Make Money with Adsense 2008 by Adam Carn - HTML preview

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Optimising Webpage:

To get more clickhappy trafficin the long run you need to optimise your website for the search engines. You don’t need to go crazy with the latest and greatest search engine optimisation (SEO) tricks. Just use the basic ones which I mention below.

1) Add meta tagsto your site like this:

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="xxxDescriptionxxx"> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxx"> <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="FOLLOW,INDEX">

Now on the first line, replace xxxDescriptionxxxx with brief description of your website. On the second line replace the xxxxx with your keyword of keyphrase separated by commas. These keywordsshould be related to the content of your webpage. For example: If your webpage isabout cars you would put something like, cars, car repair, car hire, fast carsetcetc. You do not need to change the third line.

Make sure you put the meta tagsbefore the </title> tag on each of your webpages.

2) Create a lot of keyword rich content pages. Put the keywordsin their titles. Each page should be optimised with meta tags, appropriate keywordsand of course, AdSense ads. Make sure these pagesare linked to each other.

3) Ad some dynamicauto updating content to your site. Like newsfeed. Search engineslike them.
4) Build your webpage content around high paying keywordssuch as cars, shopping, credit repair, travel etc. Keywordsin these nichespay more money per click. So if a webpage on your site isabout credit repair, the AdSense adson the page would be about credit repair which isa high paying AdSense keyword. These keywordscan pay as high as$20 per click.

All thiscan be quite complicated but it isvery effective in making you more money. You can however, take a big shortcut and just skip all thisby purchasing my highly optimised, AdSense-Ready, Keyword and Content Rich Website “straight out of the box” style. Thiskick-asswebsite features everything mentioned in thisreport plusmuch more and ispacked with cutting edge features. People who bought it give it positive reviews and claim to be making thousands of dollars per month from it. I highly recommend thiswebsite which would save you so much time, effort and even money.

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