MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 5 The 1 Hour Business

4. It must allow you to generate multiple streams of income.

Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. The more streams of income you have available to earn from, the faster your income will grow. Once your business gains momentum, you'll be able to put it on autopilot.

5. It provides you with a way to market your business using the most common free Internet marketing methods without going afoul of sites like Craigs List and Ezine Articles.

Because you will own your own domain, you won't violate the terms and conditions of the sites you are marketing on.

I've solved this problem by tying all of these programs together. Once you set up these programs, which can be done in a few hours, you are ready to go. Once you set up your business, the next step is to market your new business. If you invest as little as 30 minutes a day (the more the better), your business will gain momentum, and eventually you'll have traffic coming to you automatically.

Now, let's get started building your new business.

Step 1 – Sign Up For Your Web hosting/Domain,

and Website

To get started, the first thing you need to buy a domain and web hosting.

This is the only expense you will incur in setting up this system.

If you are on a tight budget, then I would recommend you choose a program that allows you to have both a domain and web hosting for a low yearly fee.