Internet Marketing 101 by Bob Parker - HTML preview

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Chapter I – Internet Marketing 101

What Is Internet Marketing? And is it allowing thousands of average everyday individuals leave their boring days Jobs to sit at home and bank in literally thousands of dollars per month doing everything from their home PCs. Welcome to Internet marketing! Some call it financial freedom but I just call it Fun! Internet marketing is a lot similar to marketing in a real live situation, buyers & customers have a need, they're looking for that perfect product to satisfy their need. That is where the sellers come into play.

The sellers provide the buyers with the product they've been craving, Thus providing a mutual relationship between seller and buyer. In most cases the buyers don't know where to even start looking for that product they need. On the Internet the first place a interested buyer goes to try and find what they need is... You guessed it the Almighty Google. The buyer types into Google what they are looking in the Internet marketing world those are known as Keywords. This is where you the Internet Marketer comes into play. Your Job is simple – to provide the buyers with that they need. “ You will be Wealthy Beyond Your Wildest Dreams If you can master that”.

Finding Your Niche

Now that you understand the relationship between buyers and sellers, It's time for you to start thinking about what you have to offer to the world. What would be interested in creating or selling? A niche is something that that potential buyers may be looking for.

For Example: Software, Informational Products, Purple Sun Glasses, Blue Nike Shoes... You catch my drift?

(1) Your niche can be anything. There are billions of people online searching for many, many different things. I can almost guarantee that any product you decide to great & or promote has people willing to buy from you. So Pick something that you're really passionate about. If you do this from the beginning Internet marketing will be very fun & easy. If you pick a niche that you're not too shabby about then Internet marketing could turn into a big headache in which you'll find yourself giving up all together.