3 Adwords Profit Secrets that Newbies Don't Know by Jean Paul - HTML preview

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Secret 3

The Money River Principle

This is a concept I developed to illustrate the importance of building a successful online business.


Applying this principle prevents you from having to constantly struggle with making money online.


Imagine for a moment that your business or website is a river. And this river flows into the sea (your bank account)


Your Adwords campaign is like a stream that flows into a river. And with it, it brings you a whole bunch of... horses.

Now, you have probably heard of the old proverb:
“You can force a horse to the river, but you can’t force it to drink.” And this is very true for your Adwords campaign.

Even if you have lots of great ads, with high quality score and a great clickthrough-rate, this only brings the horses to the river!


My greatest online discovery


Here is where it gets really good. You may spend a lot of time, trying to become really good at “convincing” horses to drink from your river. This may work, but only to a very limited degree. By the way, most people are frustrated in life because they keep trying to “force horses to drink”. Stay with me, it will all full circle in a moment.


I know this may sound a bit harsh to some people but it’s still true: We sometimes keep doing same things, the same way, over and over again, knowing they didn’t work the past 100 times.

We want other people to be excited about our online business when we know they neither care nor get it – the only thing that will ever make sense to them is a big fat check. Even though, to be honest, they still won’t really care how you made all this money.

We sometimes try to convince others to be in relationships with us when we know deep inside they really don’t want to.

Well, instead why don’t we do this:
Try a different strategy.

Instead of talking so much about what we want to, let’s actually get down to doing it.


And why don’t we find somebody who really is interested in us and appreciates us for our worth.

How does this apply to your online business?
Well, it’s simple:

“Instead of trying to make every horse drink from your river, start looking for thirsty horses!”


Now, a thirsty horse will gallop to your river at a very high speed when he hears about it.


Have you tried a stopping a thirsty horse from drinking?


Now, there are some online niches that have more thirsty horses than others.


You can generally put those niches into three categories:

- Making money and marketing related products
- Relationships, parenting and dating
- Health and fitness, weight loss etc.

The truth is usually it’s easier to find customers in the above mentioned areas.

Therefore you are more likely to make money from them, faster. It’s just a hard truth.
But you can do this in every niche!
People are never satisfied with their lives.
And whatever your niche is, your customers are looking for something.

What you want to do is to find out what their biggest problem or challenge is (what they thirst for) and let them know how to get it.


We often have a tendency to sell what we want people to buy. Let me say this again.

We have a tendency to sell what we want people to buy.
But instead, why don’t we start selling what they are already looking for? Have you taken time to really drill down what your customers want? Most people are always looking for new places to spend money!

One thing you have to understand is that people want to spend money and they want to buy things.


They anxiously wait for their next pay check or their new credit card just so that they can spend some more money.


But they want to spend it on things they consider valuable. They want to buy what they believe is the right thing for them to buy.

So your job is to find out what they want from your product and sell them that.
Package your product in a way that shows them how their lives will be better, more fun, more interesting, sexier or easier by using your product.

And they will thank you for it!
So the question is:

Do your customers think your business helps them or do they think you’re just out to get their money?


Are you selling them to proverbial drill (your product) or are you selling them the hole(the result they are after).


The “horses” must trust you


You can’t get someone to give you money for your product if they don’t trust you.


They won’t buy your stuff if they think you are going not going to be there if something goes wrong.


So to keep your Money River flowing you have to create a relationship with your customers.


Otherwise you will just be a little stream and may quickly dry out. J In fact this strategy is so powerful that many businesses simply use their Adwords campaigns to build a mailing list!


Then they have hundreds , thousands of people to whom they can sell, for a long time.


This way the value of each click they get from Adwords becomes so much greater.


Contrast this with someone who sells only once and never sees that customer again!

If you forget anything else you read in this report remember this: “Repeat business is repeat money in your pocket”. Whew, all right!

Let’s look at some ninja tactics that allow you to take advantage of the Money River Principle.



Ninja Tactics:
Tactic # 1

Make sure you build your mailing list. I strongly recommend http://aweber.com/ . They are the best in the world when it comes to mailing list management.

Apart from an excellent service they also offer a lot free tutorial on how to get the best out of your mailing list

At the moment of writing it costs only $1 for you first month. Tactic #2

Make a list of the things you want to sell. Compare that to what your customers really want to buy.


Don’t worry if your customer’s wants seem unrealistic. They don’t know as much as you do – that’s why they come to you.

By addressing what the problems they perceive you will be able to gain their trust. This will give you a chance to offer them exactly what you know they need.

Tactic #3


You may know this already, but it’s still worth repeating:

Always offer an incentive to join your mailing list. Don’t just put “Insert your email to receive our newsletter”. Not that you would. J
If you sell a service give them a free report that helps them solve one of their problems.

If you sell leather pants give them weekly discount codes so that they keep coming back for more.

Tactic #4
Apply these strategies offline as well! Most people hardly get anyone to give them anything valuable.

Plus, often people will be more eager to give you their email addresses when they talk to you in person!


Just before we part ways... At this point:


· You understand that people are looking for places to spend money

· Your business is a perfect place for them to spend their money – you just have to show them how
· Certain online niches have more demand for services than others · To multiply the value of each click create a relationship with your

customers using tools like a mailing list


· You don’t have to force a thirsty horse to drink! And finally...