Explode Your Opt in List by Kelly Stonr - HTML preview

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Convincing People To Part With Their Email Address

It's hard these days to get people to part with their email address, we've all been fighting against spam for so long that our minds are programed not to give it out in case we start getting spammed.

I've heard people say that there are so many people advertising these days that it's almost impossible to get the email addresses, the thing that these people are missing is the fact that there are so many more people online surfing.

The biggest part of getting anyone to part with their email address is to offer them something that they just can't turn down. Something that costs them nothing is the best thing to pull them in with.

You might be wondering now how you will be able to give away something, give away what? This is actually the easy part.

Are you already creating articles to promote your lenses, websites or blogs? Take your articles and bunch them together in a readable fashion, you've now got yourself a report or mini ebook!

It really is that simple.

Another really good way of getting things to give away is to look on the Warrior Forum and look through the WSO's that are running, there is always lots of PLR products to choose from there and would be great to give away.

PLR material is the internet marketers dream when it comes to content.

This can save you time, energy and headaches when you have the basic articles already written down for you. All you need to do is come along and re-word the articles and 'hey presto' you have a totally unique set of articles to use.
Offering people something that they see as valuable to them will have them signing up in next to no time. Simply saying 'join my mailing list' just wont cut it.

When you are creating your bonus you need to make sure that the contents lead back to your lens, website or blog. You can do this by adding links throughout the pages. Don't go over kill, but keep stressing that they can get more in your main product or service.

You are making your give away bonus a lead up or taster of your main product. Not only do you want to capture their email addresses, you also want them back at your lens to continue selling to them.