The Amazing Super Powers of Blue Water by Simon Templeton - HTML preview

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This report has been written to provide you with information about "blue water". It is provided to you with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering medical services of any kind.

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The purpose of this report is simply to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions.

The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report.

Copyright ©2007 – Simon Templeton Psi Tek –


Human beings act in puzzling ways…ways that often defy logical behavior. Even more puzzling are those situations where, even when we know we are acting illogically, we still do it.

For example, many people are looking for answers to the BIG questions…

Why am I here?
What is my life really about?
What's going to happen to me when I die?

But, so often, we assume that BIG questions have BIG answers.


So, we overlook the simple or the obvious.


And, even worse, we judge the value of the answers by how hard it was to find them.

I run an internet website called Psi Tek. It gives away for free some of the most profound and lifechanging information you will ever find.

Go and take a look at some of these books if you don't believe me…they were all classics in their time…


Here's the link to the free books: =>


There's quite a few books there and more are coming but…guess what?


most people don't take free information seriously

They have a quick glance through the books, maybe skimread a few sentences, but then just carry on browsing the internet.

So what's going on?

Many of these people are looking for the answers to the BIG questions and yet, when I've given them many of the BIG answers for nothing, they don't seem to notice.

Crazy, isn't it?

The thing is….if you give someone something for free, they assume it has little value. They equate pain, struggle and suffering with something of worth.

They find it hard to accept that something profound and lifechanging can come to them easily.


I hope you do not make the same mistake when reading the information in this little book.


Though the information here is brief, and you received it for free, the effect on your life can be dramatic.


So let's get started…

Where did I get this from?

Many years ago, I was attending a meeting of people interested in metaphysical subjects.

It was before the Internet was well-known so the only realistic way to gain valuable information from "masters" of a subject, if you didn't know them personally, was to go physically somewhere where you knew they were going to be and actually talk to them in person - I used to do that a lot.

Nowadays, we can just log into our favorite internet chat room or web discussion board and often we'll find a multitude of helpful experts already in there. In my early days, it was much, much harder.

Anyway, at this particular meeting, I got talking to a lovely elderly lady with bright, sparkling eyes.

I was just a young man in my 20s hungry for knowledge about life, the universe and everything. So I was happy to talk to anyone who seemed to know more than I did. We were chatting about all kinds of metaphysical topics and for some reason, the conversation gradually steered towards the spiritual healing arts.

And eventually she mentioned something that I had never heard of before…blue water.


Blue water, she told me, was just plain ordinary water to which you added something special.


And when you added this one special thing, the water would take on strange, if not miraculous, properties.


It was just as though the ordinary water had been granted super-powers.


This special thing that you needed to add was abundant and freely available.

And there was even a limitless supply out there that anyone could use. But the puzzling thing was that no-one seemed to ever think of adding it to water.
So what is this mysterious, special thing we can add to the water?



Sunlight?!?! ...Now I was really intrigued.

And I guess she could tell that my interest was sincere because she said that, at her home, she had some written information about blue water. And she offered to give it to me at the next meeting.

She kept her promise and, some weeks later at the next meeting, she brought me a single sheet of paper that had been typed out by hand.

It was a busy meeting that day so I folded the paper and put it in my pocket to read later when I got home.

Life is strange sometimes, for a lot of things changed dramatically for me shortly after that meeting. I had to leave my home town within a few days because of urgent work matters and I spent virtually the next few years travelling around the world, almost living out of a suitcase.

I never had the chance to go to those meetings again and I never saw that elderly lady again.


To this day, I don't even know if she is still alive.


I also don't know where this mysterious sheet of paper that she gave me came from, or who else knows about it.

What I do know is that the information on this sheet of paper was something that I had never come across before…or since.

For the past few years, I have occasionally searched the internet for references to this mysterious blue water but they just don't seem to exist.

I guess the truth is that many people just don't know this amazing secret about blue water.
So, now, rather than just keep this incredible information to myself, as has been the case for all these years, I'm going to share it with you for free.

The next section is an exact word-by-word copy of what was on that sheet of paper that was given to me.