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Earning from Bum Marketing While Someone Else Does All The Research

00001.jpgDarren Gibson


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Chapter Page Number Introduction 2
Making Money Fast 3
Making Money Easy 4
The Free & Easy Method 5
The Turbo Charged Method 7
Summary 11
Useful Links 12



So, you’ve heard there’s gold in them thar hills, but you’re just too darn lazy to look for your pick and shovel!


Well, you are in luck – bum marketing really is the lazy bum’s way to easy money.


First Up, Bum Marketing Is Not Rocket Science

What most people don't understand is that you don't have to get everything right all the time with bum marketing. You don't have to be right all the time, you don't have to be perfect all the time, you don't have to be the greatest marketer of all time to make bum marketing work for you, and you don’t have to write long articles.

That's the great thing.

You can be a complete beginner to bum marketing and Internet marketing and still make more money than many of the so-called guru's. This is why I'm such a fan of bum marketing and why I decided to share my “Lazy Bum” secrets with you.

If you have no idea what bum marketing is, go to


The Bum Marketing Method

It is a free course that explains the whole bum marketing process. This is the original source of bum marketing from the guy who coined the phrase in the first place – Travis Sago.

In the spirit of bum marketing, this report is free and can be distributed freely so long as it remains unchanged.


Here’s to your success!


00002.jpgMaking Money Fast


The first secret to bum marketing is....


Super Fast Writing

It sounds simple I know. But how many of you sit there and take 4 hours to write one article? You can't do that. You need to churn out at least 3 or 4 articles an hour – Which is easy if you follow my “Lazy Bum” tricks.

Don't sit there and go "I can't do that". Because you can. When I put my mind to it, I can write 5 quality articles in an hour and still have time to help my kids with their homework. Speed is essential when it comes to bum marketing. Your articles don't have to be great. They can't be utter rubbish, but they don't have to be masterpieces of Pulitzer prize award stature. The secret to writing articles fast is not thinking. Don't sit there and think about the article for 10 minutes before writing it. Just start writing.

It doesn't matter what topic it is, just start writing.
Making Money Easy

Ok, so you know you need to churn out tons of articles at the speed of light. “Now how the heck am I gonna do that?” I hear you ask.

Easy, I say!


Let’s look at the REAL time consuming tasks:

• Researching low competition, high paying keywords (less than 5000 results in Googletm – OR – poor competition keywords, which I will talk about later)

• Finding related affiliate programs to promote

There are a couple of pieces of software I like to use to speed this up. These are ones you might like to consider as soon as the money starts rolling in:

Niche Inspector for keyword and “hot niche” research




CB Elite to find targeted affiliate programs on Clickbank

You could also pay someone to do this research for you, but that defeats the object of Bum Marketing. Also, my guess is that if you are just starting out, money can be tight and there is not enough spare cash to do that…yet.

What if I told you I discovered a way where you need to spend ZERO time and NO MONEY to get that done for you – and get “targeted inspiration” for your articles too!

Well, here it is:


The Free & Easy Method


Right, I can tell you are now chomping at the bit, so I’ll jump straight in….


This is what you need to do:


1. Sign up to the free membership at FreePLRPro


2. Log in to the free members area and download the two niche packs (two new niches every month are added)

3. Unzip the files and open up the keyword research spreadsheets (Yes, those guys at FreePLRPro do all the keyword research for you using Wordtracker). Delete any unnecessary lines from the top of the sheet so you can sort or filter by columns and you are good to go.

4. Next, either use the ‘sort ascending’ option or filter out as follows: ‘Predict’ results over 15. This will give you a list of long tail keywords to target. You can then look down the ‘Competition’ column to see the keywords with the fewest results in Googletm and target your articles around them first.


Get these articles up on the directories as soon as possible – you can then pick out some ‘poor competition’ keywords to bring in some extra cream later.

What I mean by ‘poor competition’ is that there are over 10000 results in Googletm, but if you click on a few of the results on pages 1 through 3 you can assess whether they can be easily toppled from their perch by a well optimised article.

5. The great thing about FreePLRPro is that you get 20 private label articles for two different niches every month. That means you can do pretty much what you want with them in terms of rewrites and putting your name to them1.

Where this benefits you is that the research is already done for you, as is the inspiration for how to include your chosen long tail keyword in sentences without it looking like gibberish.

What you now need to do is a quick but thorough rewrite of the article and embed your own affiliate links in the article resource box when you submit it to the article directories. This is also where I am lazy, as I use Brad Callen’s Article Submitter software to submit to dozens of directories. The free version is just fine, but the gold version has a larger list of higher page rank directories, so is worth the premium.

6. As if by magic, you will also find that the PLR pack comes with a list of pre-selected affiliate programs related to each niche topic.
would consider buying from. To start with, I would stick to the programs they suggest, but when the money is flowing, I would highly recommend using CB Elite as a tool for finding the best paying Clickbank products.

