The Newbie's Online Marketing Manifesto by Mark Aylward - HTML preview

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Chapter One Expectations

This is a game of little tiny steps taken one after another over and over again every day, every week and every month, getting a little better with each step.

Unless you have the money to outsource the work and pay other people, you will need to understand this. Kaizen

There is a Japanese word for this; . Westerners place a high value on the achievement and maintenance of perfection, a flaw in the framework of the kaizen philosophy, under which perfection can never be truly reached. It is a philosophy of continuous and incremental improvement in working practices and efficiency.

00005.jpgOn line marketing is the perfect example of this.


Henry Ford has a fairly well known quote about this;


"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs".

I started in the on line marketing world with a little voice in my head that told me there was a quick way to make money. In spite of my offline experience to the contrary and 48 years of life experience to the contrary!


So you may think that too on some level. I was WRONG! Having said that, it's still been a ton of fun and I can feel in my bones that it will be a sustainable and continuously growing business for me.

It can be for you too, but going into it with the wrong expectations is a recipe for disaster.


You won't knock the cover off the ball in the first inning, but if you hang in there and persevere, the possibilities are endless.


I have worked for myself for almost 20 years.


It's been challenging, rewarding and fulfilling and if you've never worked for yourself, I recommend it with great enthusiasm.


I can also tell you I don't know of any other business with so few PRESS ON!barriers to entry that you can start for literally nothing.