Secret Ultimate Supertip by H. Segal - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: Tools To Help You

Using the free information in Chapter 2 you can now apply the strategy to your own business.


But to make it easier I have created a package of tools (from the resale rights of books and software) to help carry it out.


The tools are grouped according to the main tasks required.


4.1 Product Creation


4.2 Autoresponder Management


4.3 PDF Creation and Rebranding


4.4 General Internet Marketing


The Magic Of Resale Rights - Yet Again

Here we have a perfect example of the benefits of acquiring resale rights and private label rights for products and being able to repackage them according to a requirement.

In other words instead of presenting you with a huge and outwardly impressive list of products - 90% of which you don't need - I am able to provide a concise selection which fit the bill.

And now for a SuperTip.
I'm often asked what is the QUICKEST way to make money on the Net.
It's really quite simple:

- Create a good quality product in a proven market by packaging together similar or complementary products where you have obtained the resale rights.

- Sell it via joint venture deals with large list owners. So where do you get products with resale rights ? You can get hundreds - for free - with the SureFire Wealth Silver Membership offered for free in section 4.1

4.1 Product Creation

If you don't have your own product there are two options a) Develop your own product 00004.jpg

Create Hot Products Fast

How to create a line of hot-selling, highly-profitable online products quickly and easily - even if you have no prior product-creating or writing experience at all.

Details here


Value $47
* Resale rights included
b) Acquire the resale rights to a product 00005.jpg

SureFire Wealth - Silver Membership

Enjoy a continual stream of the newest ebooks, software, videos, templates and niche products with Resell and Master Resell Rights.

You will receive a 1 year silver membership for free.
Details here Value $97

4.2 Autoresponder Management

a) An autoresponder tool 00006.jpg

AutoResponder Unlimited

Use this tool to develop unlimited sequential follow-up email
campaigns without the expensive monthly fees of some services or the high cost of other autoresponder software.

Details here


Value $49.97 * Resale rights included b) How to use autoresponders effectively

Autoresponder Maximizer


If you have read other books on autoresponders before here is something very different. It will take your autoresponders to a whole new level.
Learn the art of following up effectively so that you can clinch the sale.

Details here


Value $47
* Resale rights included

4.3 PDF Creation and Rebranding
Super Rebrander


This tool will create a PDF book from an HTML page, plug in affiliate links and download on the fly.

All your affiliate needs to do is promote one link.
Details here Value $67

4.4 General Internet Marketing


30 Days to Internet Marketing Success

This 2-volume ebook has become a runaway best seller since its launch in 2003 - hailed as the best compilation product of experts ever seen.

You will see that it sells for $97 here
You will receive a free copy of volume 1. Value $48.50

The Cost

This whole package

* Create Hot Products Fast + resale rights ($47) * SureFire Wealth - Silver Membership ($97) * AutoResponder Unlimited + resale rights ($49) * Autoresponder Maximizer + resale rights ($47) * Super Rebrander ($67)
* 30 Days to Internet Marketing Success ($48)

a total value of $355


will cost you ...


... just $10.


Yes - that's right, only TEN dollars.


Why such an amazing bargain ?


There's a very good reason - coming up - HOWEVER I'm not finished yet.


Also included in the price is a VERY special item. As you will find out in the final chapter.