Through The Letterbox by Devices Writers’ Group - HTML preview

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But of course he hadn’t posted it. So is his

assignation on or off? Today is Thursday and he told me he was going into work early and was out to dinner with

I write because…

those Japanese he is always seeing, and not to wait up. I

was in an absolute fervour (or do I mean ferment?);

I live in hopes that my literary efforts will achieve fame and for-because of course he might have contacted her

tune. Until then I enjoy writing, which means much more than the physical entry of words to my computer, and reading what other (whoever “darling” is) some other way, by email or what-people have published. I am fortunate in having a varied and ever. But then, why did he leave the letter for me to find?

sometimes ill spent past to provide me with subject matter.

Did he just forget, or was it deliberate? If it was deliber-

ate, what on earth am I going to do? I’d rather he just