Slimming Solved by Lea Davies - HTML preview

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Negative Calories

It's only common sense, that if we consume more calories than we use, then we are going to put on weight, but with the use of a little exercise, we can either lose weight by using up more calories than we take in, or at least we can even up the score and stay the same weight.

But there are also Negative Calorie Foods that can be of great help!

What this actually means is that
your body will have to use up
more energy to extract the
calories from these Negative
Calorie Foods, than the food


itself actually contains, (hence
the name) now how cool is that?

Some people, when trying to lose weight, can lose their resolve if they feel constantly hungry, and who wouldn't, I and most others sure would, so if you are used to eating large portions, then try having less higher calorific foods and bulk up your portion with more Negative Calorie type Foods. That way your stomach will still feel full and you won't be deprived of any calories, but remember, your body has to use more energy than these negative calorie foods actually contain.

The best thing though, is that they are all very nutritious, healthy and tasty foods, so it would also be helping you to maintain a healthy lifestyle, on top of which if you added some light regular exercise such as walking, swimming, or cycling then WOW, just think of the results that you would achieve.

O.K. Here is a list of Negative Calorie Foods for you to enjoy and have fun experimenting with.



Asparagus, Broccoli, Beets, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Carrot, Garlic, Papaya, Spinach, Turnips, Courgettes, Lettuce, Onions, Chilli Peppers.



Apples, Oranges, Grapefruit, Pineapple, Strawberries, Raspberries, Cranberries, Lemons, Mango's.

This list not only shows you how nutritious these foods really are, but that when you introduce them into your own everyday diet, they will also be a great aid for your digestion as well as constipation.

Have fun experimenting and enjoy.


00327.jpg00328.jpg00329.jpg00330.jpg00331.jpg00332.jpg00333.jpg00334.jpg00335.jpg00336.jpg00337.jpg“Discover the real you... I think you’ll like her!” Click on the link below for more great weight loss info!

Exercise Tips

Exercise. I know.... I know, that word makes most people cringe, but, you know, it doesn't really have to be that way. You don't have to go to the gym, you can exercise just as well at home. Many people pay really high gym membership fee's and end up never going back!! well, I'm sorry, but in my book, That's just plain crazy!!

No, I'm talking about the things that we do everyday, like Walking, Gardening, Swimming or riding a Bike.

These are commonly known as low impact exercises. They are especially good for you if you are extra weighty as they will put very little or no stress on the Hip, Knee or Ankle Joint.

Any activity that raises your heart rate,


gets you slightly out of breath or makes you feel warmer, is classed as Exercise, but whatever activity you choose, you

should always,always,always, start slowly and build it

up gradually, even if it's only Walking.

You should start off by doing about 30 minutes and build up from there. If you take on too much, too soon, you could very well injure yourself by pulling a muscle, and then you wouldn't get any Exercise done at all.
I think around 30 minutes per day for 5 plus days a week is good enough. Even with a busy schedule, I'm sure that most people could fit in 30 minutes per day.

You could walk briskly around your house or garden, or go up and down the stairs a few times.

The benefits of exercise are endless. You will be amazed at how much better you will start to feel after you get into the swing of it.

Talking about swing, keeping fit should be fun, so when I do my 30 minutes, I just pop on my favourite CD and dance to my hearts content. "Exercise isn't Exercise when you are enjoying yourself".

Water is essential for your good health and well being, but is even more important when you are Exercising, as you will need to replenish the fluids that you are losing through sweat.


For healthy exercise, before you start your 30 minutes, it's very important, that you stretch, to warm your muscles through and get them ready for action. It is also as equally important that you stretch again at the end of your workout. Do this for about 10 minutes each time and it will help prevent muscle stiffness.

So, now go find yourself a dance partner, and Have Fun getting yourself fit.

Or, like it say’s in a famous song.... ‘Jailhouse Rock’ “If you can’t find a partner use a wooden chair” Click on the link for more great info!


If you have a day when you just can't go without the food that you should really be avoiding, don't feel bad. That's okay. We all waver from time to time, so in my professional capacity as a qualified chef, I've written out two recipes for some good old favourites... Fish'n'chips and curry.

They are lower caloried versions, but I promise you, they are just as tasty, and very filling.




You will need...

• Potatoes
• White fish ( Cod or
Haddock )
• Breadcrumbs
• 1 Lemon
• Parsley ( Chopped )


• Olive Oil
• Salt & Pepper

For the chips

Wash and cut the potatoes length ways into 4 pieces, Leave the skin on as this is what retains all the nutrients. Put them on a baking tray and spray with olive oil, Season with salt and pepper and place them in a hot oven at around 180c (about gas mark 6) and bake for around 20 to 25 minutes.

For the fish

Take around 5 or 6 tablespoons of breadcrumbs and mix in the parsley (Fresh and chopped if possible, but if not, don't worry.) salt and pepper and the grated zest and juice of 1 lemon. If you are using fish that has been frozen, dab off any excess moisture with some kitchen towel and place on a baking tray that has been lined with baking parchment. Press on the breadcrumb mixture and bake in the oven for about 12 to 15 minutes or until cooked.

Serve and Enjoy. * * * * * * * *




I've done this with chicken but you could just as easily do it with any other meat, or even just veggies.

You will need...
1 Tablespoon of olive oil
2 Garlic Cloves
1 Tablespoon of fresh chopped ginger
2 Tablespoons of wholemeal flour
3 Teaspoons of Cumin (Ground)


2 Tablespoons of Curry power
220ml of chicken stock
220 grams of cauliflower or broccoli cut into small florets
1 Medium sized red onion
2 Medium sized cooked chicken breast (cubed or sliced)
2 Tablespoons of crème fraiche
40 grams of Raisins (optional)
Pinch of salt & pepper
Step 1

Heat the olive oil over a medium heat in a heavy pan or wok and lightly brown the onions.


Step 2

Combine the flour, Cumin, Curry power and salt & pepper in a bowl and mix together. Add the garlic and ginger to the bowl and mix again. Place the mixture into your pan or wok, and stir.

Step 3
Add the chicken stock to the mix and stir until it thickens. Step 4

Add the vegetables (lightly blanched if you don't want them al

Add the vegetables (lightly blanched if you don't want them al 10 minutes.

Step 5

Add the chicken and heat until the meat is piping hot right through. Remove from the heat and spoon in the crème fraiche Mmm...... sounds yummy! * * * * BON APPETITE!!

Click on the link for more great info!


I have recently had the opportunity to review a new product called the slim girls box of secrets, which I think you may find really helpful if you are finding it a little difficult to give up bread and potato's etc.

To read my full review, and testimonials from women who have successfully used this product, visit click on the link below, which will take you straight to the slim girls website.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my
eBook as much as I have enjoyed
writing it.

It just leaves me to say
“I wish you every success”.
00342.jpgWarmest Regards... Lea x
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought” Buddah
Author: Lea Davies
Copyright © 2009 slimming solved |


This free report is offered for informational purposes only. It should not or ever be taken as or construed as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified health professional before making any changes in your diet, prescription drug use, and lifestyle or exercise routine. This information is provided as-is, and the reader assumes all risks from the use, non-use or misuse of this information.

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