How to Write Your Own Killer Sales Letter by James Craven - HTML preview

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The Killer Sales Letter Concept

kills– thoroughly.

If You are Going to be in Business, You Must Know How to Sell

Selling is the number one skill you MUST learn if you are going to be in business, and this applies online, too. If you do not know how to sell, you and your business will struggle financially.

Forget the numerous “no selling required” ads you have come across online because that is pure B.S. statement. The reason is simple: the truth is that if you do not know how to sell or HATE selling, you cannot make money. Period.

If not for the ability to sell, how are professionals able to charge high service fees and still get paid the amount they ask for? If not for the ability to sell, how did the Wright brothers manage to convince the world about their first invented aircraft when people could still live and travel without them?

On the other hand, the Internet marketplace is jam-packed with plenty of fantastic ideas and wonderful products. Chances are that you have:

þ A great idea that you think you can make money from, þ A product that solves a specific problem, and/or þ An income opportunity to provide to people online. But the fact is this: if you do not know how to sell, you cannot turn your idea or product into a money-producing asset, no matter how great or high in quality they actually are.

Having received several proposals on Joint Ventures and projects myself on a very regular basis, I am acutely aware whether the person has the ability to sell or not. I have learned that most people have million-dollar ideas, but also more often than not, they do not have the skill to sell them let alone instill commercial value in their ideas or products.

Okay, so this is beginning to sound like E-Commerce class but the point I want to drive home is, whether you are selling your intellectual asset, service, tangible goods, or whatever kind of product or solution, without the ability to sell, your product or asset is worth nothing.

The Good News

The good news is that with the Internet as leverage, there is no need for you to go door to door to sell. Even if you join an online Multi Level Marketing company, you get to cover many prospects in the shortest time possible, which you cannot possibly accomplish in conventional business.

There is no need for you to travel to meet your prospects, either, as the Internet brings every Internet user to your computer screen. In addition, there is no need for you to recruit your own salespeople – or even do the selling yourself manually with every single prospect!

All you need to do the selling on your behalf is a powerful sales copy.

Your Sales Letter is Your Sales Person

Your sales letter is your virtual sales person. Your sales letter does all the selling on your behalf to your prospects.
Unlike conventional and direct response marketing businesses, there is no need for you to train and recruit multiple sales people. All of your efforts should focus on creating a powerful sales letter that produces a minimum 2 to 4 percent conversion rate on your behalf, and better later on.

In other words, for every 100 prospects you refer or visit your web page, 2 to 4 of them will be your customers. After that, you just provide the marketing and draw in targeted prospects to visit your sales letter and it will do all the selling to your prospects for you.

Your sales letter is like a personal letter from you to your prospect. In your letter, you tell and convince your prospect to buy your product or access to service from you.

What You Need

You have probably already got a great idea or a product, now you will need to have the following in order to churn out a sales letter that kills:


1. Good writing skills.

Since you will be writing your own sales copy, you will need to have good writing skills and a good command of English, at least. Note however, that there is a big difference between best-writing and bestselling. More on that later in the coming pages.

2. Personality.

Yes, you must need personality. You will be writing somewhat a personal letter from you to your prospects so be friendly and approachable in your letter. Don’t write a stiff letter, because not only is it boring to read, you turn people away from your web page faster than Speedy Gonzalez!
Mix your writing skills with personality, and you will make most of a perfect sales letter that kills!

And last but not least, you need…


3. To take action!

There is wealth of information on how you can write your own killer sales copy staring at you– don’t waste them by not doing anything with the information!

Got it? Now, let’s get started.