5 Steps to a Fail Proof Business by Andrea Bolder - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: You Are Your Business

What sets you apart from other players in the network marketing industry is how you market and brand YOU!

As a distributor of your network marketing company you are essentially no more than an sales rep for your company...simply selling their product. And even though you have the power of network marketing, that is your ability to leverage the time, energy and efforts of others, when you understand the concept of leveraging YOU, you don’t have to rely on your association with any particular company to make an income.

Your network marketing company is just one source of income in the greater scheme of things. What people fail to realize is that you can be a DIE HARD advocate for your company but if you don’t have any equity ownership in that company and you’re company CEASED TO BE tomorrow what would you have to fall back on?


But when your business is your brand, and what you are selling is YOU, there will never come a day when you find yourself unable to shift to a new company and pick up right where you left off with the last...building a successful organization because people want to be connected with YOU more than the company or product.

Don’t let your company define your business. A great distributor can make a lot of money but a GREAT

entrepreneur can move the masses and make a KILLING with their other income streams even if they decided to stop building their network marketing business.

Building YOU takes your business to the next level. Take a look at industry leaders such as Mike Dillard, Jonathan Budd, Randy Gage, Mark Hoverson, and many others. What do they all have in common?

They have made TONS of money not just in their network marketing companies but they have been able to carve out and make a name for themselves by promoting their incredible VALUE!! These leaders are all living the eLifestyle because they are not at the whim of any one particular company.

They diversify and create their own products based on the VALUE they can provide to the community.


When you get out of the “ I am a distributor for XYZ company” and get in to the mindset of a million dollar entrepreneur you open up the gateway to multiple opportunities, increase revenue streams and unlimited potential.

When you have your OWN List, Your OWN prospects, you can market and promote ANYTHING you want, not just your primary MLM, opening up the flood gates to additional income.

There are an infinite amount of income streams you can add to your business and this becomes even more true when you are building your business online. This is accomplished with AFFILIATE

MARKETING, which is one of the easiest ways to generate profits because all you need to do is promote a product or service that the people on your list need and you’ll earn a commission on it.

You can even create your own products and services, attach an affiliate program to it and have others marketing and promoting your content on your behalf. You can learn more about our affiliate program here... http://themlmcrashcourse.com/affiliates

Most affiliate programs allow you to set up an account for free and provides you with an “affiliate link” that you can then use to promote to your own networks. Commissions range from 30-70% and its just one example of how you can monetize your email list outside of promoting your primary business opportunity.

While there are an infinite amount of affiliate programs you can earn money from, I suggest ONLY

marketing products and services that you know deliver on the value promised and that you 100%

believe in. You don’t want to be a marketer who just promotes anything for the sake of making a dollar. You’ll find that in the long run you’ll make more money by being more selective about what you choose to market to your list.

Another way to capitalize on YOU is to market your OWN knowledge and unique skill sets. The majority of people looking to build their own business are in need of training and many are willing to pay for information and know-how that gets them to their goals easier and faster.

Even if you are new to the industry of network marketing or internet marketing, there is something that you’ve learned, that you know that others do not which makes you valuable. Don’t think for a minute that because you are not seasoned or have a million dollar success story that people won’t buy your content if it delivers on the value it promises!


When you look at every single top income earner in our industry, they ALL create their own trainings, CDs, and marketing materials to SELL themselves.

They diversify their income in so many ways that if one or two streams dry up they won’t even notice because they are continuously coming up with new content to sell to their lists and downlines. It’s really ingenious.

Just think about it...98% of the people on your list will never join you in your primary network marketing company. Remember that no matter how much YOU love your business, it will not be a good fit for the majority of people on your list. But with that said these people are still on your list and will still buy other products and services from you that will help them grow in their own business.

This business model also known as a marketing sales funnel or funded proposal allows you to make available to your prospects a multitude of offers and it injects perpetual profits into your business.

It’s all about creating a LIFE TIME asset that you have 100% control of...and the last I checked no one was the OWNER of anyone else, so don’t ever be a slave to your network marketing company.

Network marketing companies come and go but your LIST will remain and the relationships you build will ALWAYS remain. This is the POWER of creating a business built around YOU. Even if your company closes it doors tomorrow you can send an email to all of your prospects and have a new downline growing within hours.

These principles are crucial when it comes to WINNING in and building a FAIL PROOF business that you have 100% control over. This is what I want for all my students.

