How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Getting back to basics

As you read through this report, you're going to very quickly see that creating your own reality really is very simple. Nothing that you're about to learn is hard work. In fact... if it is hard work, then you're not going about it correctly.

That's not to say that any of this is common sense. Because it isn't!

There's a lot of theory floating around cyberspace that explains in great detail how all of this “Law of Attraction” stuff actually works, and when I was just starting out, I bought into the fact that if I knew the theory side to it, then it would help me to attract some things that I wanted.

I was wrong.

Theory is great if you like to learn about why it works, yet theory won't get you results. Action will. The sooner you realize this, the better it will be for you. By action I mean taking physical and non-physical actions to yield results.

I recommend that you leave the theory and learning why it works the way it does until after you've become good at manifesting. Manifestation is a skill just like riding a bike... you need to train yourself to do it, and once you've gotten good at it, it becomes second nature to you.

You don't need to know how a car engine works in order to drive a car, and it's the same with the Law of Attraction.