Viral Marketing Secrets by Calvin Woon & Jonathan Teng - HTML preview

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S-Buzz Marketing

Now what exactly is S-Buzz (Software Buzz) marketing?


Let us now explain to you in greater detail what we believe is going to be a new marketing phenomenon set to dominate the industry.


As can be seen, most of the internet marketers online today generally use eBooks and articles to transmit information.

Like all marketers, we’ve also started out writing eBook after eBook hoping that through the information that we provide, we’ll be able to generate the income we desire and command the credibility in your niche market.

But, here’s a shocking truth: The most downloaded and sought after product on the Internet today is not your usual eBooks, reports or articles!


But it’s software!


Not convinced? Just take a look at the amount of searches generated for the respective keywords.


First, let’s take a look at the top ten results for the no. of searches for the keyword ‘ebook’ for the previous month. (Results generated from Keyword Discovery) 00005.jpgThink it’s impressive?


Now let’s take a look at the top ten results for the no. of searches for the keyword ‘software’ for the previous month. (Results generated from Keyword Discovery)


00006.jpgSo what does this mean to you as an information marketer?


If you are still NOT making full use of this powerful medium (software) to market your business, you are sure missing out!

Now if you think that using those text-based mediums are the only way to transmit information, you’re definitely wrong!
People are slowly switching to use software as the primary medium to obtain information today.

Think about it, with so much text information going around, we all need a break sometimes! Not to mention the immense information overload that so many people face.

On the other hand, everyone utilizes different kinds of software to facilitate certain tasks and to save them time by getting things done faster.
Especially if you’re an internet marketer, you shouldn’t be foreign to using software to fulfill IM-related tasks.

Keyword research tools, link cloakers, link popularity checkers, blog finders, sales copy creators, project managers, FTP software etc… If you’re not utilizing these tools, you are certainly not fully maximizing your online marketing efforts.

If you wish to be a successful internet marketer, then you better ensure the above mentioned tools are in your marketing arsenal. Else, you are definitely missing out!

So now you might be wondering, what has software got to do with viral marketing??


Now that you know how highly sought after software is, so what if you could combine free software with viral marketing?


Wouldn’t that be awesome?!


If you still remember, we mentioned about distributing viral eBooks previously. Now, what if you get to distribute viral software instead?


Wouldn’t the effect be ten times more effective! Of course it is!


Don’t forget that software is the most highly sought after product on the internet.

So if you were to distribute software which is highly relevant and useful to your niche, wouldn’t that provide much more value and make many more people happy?

It is one sure way of keeping your list of subscribers and customers satisfied and make them hungry for more information from you.

Suffice to say, that will indeed boost your credibility immensely. Now, apart from keeping your subscribers happy by offering them extra value, what if you can use it to market your business at the same time?

That will be killing two birds with one stone wouldn’t it?


Sounds impossible? Think again!

It is with this challenge of making the impossible happen, that we have embarked on our mission to revolutionize the current viral marketing techniques and led us to discover the new age form of viral marketing – S-Buzz Marketing!

In short, it is viral marketing on STERIODS!


And it brings viral marketing to a whole new level.


Now let us show you what we mean.

Since we all know how powerful and useful software is and how everyone simply loves free software, we wanted to ensure we could gain some free advertising for our sites at the same time while we distribute them.

Hence, we spent a HUGE amount of time and money to develop our own range of ‘IM Buzz Software’ and subsequently launched it to the public.

These buzz software allows anyone the luxury to rename and also change the interface of the software using the skins we provide. Also, they get to rebrand up to 3 banners and 4 text links which will be rotated among one banner and two text links spots in the software.

Hence, you have the ability to make it completely UNIQUE and make it seem like the software was created by you.


On top of that, you get full giveaway and resell rights to these software. And you can also pass on the giveaway rights to others.


Hence, your software can be freely distributed and passed on to hundreds and thousands of people and your advertisement seen by all of them.


That’s S-Buzz marketing for you!


And the results we achieved were astonishing!

People simply love our buzz software and they keep asking us for more! Now don’t just take our words for it. Just check out some of the testimonials we’ve received just barely over 2 months since we launched our very first buzz software product, Keyword Buzz.


Made 1000% of My Money Back in Under 30 Days!

Dear Jonathan and Calvin,

Just wanted to shoot you guys a quick line. I'm a pretty successful marketer and I recently came across your product Keyword Buzz. I loved the concept so I bought a copy off of you and then within a day I rebranded it. After rebranding it I repackaged it so to speak.

Not only did my list members and my web site visitors get an awesome piece of software at an unbeatable price in which to do their keyword research with but I have also made 1000% of my money back in under 30 days.

Now I'm not a rocket scientist but show me another affiliate program or rebrandable product that can do that!?! The viral aspect of the product will help it sell itself time and time again.

You guys are awesome! Keep up the good work and please keep designing software like this.




Michael Brown



What a GREAT Software Tool This Would Really Be!

00009.jpgJonathan & Calvin,


Wow, when I purchased this software, I saw the viral benefit of it, but I didn't realize at the time what a GREAT software tool this would really be!