Chapter 5: Strategic Partnerships...Million Dollar


I want to share with you what I think has been one of the most important contributing factors or reasons for my success...not only as an entrepreneur but in life in general. Alot of people may think it is hocus pocus and that they can get by without it but it is something that I 100% believe that you have to have in order to achieve and maintain success in your life.

Success Breeds Success...this is the philosophy that I live by in everything I do in life. There was no way that I would have become an Olympic Gold Medalist if I did not have the opportunity to be surrounded by champions such as Jackie Joyner-Kersee and Gail Devers.

These individuals showed me by their actions how to win. I could see how hard they trained, what systems and training methods they implemented, how they prepared their minds and bodies for competition, EVERYTHING!

They held my hand and gave me real life experiences that showed me HOW TO SHOW UP AND WIN.

If we look at our lives, everything we know we learned from someone else, so why would it be any different when you are looking to build a successful business?

So many people rely on random advise and some generic hypothetical training as the pathway to building a successful business. You cannot and will not find financial freedom without a hands on MENTOR that can show you the nitty-gritty of what it takes to succeed. Period!

Just like I couldn’t get on the track and line up with top level athletes and expect to win without a coach you cannot expect to come into this industry and expect the become a six-figure income earner without a mentor.

A GOLD MEDAL is not won overnight, it takes years of training, preparation, honing your skills, and developing the right mindset to get to that point. And I strategically aligned myself and partnered with coaches and athletes that could show me how to WIN. It’s no different for your network marketing business. So don’t expect to jump in to this industry and be able to get the same results as the TOP

Income earners. You have to reach out to the people who have what you want.

When you can get an over-the-shoulder view of how someone builds their business, what they do day in and day out, tap into what they know, the blueprints they follow, the mindset they have...ONLY then can you understand the scope of what you’ll need to learn to get to where you want to be. That is how TRUE freedom is created. The more you know, the more you practice, the more skills you posses the greater you chances. You must be PREPARED so when you get to the starting line you be in the position to WIN!!

Success in not some rare occurrence that strikes THE LUCKY ONES. Oh NO!

Success is craftily planned and strategically played out..And success is available for anyone who develops the qualities and attributes that allows them to overcome any challenge or obstacle and prosper.

Success is commitment, a process, a way of life. You must embody success to live success and that is the most compelling reason WHY you need a true mentor to guide you and mold you into the success story that you want to be. To take you from average to EXTRAORDINARY...and not every one can show you how to get there.

It takes a special type of person, it takes a TEACHER, a MOTIVATOR and a MASTER who can show you what text books cannot, who can show you through experience instead of theoreticals, and who can embed in you the nuances of navigating the road that very few ever travel.

Without mentorship, no matter how “successful” you become you will struggle in places you should not and the amount of time it takes you to FIGURE THINGS OUT extends substantially.

That is why I speak to at least one of my many mentors as least once a day. I am constantly in a state of learning and that is why I have been able to have the success that I have. But I also understand that I am not where I ultimately want to be and if I want to achieve those goals I must continue to stay connected with the mentors who can show me the way.

Whether it is a question about how to close a prospect to how to balance family and outside interests, I know that I can always pick up the phone and talk to them anytime and this is invaluable!

Every single success in the world had a MENTOR who continuously educated them on the things they would never know if going it alone. What they learned turned them into average people with hopes of making money to EXTRAORDINARY people living the success they always dreamed of.


"You can't win by being more average than average."

Average never equates to extraordinary...and that’s not only in your business but in your life. You must find a FEARLESS mentor, someone who is not afraid to tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear, someone who is willing to walk with you through the fire of building your own success. But make sure that you are willing to do your part as well.

Let me explain...

You can have a mentor all day long but if you don’t put action behind what they teach you then it is all for not. At the end of the day you must be accountable for your success because NO ONE can else can do it for you and you shouldn’t expect any one else to create success for you either.

Knowing your purpose, having a game plan, and taking real action on a consistent basis is the only way to get you to your destination. That’s the only to SHOW UP when it counts.

Just because I went to practice every day did not make me an athlete. I had to step on the track and be ready to run, to practice, to condition myself for success...

And just because you attended a webinar, went to a seminar, or hopped on a conference call...that does not make you a network marketer either.

Showing up means being prepared for battle, showing up means getting on the starting line KNOWING

that you are ready to play the game. Showing up means getting people on presentations, being a leader, being someone people can count on, and getting results!