00004.jpgAlways have a look at the vendor’s site first to see for yourself if it is a “seller” i.e., is it the sort of site you
1 The guys at FreePLRPro are pretty flexible, but make sure you read the article terms of use that come with each PLR pack


Ok, so it all sounds good, but there are a few drawbacks to this method

• You ‘share’ rights to the articles with a whole bunch of other people
• You need to literally be sat at your computer waiting for the fresh batch of PLR packs to make sure you get your articles out first in order to make the most profits from them
• Some directories (notably Ezinearticles) really do not like rewritten PLR articles and will reject anything but content which is a genuine “inspired original” – just like retelling a story in your own words with a few alternative endings

My free and easy method is great for getting started with bum marketing, but it doesn’t stop there. The next chapter explains how you can turbo charge this very technique.

The Turbo Charged Method

At the end of the last chapter, I pointed out a few drawbacks with the completely free method, so here I will give you a few options where it is necessary to speculate in order to accumulate. These techniques are better used after you have already implemented the free ones so that:

A) You have already practised the method and gained plenty of experience before parting with your dough

B) Money is coming in off the back of your earlier endeavours to fund it


Of course, if you are flush with cash, feel free to jump right in ;-)

Turbo charging is really quite simple. In the same way you might buy a souped up carburettor to make your car perform better (though it is more likely to be an upgraded engine management computer nowadays), if you have a little money to spend on the ‘equipment’ you need, then you can skyrocket your bum marketing earnings.

The first step would be to upgrade your FreePLRPro membership to the paid PLRPRO service. You benefit on multiple levels by doing this:

1. Memberships (and therefore rights to articles) are limited to 200 members per group


2. The niches selected for paid members are more profitable than those used in the free version


3. Instead of just two niches a month, you get 11 with the paid membership

4. You receive 40 articles per niche, not 20 as with the free membership (that’s a total of 440 articles every month)
There are other perks to being a paid member, but you can see the potential for “Lazy Bum” profits from the examples above. Even if we assume that only half of the niches inspire us enough to put the effort in and submit our own unique versions we can still potentially turn a profit. Here is what it looks like on paper using Travis Sago’s assumptions about average bum marketing income per article:

• Paid Membership at PLRPro costs $97 per month

• Every bum article submitted averages $20 per month income (see The Bum Marketing Method for the rationale behind this), so 220 ‘inspired’ articles would equate to a whopping $4400

This means that you can potentially earn at least $4300 in profit per month just by using PLRPro resources!

Once you are turning a profit from the run of the mill article directories, set your sights on the high PR of Ezinearticles. They do not allow direct affiliate links in their articles, so this is where having a little money to invest comes in handy.

1. Get a cheap hosting plan that allows you to host unlimited sites (the baby croc package from Hostgator works for me). Pick up a few relevant domain names based on your niche – there are some great tips and links on this subject in the free PLR Process ebook produced by the owners of PLRPro – and register them in your name.

2. Sign up to an autoresponder service like Aweber or Getresponse so that you can build a mailing list then create an optin page (offering more free tips to people signing up to your newsletter) to collect emails. Use 6 or 7 articles to create an autoresponder series, and include your affiliate links within the emails you send to subscribers

3. Either save some of your very best articles, or commission a ghostwriter via elance or rentacoder to write some optimised articles based on the long tail keywords from the PLRPro keyword sheet and submit them to Ezinearticles. In your resource box, place a link to your optin page. Instead of just getting the one sale, you have the opportunity to make multiple affiliate sales to the same subscriber.

With a little more effort, you could also use your hosting package to set up your own full-blown authority site or a forum based on your niches, sprinkled with your own affiliate links and contextual ads. Whether you run an authority site or simply have an optin page, you can also get traffic via PLRPro’s site indexing system (a network of secret, on topic blogs and article directories with good page ranking on the search engines) – just submit a post or one of your articles with your link and off you go.

Voila! Easy money, and what a return on investment.




I know this may be a lot of information to take in, so I will quickly recap on my “Lazy Bum” process:


Sign up to FreePLRPro, and download the monthly niche packs as soon as they are published

Pick the best long tail keywords they have researched for you and whiz off a dozen or so articles, using the PLR articles as inspiration

Submit articles manually to Searchwarp and Goarticles, then, use Article Submitter to submit to 15 – 20 of the higher PR sites. Remember to include your link in the author resource box!

Wait for the affiliate checks to start coming in


Then, when the thought of more cash gets the adrenaline pumping……


Upgrade to full PLRPro membership (there will be a link in your FreePLRPro member control panel)


Repeat the process with your higher paying keywords and 440 articles

Start submitting the better articles to Ezinearticles and add links to your own site or optin page so you can build a list of targeted prospects

So, are you ready to be a “Lazy Bum”? Getting started the way I have shown in this report costs nothing in money and hardly anything in time. I have included a list of useful resources on the next page to help you get started right away.

Useful Links and Resources
Research & Niche Tools


PLRPro Paid Membership
Affiliate Elite
Free Wordtracker Keywords Tool
CB Elite
Niche Inspector


Website Building




Hosting & Domains




Autoresponder Services


Free Autobot


Article Directories & Submission Services


Article Submitter


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