I've recently started creating unique content niche websites and this tool saves me so much time! In literally a matter of seconds I'm able to get keywords on any main keyword subject I enter. Then I can gather the Google, Yahoo and MSN data on those keywords in just a few minutes! This software is definitely a time saver compared to the manual searches I was used to.

This software is powerful, yet very user friendly , so anyone can get down to their keyword research without having to read a manual first. No steep learning curve here!

Thanks guys, I look forward to seeing the next software you create! Becky Holmes



Give Customers A Viral Branded Reminder of Who You Are!

"Anyone who knows me can vouch for the fact that I hardly EVER give testimonials. But when I saw how cool, professional, and viral the IMBUZZCREATORS software is I simply couldn't resist.

If fact, I was so excited I sent TOO much money to Calvin - which he promptly refunded. This software is a no-brainer for anyone looking to give their customers and prospects, a viral, branded reminder of who they are.

Excellent job guys!"


Jay Douglas



IM Buzz Rocks! My Customers Love It!

00013.jpgIM Buzz Rocks. My CUSTOMERS love it!


After sending out Keyword Tool, I have to say I *love* these IM Buzz products.


Thank you Calvin and Jonathan for creating these *useful* products.







Will Increase My Sales And Subscribers!

The Keyword Buzz software is really awesome.


I use it all the time, and I recommend it to all my readers and subscribers.


I do in minutes what I used to do in hours.

I really don't know how Jonathan & Calvin comes with such great ideas. What I know is that I have a powerful Keyword tool that will increase my sales and subscribers. Brilliant.

Franck Silvestre

"I had been using similar softwares that close to what Calvin & Jonathan provides. But none of them offers ease of use and additional powerful tools. And, about going viral, being selfish, I'd prefer not to tell you the truth and keep it for myself. It rocks."

Indratno Widiarto



Anyone Can Start Profiting From Their Research!

00017.jpgHi Calvin & Jonathan


You Guys Rock!!


Your software is so easy and simple and packed with so much power anyone can start profiting from their research with this software.

You guys take away all the tedious time it used to take doing your research manually, and packed it into this Amazing piece of software that performs all that work in a matter of just a few minutes, Outstanding!

Please let me know when you come out with a new product Cuz I want to be one of the first to know!


Excellent work!


Jimmy Bone


00018.jpgAnd that’s not the end of our amazing results!


We’ve also managed to build a list of more than 3500++ highly targeted subscribers from SCRATCH in JUST two short months.

See Partial Screenshot of our Aweber account:


And our customers’ base has expanded greatly and we’ve achieved some amazing conversions with your promotions. Three of our recent email promotions converted at more than FIFTY percent each! And it is to lists with a few hundred people on it and for products which cost $17 or more.

This is some conversion stats which I’m sure ANY marketer would have been proud of.


Not convinced?


Take a look at the most recent email promotion which we did.

This is an email promotion which we sent out on the Dec 18th to a list of around 200 customers promoting our very own blowout sale. (3 separate screenshots taken from our paypal account)


If you bothered to do some calculations, you’ll realize its $3128.60 in less than 24 hours!

But you know what? The screenshots that you see is not everything. There are a few more pages at least and we’re not exaggerating.


In total, we’ve made around $5,780 in pure profits just from ONE email promo.

Now you might think it’s nothing much compared to those HUGE launches out there. But take note we weren’t even any big time marketers to start with. In fact, I’m sure many of you might not even have heard of our names.

Still, we accomplished this with ZERO affiliates promoting that particular blowout sale and only promoted it to a small list of 200+ customers.


And now just take a look at our Alexa traffic ranking of our site which was merely created around just TWO months ago.


00023.jpgSo you might ask now: What’s the secret behind all this?!


Well my friend, there’s no secret really. In fact, the ‘secret’ has already been revealed.


It’s S-Buzz marketing!


S-Buzz (Software Buzz) marketing is set to define a new level of viral marketing and it combines it with the most downloaded product on the Internet.


The potential is TRULY limitless.


Think of how much traffic, exposure and profits you can possibly derive from sbuzz marketing. The sky is the limit!

And that’s not all. You gain credibility and trust from your subscribers/customers and it can do wonders for you regardless of which level you’re at now. Even if you’re a complete beginner, with s-buzz marketing, you can propel into a reputable status in just a short period of time. Just like the both of us!


Now my friend, we certainly hope you’ve enjoyed this special report on S-Buzz marketing and you’ve managed to gather some really meaningful insights for your marketing campaigns.

Right now, you have two choices.


You can choose to close this report and do nothing and forget all that you’ve read. Or you can choose to take action on the information you’ve just read.


We trust that you will choose the latter.


Remember, the main difference between successful people and those who aren’t lies in the amount of action they take.

And here’s another nugget of wisdom for you: You DON’T have to be the best at anything. But just be the fastest at implementing stuffs you learn and you will still be successful in what you do (and very wealthy of course!).

So just head on down here and opt in to our priority notification list if you haven’t to be the first ones to learn how you can unleash the FULL power of S-Buzz marketing when your IM Buzz Software membership site launches on 27th Jan 2007.

We wish you all the best in your future s-buzz marketing campaigns! And we look forward to hearing your success stories as an s-buzz marketer too!


To Your S-Buzz Marketing Success,


Calvin Woon & Jonathan Teng IM Buzz Creators


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