you get so many "NO"s? Take a look at ...


The Stupidest Lie They ALL Tell You!


The Heavy Hitters tell you "NO" is a good thing!


Go get 100 “NO’s”, they say. You're just getting closer to a "YES."


THIS baby is REALLY one of my favorites!

Isn't it the stupidest thing you ever heard? What nitwit came up with this idea? The word "NO" has taken more good people out of this industry that any other word in the English language.

Picture this: all day long you've been flirting with your spouse. At night you take a bath, candles around the tub, soft music, perfect for romance. Some hugging, some kissing.

And your spouse says "NO!"


GREAT! Just 99 more "NO"s and you'll get lucky!


And some nitwit says NO is a good thing.




Marketing Insanity


The Hitters have more wonderful advice for you: “Talk to EVERYBODY about your business opportunity."


Oh, man, don’t get me started!


There’s an old saying you hear from time to time: the reason you have 2 ears and 1 mouth is you should LISTEN twice as much as you TALK.


Take a good look next time you see a Heavy Hitter. I swear, if you look closely, you’ll see the guy has zero ears and THREE MOUTHS!


OK. For the sake of argument, let’s see where their advice leads us.


Let's say you owned a shoe store. You get 300 visitors. If you have the right styles, colors, & price, could you sell some shoes? Absolutely.


But you'd never try fitting a corporate Secretary working at the Trump Towers with men’s construction work boots. Not appropriate.


And not everyone wants your business opportunity.


This advice w

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