Quit Marijuana Now by Peter Hill - HTML preview

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Chapter 3 - The Secrets of Quitting Marijuana: Even If Everyone Around You Is Still Smoking

Many people reach a point in life where its time to quit smoking cannabis.
One of the most common challenges for people today is quitting pot while they
still have friends or family who continue to smoke around them. From
breaking the cycle, to acknowledging that only you can do this, talking with
the people in your life, laying down ground rules and spending time with your
friends and not smoking. This article will discuss the basics of quitting
marijuana naturally and easily while still being around all your friends who
still smoke.
The best way to be successful at quitting weed is to break the habits of
taking breaks to smoke with friends. The challenge with this is that people experience a withdrawal from their friends and marijuana buddies. So if you
are going to quit, you will have to take time to remove yourself from the
places where cannabis is smoked. Just remember that just because you have
made the decision to quit pot doesn't mean that you have to stop seeing your
friends for good. It just means that you will have to do some things that
will change the relationship dynamics.
The first step will be in realizing that nobody cares about whether you quit
marijuana now or not expect for you. You will be alone in your journey to
quit, and the solitude may be tough at first but will easier with practice.
The reason alcoholics and weed smokers stick together is so that nobody
quits. Become a leader for yourself and others and take control of your
life. Otherwise you will be a follower and it will be your friends who shape
your destiny.
The way to take control is to talk to the cannabis smokers in your life and
discuss your decision. You want to make your friends commit to helping you,
you want them to know that quitting marijuana is very important to you and
that you want them to promise that they help you quit. You should also
mention to them that you do not expect them to quit just because of you, but
that you do expect them to put the pressure on you to stick with your plan.
Quitting will always be a personal decision, and no one can do it for you.
This is first most important step.
Next you need to lay down some ground rules with all the people in your life
regarding this issue. Make it very clear and simple that you are counting on them to cooperate and help you quit. Tell them where they can smoke when
they want to but be sure to have something that you can have to distract your
own attention. Even something as simple as making a phone call, or playing a
video game instead of smoking will work wonders.
The reason you will need something to distract your self is that most
friendships will naturally involve being together and smoke marijuana
together. Get used to going out to the bars, or to parties and not smoking
cannabis. Each time you go out, and hang out with your friends without
smoking you will reinforce that behavior until it is automatic. This way you
will naturally quit without any stress, strain or confusion.
It is definitely a great thing when you have quit smoking marijuana for good,
and still have all your old friends be supportive of you. If you can just
remember to continually break your old pattern of smoking, take
responsibility and become a leader, tell people about your decision to quit
and lay down your ground rules, accustom yourself to going out with and
spending time with your friends. This way you can quit pot even while
everyone else still smokes, and keep your friends that you care about while
settings a great example of self control.
Can’t Find the Strength To Quit On Your Own? Get committed, get motivated and Stop Smoking Marijuana FOREVER!