5 Things You Surely Don't Do in Your Business! by Amir Rimer - HTML preview

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This is one of the most important things you need to do BEFORE you put a website for auction.


After all, there are many sellers on the marketplace that sell similar products.


So, why you are different?


Why should a buyer pick your product, and not your competitor’s product?


That’s the real question you should ask yourself.


Do you have an outstanding eBook?
Do you have the best price?
Do you have the best service?


Your buyer has many options to choose from.


It’s easier for the veteran seller to sell his products, because he / she his reputation to back him up.


Yet, if you are new, I suggest that you do the following: Take a piece of paper, and write down your strong points.


1. I have an amazing eBook which comes in audio as well.


2. I offer support via email and Skype.




Big companies do this all the time.


Example: Dominos Pizza – 30 minutes or your pizza is free. think about it!