A mentor can teach you how to SHOW UP! Find a mentor, commit to learning everything you can, take decisive action on what you learn, and be accountable for your results, your business, your life! This will make you FAIL PROOF!


While we have only touched the tip of the iceberg in this special report, I hope that you have a clearer understanding of what it really takes to build a FAIL PROOF business.

You need a specific GAME PLAN that you can implement on a daily basis to WIN...and WIN BIG!


As you continue to learn about me, you will see that it is my goal and purpose in life to help any one who wants to become a leader in this industry to fight fearlessly to achieve their dreams of a better lifestyle. For some of you it may be just an extra few hundred dollars a month for others you may want the whole kit and kaboodle, with aspirations of becoming a MILLIONAIRE ENTREPRENEUR.

Whatever it is that you want I am dedicated to teaching others what I know in the hopes that it will help them unlock their full potential and move one step closer to achieving the lifesytle they all deserve.

That is what my training will do for you.

You see, I’ve created a formula that you can get access to right now that will get you generating leads, building your business and signing up more reps immediately. It will bring you that much closer to creating the business you envisioned when you were overflowing with excitement and possibility when you first become a business owner.

Don’t you remember the feeling you had when you signed your name on that Distributor Application Form for the very first time.

Well when you are building your business the right way and seeing success that feeling never goes away.

If that feeling has left you, if you feel like you only have one more bullet in the chamber to make this network marketing thing work then you can decide to take decisive action right here and right now.

To create momentum in your life, to continue learning, to continue reaching for your dreams, to continue in your quest for success.

You have to believe in yourself before any one else can believe in YOU, but if you are tired of falling short, tired of never finishing first, tired of never getting recognized and just down right fed up with the state of your life right now, then I encourage you to take action.

I am dead serious about what I do and I always OVER DELIVER on the value I provide. I don’t teach watered-down techniques or wishy-washy methods. I teach techniques that get RESULTS. I share things that most marketers are not willing to because they are afraid of someone outdoing them.

Look I want you to outdo me, I want you to be more successful, make more money, sign up more reps. Then that means I was doing something right!

I am going to reveal the blueprints I use each and every day to drive massive traffic, generate dozens of leads, and sign up more reps into my business. Make sure to visit this website below now to continue your network marketing training to create more results for your business TODAY...

The MLM Crash Course


Play time is over and if you are ready to get in to the Game, then follow the proven, tried and tested marketing strategies that transform businesses and generate incomes!

It’s time to move forward, push through and GROW your business in a way that will even surprise YOU.

This training course walks you through a number of incredibly powerful techniques that will give you specific strategies on how to grow your network marketing business on the Internet right now.

So don’t STOP now, there is a brand new world waiting for you to uncover. This is training that ANY

new marketer must know immediately to get a full understanding of HOW they are going to use the Internet to build their income.

The MLM Crash Course


Make sure to stay in the loop on future trainings as well. I will be introducing some powerful cutting-edge techniques that will help you to grown you business even more.


If you are ready to transform your life, and take yourself to new HEIGHTS I am here to help you.

Stay tuned and make sure to visit the page above to continue learning how to build your FAIL PROOF


Talk to you soon!

Yours In Success,

Andrea Bolder

P.S. Here are few testimonials from current students who have studied the teaching I’ve shared...

“Andrea, you are awesome. Your method of TEACHING is second to none. Obviously, you are a leader. With your tutelage, for the first time, I feel like I have a shot at learning how to become a professional online marketer.” - A. McKee

“I am so thankful to have come across you because I am learning alot.” - L. Davis

“You are excellent at providing thorough and valuable content and I believe you sincerely want to help others like myself.

That will not go unrewarded. So, again thank you Andrea, and I wish you well in all of your ventures”. - C. Naugles

“Thank you Andrea...I really appreciate the training. I have implemented many of your techniques and tips and have gone from double my leads per day by taking just a few minutes to do things differently.” -N. Anderson

“Andrea your training makes lots of sense and is easy to follow. Your teaching methods are delivered in a way that I will be following your advice and thanks so much.” - C. Anderson

“Thank you Andrea for all of your help! I'm new with creating a blog page and the info you provide is awesome!

I'm watching your 7 Steps webinar now...” - B. Turpin

“I am new to network marketing and was overwhelmed with trying to figure it all out. I went through your course and was able to generate my first 12 in 2 days and even signed up my first rep with a facebook tip you shared. Thanks for making this so easy.” - P. David

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